Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2829
A full review by crypticsue
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ****
This puzzle was published on Sunday, 3rd January 2016
Another splendid Sunday puzzle – even though Kath’s away, I think I’ll pick just one favourite and go for 10a because it increased my general knowledge, or should I choose 7d because it reminds me of my dad who could apparently never find a school cap that fitted… or …. decisions, decisions!
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!
1a Contribution to disorder as calculating mischief-maker (6)
RASCAL – Making a contribution to disordeR AS CALculating
4a I play-act in silly way that’s unusual (8)
ATYPICAL – An anagram (in silly way) of I PLAY ACT.
10a From which you might get oil in USA — area that’s near Mississippi (9)
LOUISIANA – The State of LOUISIANA, which can be obtained from an anagram (from which you might get) of OIL IN USA, is, according to Mr CS’s research while I was making my notes prior to typing the review, one of the largest oil-producing areas in the world.
11a Broken article placed on end of desk (5)
KAPUT – A (indefinite article) PUT (placed) go on or after the end of desK.
12a Trees planted in middle of Seattle, initially (2,5)
AT FIRST – FIRS (trees) planted or inserted into the middle letters of SeATTle.
13a Waiting for start of action in court (7)
SERVICE – Assistance given in the form of waiting (in a shop or restaurant) or the act of starting a game of tennis, badminton or other racquet sport played on a court.
14a It contains what’s caught with fishing equipment (5)
CREEL – C (caught) REEL (fishing equipment)
15a Diagnose wrongly, hence intensely worried (8)
AGONISED – An anagram (wrongly) of DIAGNOSE.
18a A couple of pages are not clear (8)
APPARENT – A PP (a couple of abbreviations for page) ARENT (are not)
20a Person still being portrayed as problem (5)
POSER – Someone sitting for a portrait or a problem to be solved.
23a In new form, I am top learner, as good as can be (7)
OPTIMAL – An anagram (in new form) of IN AM TOP plus L (learner)
25a Country in the grip of winter rainstorm (7)
TERRAIN – lurking in the grip of winTER RAINstorm
26a Loud, isn’t hard to hear (5)
FAINT – F (musical instruction to play loudly) AINT (isn’t)
27a Step up on one side of debate (9)
PROMOTION – Because in a debate you are either for – PRO – or against the MOTION.
28a Was a pest of different type found in part of garden? (8)
BOTHERED – OTHER (of different type) found in a BED (part of garden).
29a Avoid or escape key cut (6)
ESCHEW – ESC (the key at the top of the keyboard) HEW (cut).
1d Banking on weapon that’s protecting one (8)
RELIANCE – RE (on the subject of) and LANCE (weapon) the latter protecting an I (one)
2d Mix of fuels for light baking (7)
SOUFFLE – An anagram (mix) of OF FUELS.
3d A line separating country in Europe and another (9)
AUSTRALIA – Time for an ‘old friend’ – insert A and L (line) into AUSTRIA (country in Europe)
5d Movement that’s raised skill and physical activity in people (14)
TRANSPORTATION – A reversal (that’s raised) of ART (skill) followed by NATION (people) into which is inserted SPORT (physical activity).
6d Epitome of stiffness in game (5)
POKER – Something that epitomises stiffness is also the name of a card game.
7d Turn over detail of school uniform that gives head fit (7)
CAPSIZE – Split 3, 4 to get the ‘head fit’ detail.
8d Little pigs, for example, create untidiness (6)
LITTER – A group of baby pigs may well create LITTER or untidiness.
9d Drink after first piece reduces energy — that limits star’s appearance (7,7)
PARTIAL ECLIPSE – ALE (drink) goes after PART I (first piece) and is followed by CLIPS (reduces) and E (energy).
16d Haughty and irreverent around ruler (9)
IMPERIOUS – IMPIOUS (irreverent) goes around ER, the cipher of our current Queen (ruler)
17d Mint and cinnamon, finally, included in concoction (5-3)
BRAND-NEW – AND (from the clue) and N (the final letter of cinnamon) inserted or included in BREW (concoction).
19d Loyal citizen in disturbance after non-violent strike (7)
PATRIOT – RIOT (disturbance) goes after PAT (non-violent strike).
21d Servile as prodigal son, to begin with (7)
SLAVISH – LAVISH (prodigal) goes after (to begin with) S (son)
22d Talk informally about fellow in taxi (6)
CONFAB – ON (about) and F (fellow) inserted into CAB (taxi).
24d Characteristic of feet as measure of length (5)
METRE – This measure of length can also refer to ‘feet’ in poetry.