DT 28006 (Hints) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 28006 (Hints)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27006 (Hints)

Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.

Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.

Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.

A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.

Some hints, which have been prepared with help from the Tantaluses (or should that be Tantali?) follow.


7a    Discover pens an Anglican church paid for (8)
A four-letter verb meaning to discover around (pens) AN and typical Anglican church abbreviation

10a    Came first, second or third and rested (6)
Double definition

12a    Where a koala’s likely to be  in a fix (2,1,3,4)
Double definition, the first being gently cryptic

14a    Men seen going west and east for winter festival (4)
Whichever way you look at it, reading from left to right (going east) or the reverse (going west) you get a man’s name – one of them is also the name of a winter festival

17a    Man  that offers a car lift (4)
A man’s name that is also a device used to lift a car

18a    Maybe get out of first  dress again? (6,4)
Double definition – the first is something that you might do while driving a car

20a    Naughty kiss by ace before evening of entertainments (5-3)
An anagram (naughty) of KISS preceded by A(ce) and 3-letter word for before

24a    Plant droop reversed with grafts (8)
The reversal of a 3-letter verb meaning to droop, followed by a word meaning grafts or labours – not a botanical plant!


1d    Mentioned man’s incentive (6)
Sounds like (mentioned) a man’s name

3d    Scholastic community needs an accountant, with media circling (8)
A (an) and a (Scottish) accountant an anagram (circling) of MEDIA

4d    Slope away, being put off (6)
An intransitive verb meaning to slope away or incline is also a transitive verb meaning to put off, maybe until tomorrow, but usually a lot later

5d    Gnu foolishly galloping in life-threatening traffic? (10)
An anagram (foolishly) of GNU followed by a synonym for galloping gives a type of trafficking or smuggling

15d    Second  winner (8)
Double definition (what a lot of these we have today!) – a verb meaning to second or support and a winner at the highest level

18d    Ring will go after most of money in gaming room (6)
Most of a word for money followed by IN and an O (ring)

19d    Make inquiries in Alabama or another state (6)
A verb meaning to make enquiries inside the old-fashioned abbreviation for Alabama

22d    Work following credit being cut (4)
Crosswordland’s favorite (sic) abbreviations for CR(edit) concatenated with a musical work

The Crossword Club is now open.

Could new readers please read the Welcome post and the FAQ before posting comments or asking questions about the site.

As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put any ANSWERS, whether WHOLE, PARTIAL or INCORRECT, or any ALTERNATIVE CLUES in your comment. If in doubt, leave it out!

Please read these instructions carefully. Offending comments may be redacted or, in extreme cases, deleted.

The Quick Crossword pun: looming+essence=luminescence

74 comments on “DT 28006 (Hints)

  1. Can somebody help. I subscribe to the crossword and receive it on my PC. I want to also receive it on my wifes’ Spple iPad but it does not let me sign in with the same log in details. Can any of you techies tell me how I can get round this? Any help most appreciated

      1. Many thanks BD. Could you give me a nudge with 9a or would that be giving too much away. It does help me to finish so that I can sort out the rugby for today

        1. Collywobbles, the definition is “given somewhere to live”. Put how a native of Provence would say “where” inside (in) an anagram (untidy) of shed.

      2. You can download the Puffin browser for your iPad in the Apps store (it’s free) and it runs flash, so the online telegraph website works if you use that browser. I’ve tried it on my iPad and the online crosswords work fine. Still prefer a pen and paper though!

    1. Collywobbles. On the iPad, download the free Crux app from the store. Once running, click settings, scroll down to premium memberships, then click on Telegraph. Enter your membership details then away you go. You can download simple, cryptic and toughie. It’s a great app, unfortunately only available on Apple devices.

      1. Fascinating – so if I use Crux and access the puzzles via the website I can then cancel my iPad subscription? I really only use the latter for the puzzles and so I’m paying twice for one thing, basically…

        1. You have to subscribe to puzzles. I guess you have to find your news somewhere else. Like you, I used to subscribe to the iPad paper, but found I wasn’t reading it so cancelled. My iPad is getting clunky now and I’ve bought a 2-in-1 laptop, so I’m back to using the puzzle site as Crux can’t be had on Windows or android. Shame.

          1. Thanks. Yes there are many free news sources and like you I find I head straight to the puzzles at the beginning of the day to wake my brain up but rarely read the rest.

            I’ve just had a look for Crux in the App Store but can’t find it – I wonder if it’s been withdrawn.

    2. Goodness knows I’m no techie, but are you trying to log in on the iPad whilst still logged in on the pc? It might be worth saving the page on the pc, logging out (not just leaving the site, but logging out before you do) then trying the iPad again. Good luck ?!

  2. All done & dusted, I found this to be one of the easiest prize puzzle’s for quite a while.My standout clue was 5D but also liked 18A. Wishing all a good weekend & thanks to the setter & BD for the mini hints?

  3. A ‘traditional’ Saturday AM write-in that was reasonably enjoyable to complete.

    Thanks to BD and setter */***

  4. 1*/2.5*. Once I had dropped onto the setter’s wavelength this was pretty much R&W with only 14a and 23a putting up any fight.

    The image conjured up by 5d raised a big smile, so I’ll nominate that as my favourite. I’d never previously thought of the answer as only one word but Chambers says it is.

    Thanks to the setter for a pleasant diversion with mostly commendably brief cluing and to BD for his hints.

    1. Rabbit D, funny I was left with the same two, not too happy about them. Was stuck on 8d until I realised 7a was not an anagram…
      Like last week a couple of interesting unlikely anagrams.(eg 15a)

      Thx to BD (or RD?). And the setter.

  5. Fairly easy puzzle but still enjoyable. Thanks for the hints BD and the extramural advice and thanks to Mr Ron

  6. I go along with most of the sentiments above. The first pass yielded all but six answers, and annoyingly, they took as long as the rest of this pleasant puzzles to solve. So 1.5*/3* from me. 15 across and 5 down my favourites.

    Thanks to Mr Ron and BD.

  7. The previous comments have made me think that I ought to post mine sooner in weeks to come because it’s all been said and I’m beginning to wonder whether the compiler is easing us gently into a new year…

  8. Again pretty much a R&W for me. 24a was last one in, having trawled through my RHS books until the penny dropped.
    Thanks to BD and setter.

  9. No real pain today but a slight problem with 7a and 10a in extreme NW. Needed BD to parse 20a and 24a – thanks for that. As Kath is Down Under (although in touch I fear!) I’ll risk plumping for 2 Favs viz 12a and 18a. **/***. Thanks Mysteron. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

      1. Don’t reckon my behaviour is any worse than your opting for an either/or situation in Comment 11 below – sneaky! Bon voyage anyway.

  10. Wholeheartedly agree that today’s crossword was easier than normal.
    And I think it must have been quite difficult for BD to choose which ones would cause a problem to solve.
    12a made me laugh. Didn’t know the expression before but easily guessed from the checkers.
    Thanks to the Saturday setter and to BD for the blog.

      1. Being on the waggon and finding I had time on my hands this afternoon with naff all else to do I sat and breezed through with no help whatsoever. Makes a change from struggling on bleary sunday mornings with help from your blog! Thanks BD, now what do I do tomorrow am?

        1. You’ve changed your alias since your last comment (in 2012). From now on both aliases will work.
          Tomorrow you could try the Sunday Telegraph puzzle – it’s almost always the best back-pager of the week.

  11. I agree that this was pretty straightforward – I enjoyed it, more than others did from the previous comments.
    I was going to quibble about 14a until I read the hint – thought it should have been ‘man’ not ‘men’ – missed the second ‘man’ – dim!
    No real problems so not really much else to say – perhaps I should be doing other things anyway . . . ?
    I liked 18a and 5 and 13d. My favourite was either 12 or 17a.
    With thanks to Mr Ron and to BD and the Tantali.

  12. On a regime of Benylin and Lemsip at the moment as I have succumbed to the lurgy. This offering took my mind off my self pity for a while and lessened the time before Leicester Tigers start their work. Nothing greatly challenging but enjoyable all the same. Thanks to BD for his efforts.

  13. We agree with everyone that this seems a bit easier than usual for a Saturday but really good fun with some lovely clues. Thanks to the setter and to BD for the hints and tips.

  14. Still stuck on 4d – I have a word that fits the 2nd definition…but I can’t see how that work with the 1st

    1. BD’s hint for 4d can’t be any clearer. It is also worth checking in a dictionary before saying ‘I can’t see’ as the answer is more often than not to be found there.

    2. 4d was my last one in. But it was slope meaning that had me confused. The “put off” is something you may do with with a book if you decide to read it at a later date.

    3. I can’t get 4d either, or 23a…
      The hint for 4d makes no sense to me either!!

      1. Got 4d when I finally understood the hint.
        Thanks to the setter and the hints, much appreciated.

  15. Either after 48 years at it I’ve finally cracked the Teleg or… ah yes… this was one of the most straightforward puzzles for a long, long time. I’m not complaining because it was quite fun and I really didn’t want anything too taxing today after a very late night attempting to export email accounts from Windows Live to Outlook. Total nightmare, so thanks for this. 14a was nice and 18a was my favourite. */*** for me. I do like the crumple-free position on the left-hand inside page – next best thing to the back page. Thanks to the setter and to BD for the blog. Cheers

  16. Quite straightforward, and done early EST, though I’m ashamed to say I had the wrong guy for 17A. Thanks to the setter and to BD for the review. NTSSP is next up.

  17. An enjoyable crossword. Thanks to the setter and BD for the hints. If anyone really wants a challenge, try parsing Bowie’s “Girl Loves Me”…..it came out yesterday. It’s full of Nadsat, Polari and RCS. I do not have a clue what he is talking about.. Help!

  18. */***. Straightforward but in parts very enjoyable. Thanks to the setter and BD for the blog.

  19. I really enjoyed this. True it was twirly straightforward but it’s so nice to have clues that properly match the answers! So no help needed today. 5d gave a giggle but all clues were my favourites ( sorry Kath) Thanks to the steer and BD. Have a good weekend everyone http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  20. Must have been easy, ‘cos I did it without help, although I needed this site to explain 14a – a bit of crosswordese I didn’t know.

    PS how did I get lumbered with the’angry Lisa Simpson’ pic?

  21. I agree with this being an easy-peasy puzzle.
    Without doubt, 12a is runaway favourite today.
    Thanks to setter and to BD for his hints.

  22. Hi everyone

    Cardiffian here, so a diet of rugby, rain and crosswording for me!. After thoroughly enjoying the Saturday & Sunday puzzles for about 8 months, thought I’d join in the banter. Very straight forward as everyone has commented, reasoned 2d but wasn’t aware of the word, favourites were 1d & 24a.

    1. Welcome to the blog, Taff. Now that you’ve de-lurked I hope you’ll become a regular contributer. We need some more Welsh rugby supporters here!

      1. Thank you Gazza, just realised how rude I was not to thank BigD and the setter for their efforts – shameful performance, lesson learned!

          1. Nice one Paso, better not say which London club I support, don’t want to spoil my big entry!

  23. Hints most appreciated, & thanks to the setter….

    small quibble re the hint to 3D-speaking as an accountant (English) we could perhaps drop the “a” and have an ACA (English)…..?

  24. Remember manners say thank to setter and BD first. Phew. Loved every minute of this because for the first time for ages no electronic help was needed, 12a my absolute favourite but hard pressed to choose that from so many. http://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif off to try NTSPP.

  25. 21a and 24a were the last two in. No anagram letters littering the page. Very enjoyable but over much too soon. Apart from the aforementioned all the others were a write straight in. Too many favourites to mention. For most I got the answer and then worked out why. If I had to choose I would say 18a. Thanks setter et al.

  26. Feeling rather stupid but I’m stuck in 1 down & 10 across…. Any help so I can put this one to bed would be great!

  27. I disagree about the easiness level , I needed a few nudges , especially in the top right corner , which I don’t usually.
    But I have not long finished the most enormous and delicious lunch, not liquid , or hardly, so that may have interfered with the little grey cells , as Poirot calls them.
    My favourite is 12a.
    Thanks to the setter and BD.

  28. I did this while watching a 1960 film called “Carrier Strike Force” about the old HERMES on the Forces TV channel. It was marvellous, and thoroughly recommended to anyone sharing my tastes/background. I only mention it because I still completed the puzzle in 1* time. Still, it was quite enjoyable (3*). 24a made me laugh, so that’s my pick for top clue. Thanks to the setter, and to BD.

  29. Managed to complete it, though I don’t understand 23a.
    For a novice like me, it’s good to complete, especially after some hard ones this week.
    Thanks to the setter and big Dave for the blog.

  30. Didn’t need the review today, which is the first time in a while, so puzzle must have been on the easy side. Good fun with 1d the only one which held me up for a while. What to do next is the problem. Perhaps browse through the selection of books I was given for Christmas. Son number one came home for the weekend and has cooked and cleared up. I have time on my hands. Bliss. Thank you setter for today’s delight, and to BD for the review. Cute pic in 12a. I keep thinking that I must change my avatar sometime as it’s far from cute. It’s rather fierce and grumpy, which I’m definitely not.

  31. R&W. Good beginners’ fare, but I felt a little disappointed – as an entry level solver – to complete this one before even taking a sip of my pint. I suppose I’ll just have to go to bed now. Thanks, however, to BD for giving me the second man in 14a. No real favourites. 1/*/2*

  32. Thanks BD for helping with 14a. I hadn’t come across that use of west & east. Definitely easier this week – only needed help for 14a and to understand 15d this weekhttp://bigdave44.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  33. All slotted in very painlessly on a return trip from London last night – except pesky 14a which popped out this morning.
    Lots of nice clues but top of the list is 24a – lovely surface reading and misdirection :)
    Thanks to the setter and BD.

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