Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2809
A full review by crypticsue
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty **– Enjoyment ***
This puzzle was published on Sunday, 16th August 2015
What a difference a week makes – a straightforward solve and a pleasure to enjoy a second time while drafting the review
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!
1a Minimal salary increase in, for example, good job! (6)
PRAISE – a P (penny) RAISE would definitely be a minimal salary increase!
4a Diverted in midstream, use discretion (6)
AMUSED – Hidden in midstreAM USE Discretion.
8a Revolutionary comrade with little time for non-Communist (8)
DEMOCRAT – An anagram (revolutionary) of COMRADE with T (‘little’ abbreviation for time).
10a Reinforcing piece added to shoe to walk backwards (6)
TOECAP – TO (from the clue) and a reversal (backwards) of PACE (walk).
11a Leading characters in final episode ultimately died in conflict (4)
FEUD – The ‘leading characters’ of Final Episode Ultimately and Died.
12a How to connect painter with craft, say, and establish union (3,3,4)
TIE THE KNOT – This informal way of saying ‘get married’ (establish union) could be an instruction to connect a rope (painter) to a boat (craft).
13a Remaining fish on slate, perhaps, put in the shade (12)
OVERSHADOWED – OVER (remaining) SHAD (fish) OWED (on slate, perhaps).
16a Numbers with other books showing modest talent in novel form (3,9)
OLD TESTAMENT – An anagram (in novel form) of MODEST TALENT
20a Supporter‘s complaint about new player (10)
BENEFACTOR – N (new) inserted into BEEF (complaint) and followed by ACTOR (player)
21a Empty vehicle one gets into (4)
VAIN – I (one) inserted into VAN (vehicle).
22a In addition, having acted as guide inside Spanish city (6)
TOLEDO – LED (having acted as guide) inserted into TOO (in addition).
23a Make change in layout concerning pro wrestling location (8)
REFORMAT – RE (concerning) PRO (for) MAT (wrestling location).
24a Hidden in hotel at entrance, as yet undiscovered (6)
LATENT – As the clue helpfully says, LATENT is hidden in hoteL AT ENTrance
25a Next to piano, song is secondary activity (2-4)
BY-PLAY – BY (next to) P (piano) LAY (song).
1d Maintain quiet and restrained manner (8)
PRESERVE – P (musical notation for quiet) and RESERVE (restrained manner).
2d Admitted, audibly? Just so (5)
ALOUD – Sounds like allowed or admitted but actually (just so) means audibly.
3d Spell another word for sentence (7)
STRETCH – A single spell or an informal term for a prison sentence.
5d He wrote sacred verses in dull fashion (7)
MATTHEW – MATT (dull) HEW (fashion by cutting).
6d Husband in rebuilt home with kids, in part of Arabia (9)
SHEIKHDOM – H (husband) inserted into an anagram (rebuilt) of HOME and KIDS.
7d Idea I dropped on Tory minister (6)
DEACON – Remove the I from IDEA and then add CON (like Tory, another abbreviated way of referring to the Conservative Party).
9d Watch someone like me crossing river as leader, in a fashion (11)
TRENDSETTER – TEND (watch) SETTER (someone like Virgilius [me]) with R (river) inserted.
14d President‘s first lady left in sleeping-place (9)
ROOSEVELT – EVE (first lady on Earth) and L (left) inserted into ROOST (sleeping-place).
15d Close friendship unusually found in main city (8)
INTIMACY – An anagram (unusually found) of MAIN CITY
17d Monster devouring old soldier on horse (7)
DRAGOON – O (old) ‘devoured by’ DRAGON (monster).
18d Wanting to save money, your old clothes split (7)
THRIFTY – THY (an old way of saying your) ‘clothes’ or goes round RIFT (split).
19d Start back and wind up again like this? (6)
RECOIL – A verb meaning to rebound might if written 2-4 mean to wind up again into a coil.
21d Run into small vessel extremely popular with surfers? (5)
VIRAL – The surfers being users of the Internet – R (run) inserted into VIAL (small vessel).
Now I’m getting better at not just hanging on to the old crosswords but remembering where I put them too.
I do remember missing the anagram indicator and so having trouble with 8a.
I also got stuck with 23a – don’t have the first idea about wrestling let alone where they do it.
I liked 22 and 25a and 18d.
Thanks to Virgilius and to CS.
Normal service is resumed with the usual silky-smooth clues. Thanks to Virgilius and to CS for the review. I’ll put 1a, 25a and 18d on my podium.