ST 2807 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 2807

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2807

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty **/***Enjoyment ****

This puzzle was published on Sunday, 2nd August 2015

I’m standing in for Gnomey who is “doing his bit for the Greek economy”, although possibly not getting quite as much sun as he hoped – he was having to shelter his beer from the rain in the last post I saw.  I’ve probably got the better deal with the chance to enjoy this  Sunday puzzle all over again.

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.  You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!


7a           Minimal temperature and pressure in main plant (5,3)
SWEET PEA –   WEE (minimal) T (temperature) P (pressure) inserted into SEA (main).

9a           Article by son constitutes academic work (6)
THESIS –   THE (definite article) S (son) IS (constitutes).

10a         Exercises needed on part of flight in Russia, it’s plain (6)
STEPPE –   STEP (part of a flight of stairs) PE (physical exercises).

11a         Source of amusement, including game — good topic for mathematicians (8)
TOPOLOGY –   TOY (source of amusement) with POLO (game) and G (good) inserted.

12a         Explanatory addition providing insurance for landlord? (8,6)
COVERING LETTER – This explanatory addition to something could describe a landlord’s insurance document.

15a         Support one’s withdrawn from pioneer (4)
PIER –   As the clue says, withdraw or remove ONE from PIoneER

17a         Young woman in novel returning before final chapter (5)
WENCH – A reversal (returning) of NEW (novel) goes before the abbreviation for chapter.

19a         Back part of city in no-win situation (4)
DRAW –   A reversal (back) of WARD (part of city).

20a         How unwavering person acts during passage, mostly without roughness (14)
INTRANSIGENTLY –   IN TRANSIt (during passage ‘mostly’) and GENTLY (without roughness).

23a         Imitator of style in a sport I’d transformed (8)
PARODIST –   An anagram (transformed) of A SPORT ID.

25a         Area within career that brings expression of delight (6)
HURRAY – A (area) inserted into HURRY (career here meaning to rush)

27a         Particular sci-fi movie shown in Irish house (6)
DETAIL –   ET (Crosswordland’s most useful sci-fi movie) inserted into the Irish house of parliament – the DAIL.

28a         Somebody else working with a learner? Only in theory (8)
NOTIONAL –   NOT I (somebody else) ON (working) A (from the clue) L (learner).


1d           Hard-working student recovers from breakdown? Just the reverse (4)
SWOT –   A reversal of TOWS (recovers from breakdown).

2d           Folk including couples from right parts of Europe stop awhile (6)
PEOPLE –   The final two letters (couples from right) of EuroPE stOP awhiLE.

3d           Quietly play part in treaty (4)
PACT – P (piano, quietly) ACT (play part).

4d           Secure, in a way, important element of diet (6)
STAPLE –   To secure in a particular way; or an important food source in one’s diet.

5d           Legal document about property needing to be blown up (8)
DEFLATED –   DEED (legal document) put round FLAT (property).

6d           It’s on hand, providing quick coverage (10)
FINGERNAIL –   A cryptic definition of part of one’s hand.

8d           Early opportunity to see clergyman I located sitting in church? (7)
PREVIEW –   REV (reverend, clergyman) and I (from the clue) located or inserted into PEW (somewhere one might be sitting in church).

13d         Arose and made a speech, having imbibed one drink (10)
ORIGINATED –   GIN (one drink) imbibed by or inserted into ORATED (made a speech).

14d         Part of family showing brilliance? Not I (5)
GENUS –   Remove the I (not I) from GENIUS (showing brilliance).

16d         Like brain operations, helping almost everyone (8)
RATIONAL –   RATION (helping) AL (almost ALL, everyone).

18d         No flat cap for such a snob (4-3)
HIGH-HAT – An informal term for a snob or aristocrat is the opposite of a flat cap.

21d         Failed miserably away from home (6)
AFIELD –   An anagram (miserably) of FAILED

22d         New directional aid used in restricted channel (6)
NARROW – N (new) ARROW (directional aid)

24d         Selection from Internet entertainment in place of circus (4)
TENT –   Hidden in a selection from interneT ENTertainment.

26d         Open a little container with key, initially (4)
AJAR –   A (musical key) goes before (initially) JAR (container).


2 comments on “ST 2807

  1. Thanks to Virgilius for another set of super-smooth clues and to CS for putting in the overtime to do the blog. I’d pick out 1d, 2d and 6d as candidates for the honours list.

  2. Got 11a from electronic supertoy and looked it up after BD’s masterly explanation and picture, if I am really honest I still do not understand. Enjoyed the fingernail and preview.

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