Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27565
Hints and tips by Miffypops
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
Every week I polish off Rufus’s puzzle at silly o clock whilst half asleep. Only when reviewing do I realise just how good these puzzles are. 20 down is exceptionally clever. Saint Sharon may have her kitchen finished by Friday, nine months after I started it. It is bright outside and all is good in my little world. I hope it is good in yours too.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Camaraderie that a student may hope for (10)
FELLOWSHIP We have a nice double definition to get us going. The second part refers to the world of academia where such a group might work together to further knowledge
6a Boss has education cut short (4)
STUD This upright timber in a wall can be found by dropping (cut short) the last letter of a word meaning education
10a A wire 200 yards in length (5)
CABLE An antiquated nautical term for 200 yards is also a variant of the American terms for wires made from strands of metal and also electronically sent messages
11a Crude oil in a USA state (9)
LOUISIANA This American state is made up of an anagram (crude) of OIL IN A USA
12a East Russian bear is in wild (8)
SIBERIAN Another one for the anagram fans. Wild suggests the anagram. The definition is East Russian.
13a Ward off with shortened sword held by both hands (5)
REPEL Oooh I like this one. You have two hands one of either side of your body. Take the initial letter of these and insert (held) a duelling sword minus its last letter (cut short)
15a Issue helps to make one man a teacher (7)
EMANATE Kath and I have decided that hidden words will now be called lurkers. This is a lurker. Go find it.
17a Damp returns in place that’s for cooking (7)
STEWPOT Take a three letter word meaning damp and reverse it (returns). Dump it into a word meaning a place to find this cooking vessel used to make a winter warmer. Mmmm food.
19a Watch marksman getting optical range (7)
EYESHOT We often use the word for audible range. This is its close cousin but rarely used outside crosswordland. Split 3,4 the first two words of the clue would suit The Quickie and together they provide the answer here.
21a I will be imprisoned in stronghold somewhere in Spain (7)
CASTILE There are lots of these strongholds, they are all over the place. Kenilworth and Warwick are the nearest well known ones to me but The Tump at Brinklow is my favourite. (It is free, has great views, entertains the children and has good pubs nearby) Stick an I into the middle of one of these to find one of the kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula.
22a Father is getting through the Telegraph? (5)
PAPER Our usual two lettered father is followed by the Latin for through to find a definition of what The Daily Telegraph is.
24a Done — to death? (8)
EXECUTED A stand out clue for me. A double definition. The first meaning to have completed a task and the second to be put to death by order.
27a A pair of braces which are put together by the astute (3,3,3)
TWO AND TWO This pair of braces make four. It means to figure something out by means of the information available
28a Fully employ — an umbrella for example? (3,2)
USE UP To exhaust a supply of something or the way in which we use an umbrella. What goes up a chimney down but won’t go down a chimney up?
29a Has to get quiet door fastening (4)
HASP Take the first word of the clue and add the musical abbreviation for quietly or soft to find this door fastening.
30a Field dressing of growing importance (10)
FERTILISER What farmers use in abundance to encourage growth of crops.
1d Effrontery, more than cheek (4)
FACE This word for impertinence or cheek (or lip for that matter) describes the whole of ones visage
2d Built with care in a way to help to avoid friction (9)
LUBRICATE Anagram (in a way) of BUILT with CARE
3d Daisy is a neat looker! (2-3)
OX EYE This tall and rather pretty daisy is made from taking a two lettered word for cattle or neat which is popular in crosswordland and always foxes newcomers and those with short memories and adding a word for your organ of sight
4d Cross sailor gets over anger (7)
SALTIRE Take one of our usual suspects for sailor and add our regular word for anger to find this heraldic cross.
5d Tropical animals upset us again (7)
IGUANAS Anagram (upset) of US AGAIN
7d Go for a long walk — or take up afternoon painting (5)
TRAMP Another smiler of a clue. The first part is a straightforward definition. The wordplay suggests using the abbreviation for afternoon (post meridian) and adding the word for the creative activity using paints and inverting the whole lot (take up)
8d Uncalled-for correspondence (4,6)
DEAD LETTER An unsolicited letter. My online dictionary suggest an undeliverable letter. Those with The BRB may have the first definition.
9d They wrongly assume moneylenders must be carrying cash (8)
USURPERS Take those who lend at extortionate rates and insert (carrying)the abbreviation for our smallest coin to find those who try to take positions of power or trust that rightfully belong to others. Lambert Simnell springs to mind.
14d Bag holds writhing viper in agitated state (5,5)
FEVER PITCH Take a verb meaning to go for and bring back something and add an anagram Writhing of VIPER
16d Disciple has to stick to holy writ (8)
ADHERENT Add the second half of The Holy Bible to a verb meaning to stick
18d Highly esteemed? That’s hilarious! (9)
PRICELESS A double definition. A third might be so precious that its value cannot be determined.
20d Where he may be involved in diverting treat (7)
THEATRE This clever clue combines an all in one with a charade that contains an anagram. How clever is this? This diverting treat can be found by placing HE from the clue inside (may be involved in) an anagram (diverting) of TREAT
21d It’s smoked by the great man in bed (7)
CHEROOT The bed is that of a small child. The great man is one noted for courage or bravery. Put the great man in the bed to find this small cigar
23d Religious debt put in postscript (5)
PIOUS Place I Owe YoU inside a PostScript
25d Standard in American university depressing a student (5)
USUAL Take the initial letters of United States and University and add A from the clue and the initial letter of a student or Learner
26d Incentive to provide branch road (4)
SPUR We end as we began with a double definition. This one is rather easy to begin with and gets even easier with each checking letter.
Thanks to Kate Bush for singing to me this morning. Why oh why didn’t I buy tickets to your series of shows?
The Quick Crossword pun: antic + waited = antiquated
Didn’t like 3d
I have heard of bull’s eye, but not this neat version
Expect that 4d will be popular north of the border
There’s more than one 4D, you know! MP and I live in the Kingdom of Mercia, which has a yellow-on-blue 4D.
All bulls are neat, but not all neat are bulls :-)
2*/4*. Wonderful stuff as ever on a Monday. I thought 18d was 18d. It was my last one in and favourite. 24a was a close second, but they were all very good!
Many thanks to Rufus and to MP.
This was nice and straightforward BUT was a good 4 star for enjoyment, in my book.
I liked 21d and loved 27a, and several others but my overall favourite was 9d.
Didn’t need you MP, but thanks anyway.
Favourite was 9d. Last one in was 14 down (couldn’t get asp out of my mind!) and took a long time to get the significance of bag
Completed without resorting to hints and tips. An enjoyable puzzle pitched about right for me although I hadn’t heard of 8d or 19a before. Favourites are 4d and 18d. Thanks to setter and Miffypops for the review.
Morning Each. Almost write-in for me today, but with the usual clever clues. Particularly liked 27A and 3D.
Glad it didn’t take too long as we still have a fair bit of rain here (very short, sharp cloudburst) an quite a bit of wind and as I spent a fair portion of yesterday afternoon in the rain trying to make sure the beans didn’t get blown over, I think I’m going to have to devise some more permanent solution today.
Another display of both wit and humour from our setter, Rufus and our reviewer , Miffypops.
It’s impossible to pick a favourite, there are too many very good clues. I needed MP’s explanation of 10a, as I hadn’t heard of that measure. I had chain in for a short while, although I can no longer remember what distance this length represents.
A chain is 22 yards, the distance between the stumps at cricket :-)
Oh! Interesting.
I, too, had chain, but when I got 3d I erased it.
The usual pleasant Monday fare from Rufus!
Faves : 10a, 27a, 4d, 9d & 16d.
Longest time ever for a Rufus puzzle -not because it was any more difficult than usual because my tiny ‘helper’ would keep taking the pen away. Thanks to Rufus and to MP.
for the kitchen finisher.
I got 9d wrong, which meant that I had problems with 17a and had to resort to the blog to get me out of the mire (of my own making) – apart from that it all went swimmingly!
I found this a considerably trickier Rufus than usual, although I got there in the end. Probably largely me being slow, but that said, I needed a couple of MP’s hints for parsings, which doesn’t usually happen with a Rufus. Like Kevin, I hadn’t heard of “ox” = “neat,” but if it’s a crossword favourite, I’m sure I’ll enjoy seeing it come up again :). I couldn’t – and still can’t – see it in my BRB (LRI) either, but surely it must be there somewhere!* I also didn’t know the 200 yds definition of 10a.
Being a morbid sort, I shall go for 24a as favourite, with 2d runner-up. ***/***, with thanks to Rufus and Miffypops.
(P.S. if it’s not already corrected, there’s a typo in the answer for 21a.)
*ah, yes – under “neat”, just not under “ox”
Well spotted Kitty I have used on L too many. The second word of 30ac should be plural. Heigh Ho. Thanks anyway. I like your comments
Aww, thanks! I shall keep commenting then :).
Yet more stimulating fun from Rufus and Miffypops. Thank you both. This had just the right amount of challenge for a Monday morning after a weekend of family celebrations and the high life now back to the grindstone or whatever! I suppose 17a is a “place”?
Fav probably 4d.
I found this rather easier than 3*. I know quite a lot of people struggle with Rufus but my brain must work along similar lines and I find him the most accessible of all the regulars, but always with an elegance and polish others struggle to match. 18d my favourite. 1.5*/3*
PS If anything his contribution in another of today’s broadsheets was even more straightforward, but equally entertaining.
Hello Rick. I forgot to edit the rating due to deleting the last half a dozen clues just as I ws about to email the blog to Big dave
I too thought it was easy- very entertaining, however. 20d- very nice indeed.
For me a */***.
I very rarely need to resort to clues but like reading this blog anyway- it’s great fun.
Straightforward but fun, thanks to Rufus and MP.
As everyone has said so far the usual superb crossword from Rufus this morning.
Re 1a I think the second definition is a financial grant that a student may hope for. Re 8d , rather than in the spam sense, the uncalled for probably means that no one has gone to pick it up and it is gathering dust in the post office. Oh the good old days of letters :)
Thanks again to Rufus and to MP for your very enjoyable review.
Almost a write-in but enjoyable nonetheless. I had to check the various spellings of 21a to make it fit as the obvious answer has 8 letters and I only had 7 spaces but not to worry! I’d give it **/***
I love Monday puzzles, and especially 4 down. Todays meaning of neat quite often appears in crosswords I think. Thank you to the setter and to Miffypops. Saint Sharon’s kitchen is going to be something special when it’s finished, hopefully.
Found this a **/***, not hugely difficult but great fun. However, could someone please explain ‘bag’ in 14d and ‘depressing’ in 25d, neither seems to fit the answer.
Best clue for us was 30a closely followed by 17a.
Thx to the setter and to Miffypops even if I still don’t quite get the clues above rom the hints
The answer to your question about Kate Bush is because you value your hearing!
Brian, 14d, bag is a synonym for fetch, into which you insert an anagram of viper.
25d I think the depressing refers to the us, u and a being above the L (in a down clue).
In 14d bag is a verb meaning obtain, secure, get hold of.
25d Depressing just means in front of or on top of, in a down clue.
Thx Guys, that all makes sense, although I thought to bag meant to capture as in ‘to bag a pair’. There we are, one learns something new every day.
I am new to cryptic puzzles and this is the first one that I have been able to finish without resorting to this page. I liked 18d. There were several ‘Ah yes’ moments 25d 17a. Thanks.
Welcome to the blog Ally. Well done – stick with us and you’ll soon be finishing them every day.
Welcome to the blog Ally and congratulations on your first solo flight!
Well done Ally. Lovely to hear from you
Well done indeed, Ally! Keep at it, and before you know it you’ll be saying things like “that was a write-in” :). Be warned, though, this can be a seriously addictive hobby!
Thank you everyone
Welcome from me too. In addition to what Kitty said about crosswords being seriously addictive you should also be warned that this blog is pretty addictive too.
I meant both the crosswords and this blog, Kath! :)
I am already addicted to both!
Great – welcome to another addict! I’m all for them.
A good start to the week, no great difficulty but lots of enjoyment. My rating is2*/4* Such a plethora of good clues, in the end I have opted for 27A as the outstanding one of the day and Miffypops as the outstanding reviewer of the day to whom I offer my thanks!
Ah, thanks Graham.
Thanks to Rufus and to Miffypops for the review and hints. A very entertaining start to the week. I must have been on the right wavelength, only problem was 1d, which was first in and wrong :-) Managed to correct it after I solved 1a. Favourite was 20d. Last in was 8d, was 1*/4* for me. Sun in and out like a yo-yo in Central London.
Juuuuuuuust a minute!
21 a.) I immediately thought CASTILLE, but I count 1 more than seven? It must be Castille, but have we spotted a rare compiler error sneaking in under the radar?
Last year you were Baffled Bob – now you are only Puzzled!
21a was not a rare compiler error but the far less rare blogger error.
Castile is the English spelling of the Spanish “Castilla”.
Thanks for that. I wondered about it as I’m reading a book about Castile and wondered why they spelled it differently.
As a newbie at this I was confused by the help provided today until I realised the Accross answers wea ll jumbled up and some are missing!
Welcome to the blog Paul
I think it was just a few digits dropped off the front of some of the clue numbers – should be OK now.
About this kitchen. Don’t rush it. It’s important to get it right.
What’s nine months anyway?
Shhhhhhhh – I’m not sure that MP needs much encouragement to procrastinate for a bit longer! Saint Sharon needs all the help she can get if she’s ever going to have a kitchen again.
Late here today – no electricity all morning.
I’d have to say 1* plus a bit, if only because no crossword is ever just 1* difficulty for me – 3* and some for enjoyment.
No real hold-ups apart from 21a which I wanted to spell with a double L but then it didn’t make sense. I was also a bit slow to get 14d and couldn’t spell 11a.
Lots of good clues – too many to put them all down so I’ll just go for 24a as my favourite – I have a rather suspect sense of humour.
Thanks to Rufus and Miffypops who shouldn’t be reading these comments – he needs to get on with that kitchen!
There is very little I can do until Thursday Kath then it is all out to finish it. Absolutely. Next week I restart on the bathroom which was started by Saint Sharon just over eight years ago.
Wait until you have a toddling grandson comng to stay – we had things fixed last week that needed doing for years. He’s still managed to find the things that weren’t and should have been.
Who cares about what’s fixed or not – I still just envy the grandson. Lucky old you – glad that you’re enjoying him.
PS I could be completely wrong here but I think the whole point of 1a is that a fellowship is a postgraduate position i.e. not one that an undergraduate (student) could have so he or she would first have to graduate – not sure that’s expressed very well . . .
Hi Kath
I think you’re right and there’s more to the clue as you say. A fellowship is also a grant given to a post graduate (but I’m not sure if that is just North America) After all you do live in Oxford don’t you??
Yes – you’re right – we do live in Oxford but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I know any more about this than anyone else does!
Well, postgrads are still classed as students.
Fellowships are normally post-doctoral positions, and you would no longer be classed as a student, unless, of course you wanted to start all over again and do more degrees which seems to be a bit of a hobby for some retired people…
Nothing to do with the clue and, probably just to complicate things anyway, Fellows, i.e. the senior people, at Christchurch are called students.
Ha, ha Yes. But Christ Church ‘students’ don’t get to join the NUS.
Takes me back to a time when, as a registered higher degree student , I got free entry to the Cabinet War Rooms, whilst my impecunious daughter, having just graduated with a degree in Contemporary History, had to pay!
I think I’ll shut up. This could just be one of those times when I wish I’d kept quiet – something, or even yet another thing, that I’m not good at!
Don’t ever shut up. You always provide spice to a discussion.
Ditto .
OK – thanks all – I’ll just keep gabbing – it’s one of the things that I know I can do, and there are few enough of those!
I had to work a bit harder with this Rufus today, as I usually am dead on wavelength and just write in. Firstly, I shot myself in the foot by putting “chain” in 10a; silly, really, as I know a cricket pitch is a chain and it’s hardly 200 yards long! Great puzzle, I loved it. Fave has got to be 20d, but there are many honourable mentions. Thanks Rufus, and thank you Miffypops for the most entertaining review.
You have spurred me into action.
Have just refitted soap dish (c 6 months since first collapse) and French window door hooks ( 2 years ish). Total of about 10 mins work.
If you need any help with the bathroom you may want think twice before contacting me.
Au contraire. You are hired. meet me tonight for a pint or three to decide on a plan of action. Meet me tomorrow night to discuss the change of plan and again on Wednesday night just to make sure. We wont start until we agree on each tiny detail.
I’m sure if MP asked you nicely, you’d paint him a Muriel in the kitchen too
Very enjoyable. A 2*/4*. Favourites 18 and 20d. Thanks to the setter and MP for the review.
Super puzzle which was intellectually challenging but doable. Many thanks to MP for the hints which were really useful, particularly as this is a 3* and my limit, unaided, is 2* and many thanks to Rufus for a good crossword
Hi all. I’m not even sure if this is going to send. Fingers crossed.
Well you made it! Now what?
Well the bloggers often drop by and the setters sometimes comment but here the answer to 17ac has dropped by. Hello Stewpot
I think I’ve crossed over into LaLa Land. Am I the only one?
Welcome to Lala Land! :)
Come on Stewpot – join us all in Lala Land and tell us what you were going to say. You have, after all, well and truly arrived on the blog.
Thank you Rufus, another enjoyable puzzle. Thanks MP for the review and hints. Lovely weather in Anglesey – well for now anyway !
Hello Miffypops. Hello to all. Daft question but how do you all know who the setter is each day? Or do they just rotate and have the same day?
See the FAQs Stewpot. The answer is in there somewhere.
Doh! Sorry MP. What’s FAQs? I’m new to this blogging caper.
Hi. At the top of the page you will find various sections which you may find helpful. One is FAQ which stands for Frequently Asked Questions. At the bottom of that page is a list of setters and the days they set
For someone who’s new to this blogging caper you’re doing remarkably well, I’d say.
Please ignore my comment a few minutes ago – one day I will learn to read through to the end of the comments before replying to an earlier one. I’ve been “playing this game” i.e. commenting, for over four years now and I still have loads to learn.
… but you’re still welcome to join us all in Lala Land, Stewpot! It’s a little crowded, but there’s good company, and plenty of cake and Ribena (that’s the more expensive Ribena which comes in bottles that may be corked or screw-top).
Good Monday fun as usual. No major delays.
Thanks Rufus and Miffypops.
What a great evening’s entertainment! Thank you Rufus for a superb puzzle, just the right amount of difficulty, a few words to look up, some fab clues, 13a 24a. Thank you to Miffypops for explaining neat and for pointing out the lurker, so eloquently clued that I missed it. And then thank you to Kath et al for wonderful blogging read.
Well – what a good day on the blog. Lots of comments. Thanks and well done to Miffypops for sparking off today’s fun and to BD for starting it all off so long ago – I do always like to take any opportunity to say that.
An entertaining but not over-taxing puzzle, for which many thanks to Rufus. An excellent start the crossword week. I think 9d was my favourite, but there were other contenders. Thanks to Miffypops too for the review.
Thoroughly enjoyable crossword barely ** for difficulty but ***/***** for enjoyment. I did originally think the moneylender in 9d a little unfair as I thought the one required only referred to one charging excessively but Chambers put me right.
Everyone was on top form here. What an entertaining review and blog! Going through my paper copy now has been good fun. Thank you all, especially Miffypops.
Now to the source of the pleasure. I enjoyed this puzzle and unexpectedly managed to complete it with correct parsing and all. I had no problems with the top half but then came to a halt. I came back to the puzzle later, and gradually the remainder fell into place. **/*** for me. Fave was 9d, but there were many other lovely clues. Thank you very much, Rufus.
I may be a day late but I have finally finished not helped by being determined to have ‘overused’ as the answer to 20a. When will I learn? No, please. don’t answer….
Thanks Rufus and MP.
Thank you Rufus and Miffypops. I enjoyed this one, especially 24a and 20d but needed hints for 15a, 6a (clearly gave in too soon) and first part of 8d. Hope all goes well with the new kitchen.
What a splendid puzzle! Just got around to it this evening as we’ve been away for a couple of days so in catch-up mode now.
We went through the acrosses and got all but three and then cleaned the downs – you can guess how long the last 3 acrosses then took. The whole thing was over in a blink but I had a grin for most of it
They don’t have to be hard to be fun..
Thanks to Rufus and Miffypops.
What a lovely crossword, surface readings so smooth, I do enjoy Mondays. And I enjoy them even more with your delightful reviews, Miffypops. Thank you so much.