Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27480
A full review by crypticsue
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
This puzzle was published on Saturday, 3rd May 2014
A fairly straightforward enjoyable crossword as we have come to expect when it is Cephas’ turn to provide us with the Prize Puzzle.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Not easy to trace printout (4,4)
HARD COPY – HARD (not easy) and COPY (trace).
5a A waterway in another country (6)
ABROAD – A + BROAD (a waterway in East Anglia).
10a Lacrosse quartet playing a short distance away (2,5,8)
AT CLOSE QUARTERS is an anagram (playing) of LACROSSE QUARTET.
11a Peace, as occupied by the French (7)
SILENCE – SINCE (as) occupied by LE (the French word for ‘the’).
12a Regular visitor needs a short time in shade (7)
HABITUE – Insert into HUE (shade) A (from the clue) and BIT (short period of time).
13a Fail to notice I have a letter (7)
MISSIVE – MISS (fail to notice) and IVE (I have).
15a In Japan I mustn’t find hostility (6)
ANIMUS is found in JapAN I MUStn’t.
19a Get back in gear after changing (6)
REGAIN – An anagram (after changing) of IN GEAR.
20a One provides accompaniment for fish first (7)
BASSIST provides musical accompaniment – BASS (fish) and IST (first).
23a Pugilist‘s rib sure to be injured (7)
BRUISER – A prize fighter is an anagram (to be injured) of RIB SURE.
25a Woman grabbing doctor’s instrument (7)
MARIMBA – An MB (Bachelor of Medicine) is inserted into MARIA (woman).
27a Bar need rolling pins for idle pleasure (4,3,8)
BEER AND SKITTLES – An expression meaning idle enjoyment is an anagram (rolling) of BAR NEED followed by SKITTLES (pins).
28a Twisted journalist faded away (6)
EDDIED – ED (journalist) DIED (faded away).
29a Caution shown by girl (8)
PRUDENCE – A double definition clue.
1d Transport running late to the end of the line (6)
HEARSE – A lovely cryptic definition of a funeral car.
2d Remembering engineers’ vocation (9)
RECALLING – RE (Royal Engineers) CALLING (vocation).
3d Bird’s put on new hat for ceremony (5)
CROWN – CROW (bird) goes before (put on) N (new).
4d Keep page on top of book (8)
PRESERVE – P (page) RESERVE (book).
6d Basic essentials for a stripped-down figure? (4,5)
BARE BONES – The essentials of a subject round a skeleton or stripped-down figure.
7d Finished on tee in Open? (5)
OVERT – OVER (finished) plus T (tee)
8d What chemists and faith healers do with drugs (8)
DISPENSE – Chemists dispense or give out drugs and faith healers dispense or do away with drugs and try to heal someone another way.
9d South American welcome dish (5)
SUSHI – S (south) US (American) HI (welcome).
14d Orderly needs craft and influence (9)
SHIPSHAPE – SHIP (craft) and SHAPE (influence).
16d Monk’s mule spilled fruit (4,5)
MUSK MELON is an anagram (spilled) of MONKS MULE.
17d Expected expert with small child to get left inside (8)
PROBABLE – PRO (expert) and BABE (small child)with L (left) inserted.
18d Parliamentarian Liberal and manufacturer going round centre of Delaware (8)
LAWMAKER – L (Liberal) AW (the ‘centre’ of Delaware) and MAKER (manufacturer).
21d One who may have had a prior engagement (5)
BRIDE – who may have been given an engagement ring before she got married.
22d Girl‘s story about donkey (6)
LASSIE – ASS (donkey) inserted into LIE (story).
24d Characters taking part in stupendous overthrow (5)
UPEND – Hidden in part of stUPENDous.
26d Estimated speed that’s dangerous initially (5)
RATED – RATE (speed) plus D (the initial letter of dangerous).