Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27451
Hints and tips by Libellule
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
Big Dave asked me to step in and do the blog for this typical Rufus crossword. I didn’t have any difficulties personally, but how did you get on?
1. Agree to exchange letters (10)
{CORRESPOND} – Double definition, to be in agreement, or to communicate by letter.
6. It stimulates one to start piano and stick with it (4)
{PROD} – The first letter (start) of piano, and another word for a thin straight piece of metal or wood.
10. Submariners may be upset if these charges are dropped (5)
{DEPTH} – An explosive device ….
11. Lights now required for those who get busy after dark (5,4)
{NIGHT OWLS} – An anagram (required) of LIGHTS NOW.
12. Ordered to get round secure barrier (8)
{BLOCKADE} – A word that means command, order or direct is placed around another word that means to fasten or make secure.
13. Limit area for stock (5)
{RANGE} – Double definition, a specific extent, or a collection or series of things.
15. Business in time makes money (7)
{COINAGE} – CO (business), IN and a word for a period of time.
17. Not huge, shaped to become robust (7)
{TOUGHEN} – An anagram (shaped) of NOT HUGE.
19. State regalia thrown out (7)
{ALGERIA} – An anagram (thrown out) of REGALIA.
21. Prison — one’s taken in weapon, getting bird (7)
{PENGUIN} – A fenced enclosure for animals is followed by a firearm with I placed in it.
22. Hack returns, writing for papers (5)
{EXAMS} – Reverse a word for chop or split and then add MS (manuscript).
24. Grannies making money (8)
{EARNINGS} – An anagram (making) of GRANNIES.
27. Considering retribution (9)
{RECKONING} – Double definition, counting or calculating, or payment for something that may have happened.
28. Period of calm for one after exercising (5)
{PEACE} – the abbreviation for Physical Education followed by a playing card.
29. Unwatered stock (4)
{NEAT} – Double definition, undiluted, and a word for an archaic bovine animal.
30. Composer in far off New Zealand heard record (5,5)
{FRANZ LISZT} – This Hungarian composer is an anagram (off) of FAR, the country code for New Zealand, and then a words that sounds like (heard) a series of printed items.
1. Laws that can only be broken by an expert (4)
{CODE} – A collection of laws, or a secret language.
2. Change needed for pound sterling — don’t set aside for driving back (9)
{REPULSING} – An anagram (change) of P(O)U(ND) S(T)ERLING without the various letters (set) of DON’T.
3. Moral rule put in French and Latin here (5)
{ETHIC} – The French word for “and” followed by the Latin word for “here”
4. Lent preliminary item that falls flat? (7)
{PANCAKE} – Usually made on Shrove Tuesday.
5. You wouldn’t care to be guilty of it (7)
{NEGLECT} – To pay little or no attention to something.
7. Quarrel over an ash tree (5)
{ROWAN} – Another word for a tiff or argument is placed over AN.
8. Making out, being intelligent (10)
{DISCERNING} – Double definition, having good taste or being quick to understand.
9. Top of the bill act? Rats! (4,4)
{STAR TURN} – Rats “reversed“!
14. A figure once hard to work out (10)
{OCTAHEDRON} – An anagram (work out) of ONCE HARD TO is a figure that consists of eight faces.
16. Place of grazing (8)
{ABRASION} – A scraped or worn area.
18. It suffers periodic downturns in time (9)
{HOURGLASS} – An instrument for measuring time that contains sand.
20. A row about the Spanish studio (7)
{ATELIER} – A and another word for a layer or level around the Spanish word for the.
21. As a fine example, Father ran full of energy (7)
{PARAGON} – PA (father), RAN with a word for vitality inserted into it.
23. Bill’s getting new car, that’s capital (5)
{ACCRA} – AC (account) and an anagram (new) of CAR is the capital of Ghana.
25. Drive for mile travelling round pithead (5)
{IMPEL} – An anagram (travelling round) of MILE around the first letter of pithead.
26. Go to get added flavour (4)
{ZEST} – Gusto, or something added to give flavour or relish.
The Quick crossword pun: (Polly} + {Titian} = {politician}
A write in thank goodness.
I might even do Sunday’s this afternoon!
So you have completed your challenge? Well done!!!
Thanks. I’m very pleased!
Yes write in for me too. Sunday’s was a complete joy.
I was slow to get started this morning but then suddenly everything flowed easily. A pleasant start to the week for me. Thanks to Rufus and to Libellule for the hints which were not needed today.
Welcome back – I’ve missed you!
The easiest Rufus ever but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining. Thanks to him and Libellule too.
Yes, welcome back, Libellule. I agree with your 2*/3* rating. No issues today and all good fun. A nice start to the week.
Many thanks to Rufus and to Libellule.
Gentle, but fun. Thanks to Rufus, and to Libellule.
Sailed through three quarters of this and then ground to a halt in SW corner mostly due to 14d not being within my everyday vocabulary so needed help. Toss-up between 3d and 4d for fav. Thanks as ever Rufus and Libellule. ***/***.
Many thanks to Libellule for stepping in at short notice when Miffypops became unexpectedly unavailable..
Thanks to Libellulle from me too. Saint Sharon’s even Saintlier mother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday morning. One moment we are singing and the next we cry with pain.
Oh dear – I’m sorry to hear your sad news. My condolences to you and Saint Sharon.
My sincere condolences to you and yours.
Condolences, Miffypops.
My sympathies to you and Saint Sharon.
So sorry to hear that. I know you were supporting me in my challenge which I completed.
All best wishes to you
My condolencies to you and Sharon.
Very sincere condolences to you and your family,
Sincere condolences.
My condolences to you and Saint Sharon and your family.
Our condolences too Sharon and Miffypops. Our thoughts are with you,
My condolences too, much love to Saint Sharon
My sincere condolences to you & Saint Sharon.
So sorry to hear that. My thoughts with you.
Sorry to hear the sad news old boy. There are no words to express how one feels at the loss of a loved one, especially when it is so sudden.
Yes – welcome back from me too, Libellule. I agree 2*/3*.
My last one was 4d which was silly as it wasn’t very difficult.
I dithered about 19a – saw the obvious anagram but wondered if I was walking straight into a trap – why a state rather than a country?
I have to confess to being unable to understand my 2d answer – it was wrong – repelling – really ashamed.
I liked 6 and 30a and 5d. My favourite was 9d.
With thanks to Rufus and Libellule.
I, too, had repelling for 2d at first and had no idea why, really screwed up that corner.
I should add, I spelt it incorrectly as well with two “p” and one “l” … how dumb can one get.
That’s a pity – I did, at least, spell it correctly so that it didn’t end up messing anything else up – suppose if it had I might have been a bit suspicious. Should have been suspicious anyway since I couldn’t explain it. Oh well, you win some, you lose some and tomorrow is another day.
No problems at all here except it took me ages to see 27A – possibly I was looking too deeply into the clue.
Once the cricket’s finished, may even be able to get around to looking at yesterday’s paper- I’ve still not even taking the magazine out of the wrapper yet!
My magazine usually ends up in the bin, still in its wrapper.
Thank you Rufus, good fun. Thanks Libellule for your review and hints. I had “repelling” for 2 d for a long time – the penny finally dropped !
So did I with 2d but the penny never dropped for me. I didn’t understand my answer but it fitted with everything else . . .
Me, too!
It certainly wasn’t a write-in for me, though I managed about two thirds without electronic help. A few too many anagrams for my taste, but still enjoyable.
Am still recovering from Saturday. It was so hard!
Had a lovely weekend in Nottingham visiting daughter. The Attenborough Nature Reserve is an excellent place for a walk.
Another pleasant start to the week from Rufus.
Faves : 30a & 4d.
Briish friends of mine who also live here in NL are leaving their holiday home near Bordeaux and returning early to NL because of rainy weather there. Here it is real springtime!
Usual gentle start to the week from Rufus, thanks to him and Libellule.
Enjoyable Monday puzzle. We missed one or two anagrams which would have made things easier, but with a little imput from Libellule we managed to complete it in reasonable (for us) time. Thank you to the setter & to Libellule. Condolences to Sharon & Miffypops.
Thank goodness for Rufus. Loved this all the way through. Favourite has to be 30a. Thanks to Rufus, and to Libellule for the review; nice to see you back.
I always enjoy Rufus. Thanks Libellule.
I didn’t find this as simple as the rest of you. Hadn’t come across MS for writing before, and is 16D is a very dodgy cryptic def IMHO.
Our favourite without a shadow of doubt has to be 30a. Great to see this famous Kiwi composer in a crossword, and we will pretend that the ‘NZ’ is just the abbreviation for our country instead of the dreaded IVR code. Lots of fun.
Thanks Rufus and Libellule.
Very gentle, but a pleasant start to the week. My favourite clue – 9 down. Thanks to Rufus, and to Libellule for the review.
Perhaps we should all say well done to Toni for completing her challenge of completing all the crosswords for a year. I’m assuming this was a self-appointed challenge but, whatever, good for you.
Thanks. I’m sure a lot of you have achieved it too,
Perhaps but I certainly didn’t do a public declaration, well done you Toni
I rather liked 9d, Thank you Miffypops and Rufus
Concentrate young Andrew!
Oh that’ll be Libellule then, thank you Paul and a welcome return.
“Concentrate young Andrew”…Takes me back a few years…
Took ages, I mean ages, for the penny to drop for 22a, otherwise a most enjoyable Rufus struggle.
Many thanks to Rufus, and to Libellule for the review.
Thanks to Rufus and to Libellule for the review and hints. Welcome back Libellule.
I had a couple of problems. Had repelling for 2d, and needed to look at the hint for 22a. Favourite was 30a. Was 2*/3* for me.
A lovely puzzle with a sting in the tail for me in the SW corner with 27a the last and if I am totally honest with the aid of L’s hint. Thanks to you both here.
Note to setters: when you publish an ‘easier’ crossword I would suggest that these are the ones presented to younger family members and friends to develop their skills. You are doing the fraternity a great deal of good in the process. Also, you make the old lags feel a bit better too!
This was a written-in until the SW corner, where my brain stopped functioning, either because of tiredness or, more likely, lack of alcohol. It was a toss-up whether to go to bed or have a large one. I chiose the latter and the final few answers presented themselves, although I had to check in the BBB that there really was such a domesticated bovine animal – a new word for me. Thanks to Rufus for the challenge, Libellule for the emergency hints, but most importantly, thoughts go out to MP and SS at this most difficult of times.
The cattle can be found in my new page titled Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Fun puzzle from good old Rufus, as usual. Favourite clue: 30ac.