DT 27074 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 27074

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27074

Hints and tips by Libellule

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment ***

I didn’t think this was up to the same standard as the last two crosswords from the Monday Maestro, what do you think?


1. Same ship, different stress (8)
{EMPHASIS} – An anagram (different) of SAME SHIP.

6. Not French, but Latin accepted (6)
{PASSED} – The French word for “not”, is followed by the Latin word for “but” to get another word that means to be approved or adopted.

9. Garden flower periodical (6)
{ANNUAL} – A plant that grows for only one season is also a yearly publication.

10. Shared a good round of golf? (8)
{PARTAKEN} – A word that means to be given a part or a portion, could also refer to a round of golf where you make the standard score.

11. You may lose a whole day going over it (4,4)
{DATE LINE} – An imaginary mark on the surface of the Earth, that runs from the north to the south and sets the boundaries of one calendar day.

12. Satisfactorily completed and mended (4,2)
{SEWN UP} – To settle something successfully, or to have repaired something by stitching.

13. Not the complete games player? (5-7)
{THREE-QUARTER} – In rugby any of the four players between the fullback and the halfbacks, is perhaps someone who only plays 75% of a game.

16. Wage-earners, for example, on form (7,5)
{WORKING CLASS} – Those who earn wages, especially in a manual fashion, could also be another word for functioning (on) and a group of students (form).

19. It limits one’s outlook (6)
{MYOPIA} – Another term for short-sightedness.

21. In an emergency with a bugging device, move slowly (2,1,5)
{AT A PINCH} – The definition is “in an emergency”, but if split (1,3,4) it might refer to a concealed listening device that moves gradually. Hmm, does this work?

23. Neat gash with no dirt in it (5-3)
{CLEAN-CUT} – A type of incision could also refer to someone who is tidy and trim in appearance.

24. Bluff king and his successor brought to a temporary stop (6)
{HALTED} – The names of Henry VIII, and Edward VI colloquially could also be a suspension of movement.

25. Confirm a man refusing strong drink is French (6)
{ATTEST} – A teetotaller and the French word for “is”.

26. Old soldiers scared to set off (8)
{REDCOATS} – An anagram (set off) of SCARED TO. An old chestnut.


2. Servant in upset during dinner, perhaps (6)
{MENIAL} – A term for a domestic can be constructed by reversing (upset) and placing IN inside an occasion when food is eaten.

3. Audience with half-hour to spend (5)
{HOUSE} – Half of (HO)ur, is then followed by a word that means to consume or expend.

4. Idler soon roused to continue regardless (7,2)
{SOLDIER ON} – An anagram (roused) of IDLER SOON.

5. Wrongly presume it’s the highest (7)
{SUPREME} – An anagram (wrongly) of PRESUME.

6. Helen’s favourite city (5)
{PARIS} – Is also the son of Priam, king of Troy.

7. It might be last straw for loyal supporters (9)
{STALWARTS} – An anagram (it might be) of LAST STRAW.

8. Put a full stop at the end of a sentence? (8)
{EXECUTED} – A death sentence, as the bluff king in 24a did to two of his wives.

13. Happen to finish in the first three (4,5)
{TAKE PLACE} – A phrase that means to “come to pass” could also describe what you might get if you came first, second or third in a competition.

14. A bilingual graduate, put off but not disconcerted (9)
{UNABASHED} – UNA (bilingual because it’s the feminine indefinite article in both Spanish and Italian), the shortened form for a Bachelor of Arts, and then a word that means to cast off or lose (e.g. a snake and its skin) produces a word that means not ashamed or embarrassed. Did anybody actually like this clue?.

15. Versatile languages master? (8)
{POLYGLOT} – Someone who can speak, read and write several languages. Is this cryptic?

17. It goes on incessantly, even when idle (7)
{CHATTER} – Incessant trivial talk.

18. Bill has little money, resulting in stress (6)
{ACCENT} – AC (bill, account) is followed by one hundredth of a dollar for a mark that represents emphasis for example.

20. Where ladies wear new hats and new coats (5)
{ASCOT} – An anagram (new) of COATS is also a racecourse in Berkshire.

22. Northern block house (5)
{IGLOO} – A house that is built out of ice.

The Quick crossword pun: {dough} + {nation} = {donation}

55 comments on “DT 27074

  1. I took SO LONG to complete this I’m ready for lunch. For some reason I couldn’t think of the word required at 9, 11 and 12A or one part of 16, 12 or 21 and 13. Brain-dead, that’s me today However I’m glad to say I finally finished so thanks to setter for making me think and to Libellule who got me past the finishing-post.

  2. Not quite what I was expecting this morning, but a VERY good excuse not to get out of bed, so I didn’t!
    Thanks to Libellule and setter. Didn’t need your help today, almost had to then the penny dropped, (well about ten bobs worth actually) good start to the week after a couple of interesting weekend puzzles…perhaps I’d better get out of bed now….

  3. Monday’s puzzle is quite often my slowest solve of the week, and this was no exception. Last two in were 6a, and 8d.
    Thanks to Rufus, and to Libellule.

    1. So Glad you said that jezza – same here! Thanks to Rufus and Libellule – I really liked 6a today.

      1. I’ve rattled through some Osmosis and Notabilis toughies in a quicker time than a Monday Rufus puzzle!

  4. We zipped through until 15d which was the penultimate to go in. Agree with you entirely, Libellule, not much of a clue. Having got it, and hence a checking letter, the last answer followed immediately. Thanks for confirming my prejudice.

    1. I would say 15d is more of a GK question rather than cryptic unless someone can explain the wordplay.

      1. No word play, more an attempt at cryptic misdirection. I suspect that you are meant to think about a school teacher…

      2. I agree, the only thing I can think is that maybe we are being misled by ‘versatile’ which can be an anagram indicator

  5. Good morning Libelulle and thanks once again for the hints, I needed one or two again today, I feel that lately Rufus puzzles have changed slightly since I began doing these, some not very cryptic clues and no real favourites today :-(

      1. Here here, nothing like a handful of anagrams to start the day. Unless you like inside out reversed letters with ‘her majesty in the middle under a log’ type of clues… ;)

  6. Strange sort of crossword easy when you saw the answer,but hard to work it out from the clue!.Thought 8d did’nt quite work as the’D’ seems extraneous to me.Seemed to solve it in’bursts’,struggled more than i should have ,so score it ***/***.Thanks Libellule for the’una’ bit explanation of 14d,thought the billingual referance was to the English ‘A’ and the French ‘UN’.

  7. My iPad version has the “Submit your crossword” button on it today. I don’t think I crossed 11a coming to Florida (where it’s ~82F, BTW) from the UK. Any other DT app users notice this?

    The crossword itself fell into place quickly, but without railway stations to mark progress I’ll have to rate instinctively. **/*

    1. I don’t think it is exactly kind to mention the temp here, considering the weather they’re having in UK, as reported by the DT!! Where in Florida?

        1. I can only imagine it. I lived in England for five years and nearly froze to death. If there is anything worse than the cold, it’s the endless winter nights.

          1. So where are you and, dare I ask, what is the temperature? The endless winter nights are, at least, getting shorter or, to put it in a more encouraging way, the days are getting longer – it’s one of my obsessions – more tomorrow – I have statistics! :smile:

              1. Oh . . . ! If there was a little hissy, spitty, green face I might do one!! Only joking – how lovely – can only try to remember what the sun looks like, let alone what it feels like to be warm!

              2. Apologies, I missed the replies. Lake Buena Vista (for my son’s wedding) then over to Bonita Springs … where it’s a few degrees warmer.

                It’ll be no comfort to those shivering in the UK, but I had to don a jacket on Thursday night to be able to sip my Dark and Stormys outside at the Bahama Breeze, and it was drizzling when I emerged from the Outback Steakhouse yesterday evening. ;)

  8. I agree with jezza – Mondays are often my slowest in the week. For some reason I find, or make, difficulties that just aren’t there.
    My last one was 17d and didn’t get 26a until I got 17d – I always forget about those old soldiers although they come up quite often. I also took a while to see 9a as I was trying to think of the name of a flower.
    I liked 23a and 17d.
    With thanks to Rufus and Libellule.
    Very cold here – it snowed in the night but raining and 1C now.

  9. Another gentle start to the week. Agree with Beaver regarding the last D of 8D and all the comments about 15D. Quite enjoyed 13A as it took me back to my playing days.

  10. Thank you Libellule and Rufus. For some reason I took ages to work out why 2d was the answer it was – & then the light came on. Like Jezza my last two in were 6a and 8d. But I found it a pleasing start to the week. 1/3 for me. And my favourite clue was 20d – not that I’ve ever been, but enjoyed seeing the get-ups one year when I visited a hotel near by.

  11. Ah, those pesky old soldiers. where would we be without them.
    Great fun, thanks Rufus and Libellule.

  12. Enjoyable enough but rather untaxing, never mind though, it gave me time for a lovely walk along the esplanade in the crisp winter sunshine. Thanks to Rufus and Libellule.

  13. On a very snowy morning in N Yorks was hoping for more Monday entertainment like last week but that seemed to be largely missing today .Harmless enough though .Last one in 8d . 2* /2* for me .
    Thanks once again .

  14. Thanks to Rufus & to Libellule, I quite enjoyed this one, have to admit I guessed 6a & 24a correctly, thanks to Libellule for the explanations. Favourites were 10,13,19a & 22d. Was 2*/3* for me. Snow flurries now turned to sleet in Central London.

  15. Pleasant enough, I thought. I’d agree with **/***.

    My Latin O level came in handy for 6A, but it did give rise to the following question…

    Is it more mean of a setter to expect us to know the Latin for “but” (today), or to name a song by a popular female singer who is referred to only by way of an obscure nickname (quite recently)?

    1. Personally I’d say Latin. I went to a rather good school, but the only people being taught Latin were in the very top stream (which I never was) and I suspect that there aren’t too many people out there that were taught Latin. I’ve picked up a fair bit over the years from doing crosswords, but if I were ever to bump into a Roman from about 2000 years ago I would doubt that I would be able to converse with him (not least because their day-to-day language was actually ancient Greek).

  16. Good afternoon. Crisp and sunny here in Derbyshire.

    I see 9a is not living up to its name; last appearance as 2d on Saturday (27,073).

  17. Nice start to the week. Not too easy not too hard! 21a held me up for a little while because we say “in a ” rather than “at a” and I didn’t think the whole phrase in the clue could be repeated in the answer. Thanks Rufus and Libellule.

  18. Thank you Rufus and Libellule. For some reason didn’t enjoy this as much as the usual Monday puzzle. Not used to starting late in the day and particularly after a very unpleasant journey in heavy snow. Brain not functioning properly !

  19. My sentiments much the same as SW above only I don’t have the same excuse for the brain freeze. Best wishes to Cryptic Sue.

    1. Yes, my best wishes to CS as well. Do hope the radio is providing some brain food for her too?

  20. For once I rattled through it in ** mins flat before 6 am!! although it took mea little time to get started. Other ones that are rated not difficult I have great trouble with sometimes even after I have read the hints. I guess I click with some setters and not with others.

    1. ** minutes? I feel so inadequate . Thank you Libellule for the tips, and Rufus for the clues.

    2. Michael,

      The convention is that we don’t quote solving times as it can discourage less experienced solvers. I have edited out your time for this reason.

        1. There are SO few rules on this great site but it is one that is adhered to by all. Not your fault – you didn’t know. :smile:

  21. Really enjoyed this very straightforward puzzle, today. Gave me the excuse not to venture out in the light snow and ice!

  22. I completed today’s puzzle without need of hints but with a little difficulty. I thought 17d earned a smile!

  23. I thought todays was going to be a cinch – rattled through and then hit the buffers. Finally finished it on the way home last in being 6a. 8d was clever. Does anyone start in the SE corner like me?

    1. Not me – I just struggle to find any way in I can in any of the Quarters and either down or across. Perhaps that’s where I’m going wrong? I’ve still so much to learn – but I’m really enjoying & appreciating this helpful, friendly site :-)

      1. I don’t think that there’s right or wrong – you just do what suits you and what you feel like doing at the time – everyone has their own little foibles. As long as you enjoy the crosswords you can’t really lose and you will learn really quickly here with all the helpful, friendly and knowledgeable people that are ready and willing to help. Good luck, and keep going. :smile:

    2. No – I start off by reading all the clues through – start by going through the acrosses and put in anything that is glaringly obvious and then go through the downs and do the same thing. I rarely put in anything, at that stage, unless I’m pretty sure that it’s right. Then just fiddle around . . .
      I know that others do things completely differently. Mary starts off at the bottom of the down clues and works her way upwards.
      On Wednesdays when Jay sets the crossword a lot of people, crypticsue being the main one, starts off with the down clues.
      I think we’re all different.

  24. I loved todays crossword, some very easy clues and some quite tricky.I didn’t get 17d,but I agree it is very clever.I am a bit bewildered by 21a, like others.If I was the editor ,I’d have Rufus everyday. Thanks Libellule.

  25. Solved this this evening and missed University Challenge!!

    Faves : 6a, 19a, 24a, 4d, 14d & 22d.

    Re 6a – I remember the old joke from my Latin schooltime – “Caesar ad arat fortis passus sum sed Anthony”

    Day started normally here in NL and I shopped for weekly basics with no hassle then this afternoon it started snowing and is now very wintry!

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