DT 26840 (Hints) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 26840 (Hints)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26840 (Hints)

Big Dave’s Crossword Club

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

Advance notice – Tilsit is organising a Northern Sloggers & Betters meeting on April 21st in Todmorden, West Yorkshire.

As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.

Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.

Could new readers please read the Welcome post before asking questions about the site.

Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”.

A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.


1a           Chap getting on got by (7)
A charade of a chap and an adjective meaning getting on or old gives a verb meaning got by or coped

14a         It preserves official of Parisian park (12)
This colourless poisonous gas, used in solution as a preservative for biological specimens, comes from a charade of an adjective meaning official, the French (Parisian) for “of” and London park

18a         Crew following victims of con’s precision targeting (12)
Put a verb meaning to crew a vessel (3,4) after the victims of confidence tricks to get this precision targeting

28a         Train English cohort with the Queen’s backing (7)
This train following an important person is derived by reversing (backing) a charade of E(nglish), a cohort or group of soldiers and the current Queen’s cypher


1d           Numberless spies remove person in field (3-3)
Drop the 5 or 6 (numberless) from either of the UK’s secret services then add a verb meaning to remove a hat to get a cricket fielder

5d           With hardening of heart, settle accounts — they’re at end of range (9)
Start with a phrase meaning to settle bills and then change the middle letter (heart) from B (black/soft pencil grade) to a harder grade to get the uplands at the end of a range of mountains

7d           Fishes will make attacks swallowing creature as food (8)
These fishes are derived by putting a verb meaning attacks around a creature regarded as food by a predator

16d         Friendly Business Secretary queries his identity? (8)
Split this adjective meaning friendly as (2,1,5) and it could be that Business Secretary Vince queries his identity

19d         Wildfowl to tick off before long time (6)
This wildfowl comes from a charade of a slang verb meaning to tick off and a very long period of time  – if your answer starts with P and you can’t resolve the wordplay then a) your answer is not a wildfowl and b) it’s wrong!

23d         Keep car pulling caravan perhaps (5)
This keep is the one that is the strongest part of a castle and it could also (perhaps) mean a car that is pulling a caravan

24d         Fairy for every one (4)
This fairy is built up from a word meaning “for every” or each and I (one)

The Crossword Club opens at 10:00am.  Feel free to leave comments.

Please don’t put whole or partial answers or alternative clues in your comment, else they may be censored!

The Quick crossword pun: {Bilk} + {Lynn} + {tun} = {Bill Clinton}

123 comments on “DT 26840 (Hints)

  1. Finished quite quickly today and especially enjoyed 5d, 16d, 14a. I have an answer written in for 10a which I know must be right because everything fits but I cannot reconcile the solution to the clue! Help appreciated.

  2. Just about right for a Saturday. The one I had to think about was 5d. Favourite clue, 10a.
    Thanks to setter, and to BD

  3. Another one completed this week without electric help save for 24d which I had to google to check definition.
    Thanks to BD for confirming with hints.
    16d,22a favourites. I really am going to have to mug up on cricket terms.
    Scouse Derby this pm, so looking forward to NTSSP to insulate me from the cries of joy or despair which will be ringing around house.

  4. Ta very much BD! Obvious isn’t it, though I was looking for something completely different!

  5. Nice and easy postbag filler today. Some lovely clues, though, of which 13 14 18 and 28 were very good. I wonder what Mary and Kath will make of 1d?

  6. Ended up easier than at first sight. I too puzzled for ages over the ‘relation’ in 10a, should have seen the anagram indicator, Grrr! Some nice clues today I thought ie 18a and 11a (nice misdirection here).
    Off to organise a Race Night for a local charity, probably a bit brave to hold on Grand National day!

    1. Sorry meant to thank the setter esp for the lovely cricketing clue, I used to find driving through this position one of the most difficult shots in the game, I was very much a leg sided player.

    2. I agree with you, Brian, because I thought that 11a was a wonderful clue. I’m going to disappoint Mary with the following comment because both she and I are Liverpool supporters: I think Everton will win today’s semi-final and I’ll be disappointed [as will Dave] if Spurs don’t beat Chelsea tomorrow.

      1. Hi Cara I agree on the first comment and I am doubly disappointed as the match is only being shown on ESPN! I can’t believe how that has come about, I was so looking forward to it but dont have ESPN! As for tomorrows game I hope Chelsea win (sorry Dave) as one of my grandsons supports them and we don’t have any Spurs followers in our family

        1. Well I’m delighted to have got that prediction wrong! In the circumstances, I won’t give you any tips for the Grand National…

          1. Me too Cara, great result , I have three horses for the National
            Black Alapachi
            Always Right
            On His Own

              1. Did you type that comment with gritted teeth, Mary? By the way, the semi-final highlights are on ITV at 5.30.

                1. Thanks Cara, I did manage to watch it all on line but will still enjoy the high-lights :-D

              2. Haven’t watched – can’t bear it! :sad: Do so hope that no horses or riders were hurt.

                    1. Oh no that’s awful, isn’t Synchronicity the one that ran off in the beginning, that is dreadful, I think he should have been pulled out after his jockey took that fall

                    2. It’s been a family tradition since I was a young child to ‘do the National’ after watching Synchronisity’s escapade today, such a lovely horse, I feel so upset, I don’t think I’ll bother any more :-(

                    3. That’s why I can’t bear it and can’t watch it – you can all call me weedy, a softie or anything else that you want to … :sad: :sad:

      2. A slow start today, but got there thanks to Big Dave.

        As a Fulham supporter, I really hope Tottenham beat our neighbours from hell tomorrow.

  7. hello everyone, I liked todays exercise too.11a, 14a & 18a were my favourites. Not so keen on 25a…are the Telegraph introducing commercial sponships now?

  8. All done my favourite being 1d – I agree Brian! Need a few today in the games at Lord’s. Come on Middlesex.

  9. Hi Dave and thanks for hints, I was one of the ones who got the wrong letter at the start of 19d (how did you know!) A two to three star for me today, a few dodgy readings IMHO eg 3d and 5a, fav clue 16d, so disappointed I cant watch the semi-final today :-(

    1. One of grandsons (liverpool supporter) has just given me an online site to watch it on, myp2p, for anyone who may be interested, here’s hoping it works :-D

  10. An enjoyably very straightforward (1*) crossword, just right for a busy morning. Thanks to setter and BD.

  11. I thought that 14a is very clever.Regretably there is no Rugby ontodat. I don’t know why. Good morning/afternoon all

    1. good afternoon collywobs, I am still trying to find a site to watch the Liverpool Everton Semi! myp2p isn’t working for me

        1. I have got it now collywobs on my computer myp2p is working but we are 1 nil down right now!!

    2. Plenty of rugby just watched tigers demolish saints and now harlequins destroying wasps but you need ESPN.

    3. If I could do the little face that did a yawn I would do so! I can’t, so I’ll just say “Night night all” and see you tomorrow!! :smile:

  12. I didn’t find this one easy at all and had a real battle with the last few. I’ve finished it now but needed the hints for a couple of explanations – 1d :roll: and 5d. I don’t think that I’ve heard of the first bit of 18a meaning what it does in the clue. My answer to 19d DID begin with a P! I looked up the first three words of the answer (ie the one beginning with a P) and somewhere in all the meanings the BRB said something about “a reproach” so I thought it would do. Favourites
    include 10 and 14a and 15 and 16d – best of all, for me, was 11a.
    Going to have a go at the NTSPP later on – do hope that I get a bit further with today’s than I did with the one last week!

  13. Pretty straightforward today, but I struggled with 3d, which was last in for me. I ,too, had the “wrong” solution to 19d! Thanks to BD, who aided my solution to 14a and to the compiler for an enjoyable start to the day.

  14. I enjoyed this today and found it relatively easy.Top left took me the longest but once I got 1d everything else fell into place. Favourite clues were 11a & 14a. Thanks to the setter & BD for setting me right on 19d.

    1. I don’t know how you got it but I got it by removing the last letter of a word meaning ‘speculated’ and inserting an archaic word for ‘you’

  15. Enjoyable and not so hard. Thanks to the setter and to BD. Just back from an enjoyable 4&3 win at pairs matchplay golf and looking forward to losing a couple of quid on the National.

    1. Thanks Gnomey, I got it from the checking letters. I could see how it was achieved. Can you help with 2d, it’s my last one

      1. The name of an airport in NY is a word meaning modern followed by a type of biblical craft.

        1. Many thanks CS. Finished, a little easy for me, and that’s saying something. 1* for me. Many thanks to setter and BD for the hints

        2. It is actually in New Jersey… but I guess we only know cos we live over here. Even Mrs T spotted the mistake.

            1. I’ve just seen your comment, Tantalus, and Everton are the other Premiership side from Liverpool. As the FA Cup semi-finals are now played at Wembley Stadium in London, there has been a mass exodus from Liverpool today. Tomorrow’s semi-final is being played between Tottenham Hotspur – who BIg Dave supports – and Chelsea, both of whom are London sides and whose supporters don’t have so far to travel…

          1. Liverpool won collywobs so we are in the final. tomorrow Daves team (Spurs) play Chelsea in the other semi
            My three horses fell in the Grand National!!!

                1. Sorry – that was £3.75 Each Way for a £7.50 bet!.
                  In response – yes but I can lose that! I have already drawn £142.19 back into my bank account ;-)

            1. … yet again, I just hate it! I know that I’m weedy but those poor horses are pushed so hard and have no choice – the jockeys at least know that they are engaging in a dangerous sport, and DO have a choice.

  16. After a slow start I have only one left (11a) which eludes me. Am I right in thinking it is an anagram of fifth and sixth words along with two other obvious letters? If first word as form from which shoes are made, I’m still struggling.

    Thanks to Big Dave for the hints, they had a significant impact on my progress :D

    1. Dawn is the definiton. You need the first letter of French followed by an anagram of the fifth and sixth words and then a ‘bit’ (ie the first letter) of teasing.

      1. Thank you Crypticsue, I meant to say is the first word the opposite of the form from which shoes are made. I feel super silly now, talk about an own goal – off to the stupid step with a glass of red :oops:

            1. I’ve got a lovely Chablis in the fridge and have been waiting for some company to share it with :)

              1. Mr CS is just making supper or I would come and join you :D I will have to have a look and see what is lurking on the wine rack.

        1. I’m with you on the red, Dawn! Looks as if it’s only you and me!! :smile: I haven’t been in the naughty corner for a while either!!

  17. Sorry but I’m finding this verr tricky today, please any help with 16d and 17d and 18a Thanks so much!”!”!”

    1. BIg Dave has given a hint for 16d; 17d is an anagram (badly) of scarred with U (Ulm initially) the definition being campaigners who went to the Holy Land. 18a – again Dave has given a hint for this one.

  18. No need to bother, had divine inspiration and now have 16 and 17d and 18a. Brain obviously not in gear!”!”!”

    1. It’s called gnomey’s law! The minute you ask for help and press the “post comment” bit, the answer comes to you! :smile:

  19. Managed Tao complete without any help but unsure why I have thebanswer for 24d cannot rationalise answer against clue someone put me ou of my misery

  20. All done today – except the fairy. Even with Big dave’s help can’t get it!!

    1. A term meaning so much a head or 50p xxx lb and I(one) This beautiful fairy appears in crosswords on a regular basis so once you have worked her out, make a note.

        1. If I had a pound for every time I have met this fairy in a cryptic crossword …….!

  21. Mrs T wants to claim a Telegraph pen for spotting the error in 2d – it is not in NY. Please send the prize to 18 Casino Road, Marblehead, MA 01945, USA.

      1. But Gatwick is called London GatWick (LGW), this East Coast airport is not called anything to do with NY – other than being part of the NY & NJ port authority.

        I guess I will have to buy a pen for Mrs T and forge the postmark.

                1. THe clue asks for the airport in New York, not the village. I have crossed out our Wiki pages as I have other things to do later this evening than spend time in the naughty corner.

        1. Clue does not say IN New York, but NY Airport. Hence like London Gatwick, ****** is NY ****** as opposed to NY Kennedy or NY La Guardia. My son lives in Joisey too – Enjoy!!!!

          1. Hi Ken – welcome to the blog.
            This is a prize puzzle, so please don’t put answers in your comments.

      2. The more accurate clue would have been: “Modern craft for airport so close to NY many readers would think it was actually in NY but it isn’t (6)”

    1. 5a: broken (not OK), with U(university) in the middle to mean a teaching department.
      10a: anagram of RELATION with M(illion) in the middle to mean a circus act – grrrrr!

  22. All done but I don’t understand the answer to 6d..please can someone explain! Really appreciate it.

    1. The thing a film director shouts when he wants a particular session of filming to stop followed by E (the drug ecstasy) – as well as quaint or sweeet the answer can mean smart or clever.

    2. 6d: synonym for stop (3) as in stop the engine – and a single letter abrev for a well know recreational drug found in Liverpool to mean when something looks smart. Naughty corner?

  23. Thanks, had the right answer but now at least I understand why, does the letter e often come up if the word drug is in the clue? Thanks

    1. Only the 3 big ones E for ecstasy H (sometimes horse) for heroin and C (charlie) for cocaine.

    2. Yes – it comes up all the time! Re what Michael says I’ve never seen either of the other abbreviations – or if I have I’ve forgotten! I’m sure I will be proved wrong – maybe I’ve led a sheltered life!! The other one that comes up quite often is “dope”.

  24. Some good banter today!

    One of the easier Saturdays but still needed plenty of electronic help to find some of the answers.

    Loved 11a.as many others have.

    1. There is always great banter here – I didn’t find this an easy Saturday crossword – woke up in a real grump which always affects whether or not I can do the crossword! Like you I loved 11a!

  25. Thanks to the setter & Big Dave for the hints. Enjoyed this a lot. 15d made me laugh out loud. Last in was 18a. Favourites were 11a & 5d. Typical April weather in Central London.

  26. Enjoyed solving this one this evening after being glued to the box re Aintree all afternoon. Sad that two horses died in the GN.

    Liked : 11a, 18a, 22a, 28a, 1d, 5d, 7d & 19d.
    Re the last one – there’s an awful lot of water in NL! so no mistake at first!

  27. Finally finished, a day late! Like many others I thought 16d was a very clever and amusing clue. Did need BD’s help for the fish. Can’t think there would be many people who would know that one off the top of their head… I am also in the group who started 19d with a P. Maybe our solutions will end up in the wostbag! Thank you, setter, for a really enjoyable puzzle – and, as ever, to BD.

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