Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2621 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Big Dave
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As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, I will select a few of the more difficult clues and provide hints for them.
Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.
Could new readers please read the Welcome post before asking questions about the site.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions
7a Problem with vision producing fall (8)
A double definition – an opaque condition of the lens of the eye and a waterfall
10a Resort in which completed film is set, we hear (6)
This resort on the Mediterranean coast of France sounds like (we hear) the containers into which completed films are stored
15a Card, not red, for striker (4)
A card from one of the suits, but not a red one, is also a weapon used for striking
17a Influenced to such an extent, did some work at last (5)
Split as (2,3) this could mean Influenced to such an extent but it does mean did some work on a shoe using a last
28a Supporters in camp set about covering operation in hospital (3-5)
These items support a tent and are created by putting a two-letter abbreviation for about around the abbreviation of OP(eration) and then putting all inside a hospital in Southwark, near London Bridge
1d Facts, at short notice, presented the wrong way (4)
To get these facts reverse (presented the wrong way) a charade of AT and the two-letter abbreviation of a notice
2d Some milk about to turn up as treat for kitten (6)
A charade of some milk that we used to be encouraged to drink every day and the single-letter abbreviation of about is reversed (turn up in a down clue) gives a plant of the mint family with a pungent smell attractive to cats (and kittens)
5d Show up at organisation as unorthodox leader (8)
A brilliant anagram (organisation) of SHOW UP AT gives a boxer who leads with the right hand as opposed to the more orthodox left
14d Do what you’re doing, as opposed to cutting fish (5)
What you are doing in order to find the answer to this clue is derived by putting the single-letter abbreviation of a word meaning opposed to inside an elliptical flatfish
22d Threaten to produce overflow in computer (6)
If a liquid in a container does this (3,3) it will threaten to produce an overflow but it is actually a portable computer
26d Prepare to swallow cold chop (4)
A verb meaning to prepare food in the mouth prior to swallowing it is a charade of C(old) and a verb meaning to chop
If you need further help then please ask and I will see what I can do.
As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put whole or partial answers or alternative clues in your comment, else they may be censored!
Today it’s Happy Birthday to David Bowie (65) and Shirley Bassey (75)
It would also have been Elvis’s 77th Birthday, an opportunity I couldn’t let slip by!
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Excellent, favourite 18d, thanks BD and the setter
Enjoyed today’s puzzle, even if a bit the worse for wear after yesterday! Liked 8d and would love to know the origin of 12a which is always a word which makes me smile.
I wonder who else thought about Judith Keppel with 9a? Also how often the first part of 18d has appeared recently.
PS forgot to say well done to BD for all the hard work he put into reaching yesterday’s milestone and to all the setters for the additional Saturday treats!
12a is thought to come from a **** ******* of someone who has nothing else to do but **** a ****. Hope all those stars make sense as I don’t really want to spend the afternoon in the naughty corner by spelling out the words.
Makes sense, CS, thanks.
I seem to be running a day behind … noticed I forgot to thank BD and setter for today’s puzzle.
Once again Virgilus has treated us to a superb start to Sunday. The d’oh moments for my last two in (17a/14d) were quite something. Thanks to BD for the hints too.
Crypticsue, they were my last two too :-)
Mine too!
For some reason 14d was one of the ones that went in on first read through. Had problems with others though ….
Enjoyed puzzle so far, smiled at 8 & 22d. Struggling with 9a though & Tilly’s reference to Judith Keppel has confused me even further.
I am not entirely sure but think it must have been one of the questions she got right to win Who wants to be a millionaire.
It was the answer to the last questiuon asked of the guy who cheated – forget his name but wasn’t it ‘Major’ something’?
Apologies for any confusion caused – still befuddled after last night! It was the answer to the question that Major Charles Ingram is suggested to have cheated on for his £1m win on Who wants to be a millionaire.
Lovely crossword today – about average Sunday difficulty, for me. I would NEVER have got 5d without the hint – realised that it was an anagram but was trying to think of some obscure religious leader. Was nearly defeated by 17a even though I had everything in but 2nd and 4th letters then it came to me. I liked 12, 20 and 28a and 2, 8, and 24d. With thanks to Virgilius and BD. Any help with my one remaining clue, 3d, would be appreciated – I have an idea but can’t see what it’s got to do with “ambassadorship”.
Off up the garden now.
For 3d split your answer (1,2,1).
Thanks Gazza and crypticsue – of course, but that is ALWAYS the kind of clue that I miss! I WILL learn, one day. Can now go and do some gardening.
Is it any comfort to know that I didn’t ‘see’ it for a long time – the penny only dropped when I was scribbling notes for the review.
THis is going to be hard to explain without giving it all away – mind you I could take the left over pannetone with me :) to the corner. Look at the first and last letters of ambassadorship and then split what you have in your idea 1, 2, 1.
I found this Toughie level today. I know it is prize crozzy stuff but compared to yesterday it is difficult.
I found the opposite – yesterdays took me a little longer than usual for a Saturday, whereas I romped through today’s puzzle, enjoying every moment, including the d’ohs.
Finished OK but needed BDs excellent clues to explain 14d, 17a and 26d. Nice puzzle overall I thought at least for me with a decent variety of clues. Best clue for me def 13d, i like clues that are both clever and make me smile. Thx to the Setter for a pleasant Sunday excercise.
I only did three clues on my first two attempts, so was amazed to find myself with only 17a and 14d left after about an hour over lunch. Perhaps the little grey cells had needed nourishment!
Needed BD’s help for 17a, which confirmed what I’d suspected for 14d. Lots of excellent clues, 20a, 22d, 7a and 9a to mention but a few.
Thanks as always to BD and the compiler.
Hello everyone, still not got 9a,it’s driving me mad, has it got anything to do with Maxim Gorky at all? I found this hard going but perservation throughout the day has seen me finishing without hints apart from that horrible 9a! Loved 20a, also liked 8d and 5d, help much appreciated with 9a Please :-)
Hi Mary,
9a It’s a Russian author with O (ring) inserted to give a word for ‘many millions’!
Thanks both, I was looking at the wrong author but I think this is a toughie clue and have never heard that word before – what’s new! Very obscure spoiling an otherwise tough but enjoyable crossword IMHO :-)
I’d never heard of 9a either.
Did anybody else get misdirected by the word ‘camp’ in 28a and use the wrong vowel?
Mary and Nora – I’ve never heard of 9a either, nor the five letter Russian author. You live and learn, as my Dad would have said! :smile:
You could xxxx-le the answer! (Edited just in case – an alternative might be to say to use a well-known search engine to get the solution. CS)
Thanks Paddy :-) don’t know if you’ll get sent to naughty corner for that though!! Never mind all the boxes of Christmas sweets and cakes left-over are there to be eaten :-)
A very good puzzle today – I loved 5d (I put a very big tick against it at the time).
I found the puzzle a little trickier than the last few from Virgilius, but then again I have always preferred a puzzle that requires some thought.
Thanks to Virgilius, and to BD for the hints.
Favourites 12 and 20 a and 13 d. Struggled with 9a as had wrong author. Not as much fun as yesterday but very satisfying
Thanks to Virgilus, and to Big Dave for the hints, just needed one for 17a, all I could think of was *hoe*. Favourites were 9a & 20a. Very entertaining puzzle.
Many thanks to Virgilius for the high-class crossword today.
Enjoyable Sunday fare from Virgilius.
Faves : 7a, 9a, 20a, 28a, 2d, 5d, 13d & 18d.
10a clue picture triggered Mr T’s “lift and separate” joke so I sent him outside to fix my car. No cryptic for him today! Mrs T
More difficult today than usual? Now done (I would point out that I obviously don’t start as early as some people !), but am still stuck on 19a. I’m not a card player.
Anncantab, even if you’re not a card palyer you surely must know there are black and red suits! This is a card from one of those that isn’t red.
? wrong clue, Pommers, think you must be talking about 15a. :smile:
You don’t need to be a card player, Anncantab. The definition is “hold back” as in “hang on for a while”. You want a three letter word for a “smart arse” with the “a” from the clue in the middle.
Oh ******** – meant to say one letter from the usual abbreviation for “ace” from the clue. Am I destined for the naughty corner this week! Really sorry … :oops:
Don’t worry Kath – I would probably have put “… with the A(ce) from the clue”
Oh good – not very keen on the left over Christmas goodies ….. AND I am determined to get to grips with the toughies and the naughty corner doesn’t seem a very good place to start from!!
Thanks, have got it !
A couple of stickers here – 17 being the main. Thanks to Virgilius and BD. Regarding Elvis I will reserve my judgement lest I offend.
Are you not a fan of ‘The King”? Think you’re probably too young!! Lucky you!! :grin:
Too young to die, too fat to live.