Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 055
Hearsay by Radler
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.
Radler entertains us again with a puzzle which has an interesting theme which is suggested by the sub-title.
The puzzle by Radler will be available by clicking here:

Feel free to leave comments about this puzzle.
I enjoyed test solving this. Radler has produced an excellent puzzle. Review will by up at 3:00pm.
I printed this off and looked at it and looked at it and in the end had to give up and go on line to use a couple of ‘reveal letters’ to get me started. I found this the hardest Radler yet but I did like 11a. Thanks to Radler for the right proper brain stretcher.
I’m having problems printing the PDF – is anybody else or is it my steam driven PC acting up again?
It worked for me, the only trouble was I couldn’t solve it on paper!!
You need to click on the PDF printer icon rather than using CTRL/P or using Print from the File tab.
Thanks Gazza but it will have to wait until tomorrow. Its 16.22 & my armchair beckons for the England-France game & I must replenish the beer fridge before the kick off!
Excellent puzzle from Radler – where do you get a twisted mind like that from? Luckily I got 14a pretty early on, which gave me the phrase and associated clues, otherwise I’d still be struggling this time next week. Favourite clues 11a (wonderful), 23a and 20d.