Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2576 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Big Dave
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As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, I will select a few of the better clues and provide hints for them.
Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.
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Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”.
A full review of this puzzle will be published on or after the closing date.
1a In which one’s routed differently (6)
An anagram (differently) of ROUTED gives somewhere In which one is routed differently!
11a Wanted to have sink put in, as contemplated (9)
Start with a word meaning wanted to have something owned by someone else and insert a verb meaning to sink to get a word meaning contemplated
17a Matthew’s threat badly concerned inquiry (5,3,6)
When you see names in a clue it often, as here, means that they are part of the fodder for an anagram – MATTHEW’S THREAT is an anagram (badly) of a concerned inquiry
27a It’s part of e-mail, not a letter (6)
Inside e–mail is a character that is not a letter
1d Elegant piece of furniture put up during broadcast (8)
A word meaning elegant is derived by reversing (put up in a down clue) a piece of furniture (3) and following it with a phrase (2,3) that means during a radio or television broadcast
5d One form of good book — possible way to get over sin (7,7)
An English translation of the Bible issued 1881–5 could be read as an instruction to create OVER SIN
9d What makes story a success or extraordinary hit in many quarters (14)
To get what makes a story in the paper a success put OR and an anagram (extraordinary) of HIT inside many quarters of the compass
22d Extremely energetic person who’s working hard on promotion? (5)
A double definition – an adjective meaning extremely energetic and a person who’s working hard on the promotion of a product
If you need further help then please ask and I will see what I can do.
As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put whole or partial answers or alternative clues in your comment, else they may be censored!
Lovely vintage Virgilius. Lots of favourite clues including 21d, 27a (those ones catch me out every time!), 5d, 6d and 9d, but my top favourite is 17a because that’s what I always think when my Matthew makes one of his rare telephone calls home :) Thanks to Virgilius for the great start to Sunday morning and BD for the hints and illustrations.
Thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish with too many clever clues to pick a favourite although 4a & 6d stand out
Morning Dave I enjoyed this today but I still though it was hard and some of the clues deserved toughie status, don’t understand where the last two letters in 3d come from unless its meant to be part of the three things youngsters need to learn? liked 10a, 25a, 27a, not sure if I liked 9d, thought 5d was clever and 22d I have never heard that used to mean a person who’s working hard etc. not an easy one today but enjoyable IMHO
Re 3d – You are right Mary; one of the 3 basic skills a child needs to learn.
thanks Jezza, hope you have a lovely break, enjoy!
Thanks Mary
Yet another fine puzzle from Virgilius today. I found most of it straightforward, but did get a little stuck in the SW corner for a while.
Thanks to Virgilius, and to BD.
Off to West Sussex this afternoon for a week, to entertain the young ones during half term – Hope the weather improves!
Hi Jezza
Strange! I had no problem with the SW but struggled a bit in the NE!
I’ve done most of the NW and SE quarters and am now thoroughly stuck despite the hints. Will have to come back to this later.
Here to help if required – without giving too much away obviously
Those are the corners I did first too Franny, let me know if I can help :)
Thanks, Mary and Spindrift. Now I’ve nearly finished — see below. :-)
A very enjoyable puzzle. Particularly enjoyed 6d. Almost a dingbat.
now I confess to not knowing what a dingbat is!?
One of those picture puzzles eg HEAD placed above the word HEELS which translates to head over heels.
Ah, thanks Sue, sound quite fun
Oh dear, only done a handful and struggling with this one. 2d, game of cricket? 18d, hidden word?
Hi Geoff, yes 18d is a hidden word its the kind of stormy outbreak a child might have!
yes 2d could be a game of cricket
Thanks Mary. So what does striker have to do with 2nd word? One of my kids used to have 18ds, real banging fists on and kicking the floor stuff, always on Mondays; turned out to be caused by tartrazine, the colourant in the orange squash he had in church on Sundays.
Geoff, you would strike one of these to get a light?? :)
S’ok I’m often like that :-)
I view of BD’s comment the other day on how he gets to star ratings I would have to give this 5*!
Enjoyed it though and got there in the end without help.
Thans muchly Virgilius – trust you to keep me on my toes!
Well stuck on todays, found it very tricky indeed. Any help with 24a and 11a would be much appreciated :-)
Hi Barrie
You are looking for a word for contemplated, you need a 6 letter word for wanted as in a jealous sense with a three letter word for sink inside it
this unusually gifted person is often found in childrens magazines/comics, you need a 6 letter word for a meal, which at the heart has a double letter, remove one of these and follow with *** as it actually says in the clue followed by a letter for a circle
Still can’t see 11a. Only have checking letters from 5,8d and because of 5d I’m stuck on the ten commandments word, which is 5 or 7 letters for /current/past tense.
the second word of 5d is an anagram of ‘over sin’ Geoff, the first word really is the anagram indicator if that makes sense?
11a If you wanted something that someone else had in a jealous sense you would have ****** them put a three letter word for sink as in collapses in the middle inside to get a word for contemplate
Thanks Guys, thought of the Batman type character but couldn’t see the fit. never thought of the jealous type want either so had little chance of 11a.
Only another 12 to go!!
In 24a, the unusually gifted person may be found in a comic or Sci Fi movie. The a late evening meal and remove one of the double letters in the middle. Add on the her from the clue and a final letter that is a circle for the answer
11a – the wanted word is to do with when you’d wanted something belonging to someone else… and the inserted ‘sink’ word is a three-letter word which is what a souffle will do if I cook it.
24a – Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne … their alter-egos.
BD – hope that’s not too much for the clues.
Good puzzle today. Thank you to Big Dave and Virgilius.
I enjoyed this more than yesterday’s puzzle – seems like I am closer to the general mood today. Maybe I just slept better last night…
Favourite was 4a. Can someone explain the wordplay in 21a to me, please. Thanks.
You need African capital, which is the first letter followed by another way of saying ‘won’t’ I at least I think that’s correct
Aah… red face here. Thank you, Mary.
I don’t really ‘see’ how we are told to do this in the clue myself???
Lovely day here in West Wales once again :)
Can I move to your house? We haven’t got torrential rain like yesterday, just very chilly mist and drizzle.
Don’t want to gloat (well, not much) but it’s 21C and sunny here!
sunny here too Pommers but not got 21 deg!!
1st day this year over 20 – it’s beginning to look as though Spring may have sprung! You never know though, it can be cold and wet in March.
Even murkier in East Kent than earlier on but its reached the dizzy heights of 5 deg.
looks like we’ve been lucky here today then, don’t expect it to last though!
Lovely puzzle. Thanks Virgilius and BD.
Looking forward to blogging it!
Late on duty today as I was waiting for Mary’s tips. Favourite was 5d but I also enjoyed the rest of the puzzle. Where is Kath?
Finished quicker than usual for a Sunday – but, assuming I’ve got it right, can someone please explain 20d to me??
Don’t know where the rest of you live but it’s cold, grey and dark here in West Berkshire and has been all day!
20d Service provided in mountainous area (6)
Service (4) and provided (2) gives a mountainous area
Another enjoyable puzzle from Virgilius with a good mix of clues.
Best for me were : 11a,13a, 21a, 27a, 2d, 5d, 6d,19d & 20d.
I solved this one diagonally! NW corner then SE then NE and finally SW.
The NW was relatively easy and then I got the four 14-letter jobs out of the way and then pressed on as noted.
Here in NL, the weather is generally dry but we have a chilly east wind.
Don’t kid yourselves that Spring is here yet – remember the March equinoctial winds often bring cold and snow!
Dave in 21a what actually tells us that we are looking for another way of saying ‘won’t I to follow African caital?
I don’t see the problem.
In A(frican) + a synonym for won’t + I you can see these Africans
Its just seemed a bit different and I couldn’t really ‘see’ it, thanks
Thanks Dave, only 7 to go now, but no ideas on them.
I’ve finally got here – visitors gone now.
Found this one quite hard and have ended up completely stuck on three clues – 4a (which seems to be quite a favourite judging by previous comments) 6d (likewise) and 14a – thought I had the first word of that until I got 9d. Any help please?
Clues that I have enjoyed today include 10, 17 and 27a and 5, 7, 19 and 20d.
Thanks to Virgilius and Big Dave – and, in advance, to anyone who can help me to finish these last three clues!!
Hi Kath nice to see you’re back to normal
14a, inside job as in the programmes you see on tv doing up rooms
4a You need a word for entrances, i thought this was a difficult one, you need a four letter word for affectedly playful, (I wouldn’t have thought of this particular word) followed by a 4 letter word for kinds of behaviour,
6d you need a word for goes quickly, a three letter word for consumes followed by what the 4 Xs are
hope that helps but it doesn’t seem very clear sorry
4a and 6d were the last two in for me…. but they were real ‘penny drop’ ,moments and I enjoyed the wordplay.
Affectedly playful… think ‘saucy’ and a raised eyebrow … ?
I’ll tell you what Mary, if you have solved todays stinker, you are now in the expert class :-)
Last 2 for me and did not see either of them… even with the help!! Got there at last! many thanks… think I am now wel linto another club.. other than the Clueless one….Is there one for ‘I still can’t see i despite the help club t’????? maybe the glass of wine did not help? Have found it hard this week!
I know I shall kick myself but can anyone help me with 6d and 4a? Just can;t see either of them at all :-(
10a ABC is, in a way (5)
This is an all-in-one clue. It’s an anagram (in a way) of ABC IS.
Isn’t that 10a?
Sorry – for 4a see Mary’s reply to Kath at comment #17 above.
6d Quickly goes and consumes XXXX (7)
The definition is quickly goes. Think of each X as a Roman numeral.
So where does 40 come into this?
Consider each X separately.
yes each is 10, so what? This whole top right is a real stinker!
You’re nearly there. It’s a 3-letter word meaning consumes followed by the plural of what you now have.
The only 3 letter word I know for consume ends with a T not with an ? which is my third letter
Thanks to your helpful hints above, I have now managed to do all but five clues. The ones remaining are 13 and 26a and 6, 20 and 22d. It’s a bit of a struggle, but I’m having a busy day.
Swop you 20d for 4a!!
Got them now – thanks Mary. Really slow and dim today! Good luck Barrie! :smile:
Still stuck totally on the top right – 4a, 13a, 6d and 7d are complete closed books!
13a Female articles put in case (7)
This is a verb meaning to put something in a case. It’s a feminine pronoun followed by two articles (one indefinite and one definite).
Thanks, got that one at least :-) Only 3 to go including that irritating 6d which I am still no nearer getting!
7d It’s a dreadful feeling, being held by gangsters (5)
This feeling of dread is hidden (held by) in the clue.
Thanks got them all at last. Wouldn’t have got 6d without your help if I had lived to be 100!!
Hi Barrie
The word meaning quickly go is a bit old fashioned – not used in everyday conversation nowadays. XXXX is four what?
Probably back in the naughty corner now!
Looks OK to me.
With the prize crosswords I’m never quite sure what oversteps the mark. I suppose on this one I didn’t include anything that isn’t already in the clue?
What to avoid is what I call an alternative clue, which is a clue that has the same answer but has little to do with the original clue. If the clue is describing, say, “Yesterday”, then avoid saying “Think of a Beatles song”.
OK, think I may have got it at last! I’ll sleep better now because the naughty corner ain’t that comfortable!
Earlier post ( shown below)…. totally understand! Want to join me in a new club??
‘Last 2 for me and did not see either of them… even with the help!! Got there at last! many thanks… think I am now wel linto another club.. other than the Clueless one….Is there one for ‘I still can’t see i despite the help clubt’????? maybe the glass of wine did not help? Have found it hard this week!’
Hi Lizwhiz
IMHO not the easiest of puzzles today but a typical Virgilius. At one point I thought I might have been beaten but then the penny suddenly dropped on those pesky XXXX!
What’s causing you’re problem?
My typing, and grammar, is getting worse! Meant to say ‘What’s causing you a problem’!
Enjoyed both weekend puzzles very much – keep up this standard please DT & ST. A few days off now seeing the sites of Athens – back in time for next weekend’s delights. Thanks to setters, boggers & commentators all!
Have fun Digby!
Ditto from me!
BD, just been reading your hints on this and nowfully understand 5d. Got the answer but couldn’t work out where the 1st word came from. It’s one of those ‘reverse anagrams’ which I always miss – there were 3 in Friday’s Firefly Toughie I think! Didn’t expect one to come up in a cryptic!
Thanks BD for your reply – 14 above – only just back in this blog. Of course! It makes all the sense in the world – now!