DT 26434 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 26434

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26434

Hints and tips by Gazza

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ***

We have an entertaining but fairly gentle puzzle today from an unknown setter. Let’s hope that Mr, Mrs or Ms X unmasks himself or herself in a comment. [update – No comment so far from Mr X, but Rufus (see comment #21) has identified him as Anthony Plumb who sets crosswords in the FT under the name Flimsy].
To see an answer highlight the space between the curly brackets under the clue.

Across Clues

1a  Working daily? In theory (2,5)
{ON PAPER} – a charade of an adverb meaning working or functioning and the sort of publication that daily is an example of produces a phrase meaning in theory, with the unspoken implication that what works in theory will not necessarily work in practice.

5a  Jotter found in flat next to record (4-3)
{NOTE-PAD} – an informal word for a flat or apartment goes after a verb meaning to record to make a block of paper for jotting on. I’m not very keen on this one, since record and jot can mean virtually the same.

9a  Heron, say, on far side of moat (5)
{EGRET} – this heron is built from the abbreviation for say or for example, a preposition meaning on or with regard to and the last letter (far side) of (moa)T.

10a  Voluntary worker at marina’s injured (9)
{SAMARITAN} – an anagram (injured) of AT MARINA’S.

11a  Team triumph, the German air-to-air missile (10)
{SIDEWINDER} – this is an air-to-air missile. It’s a charade of synonyms for team and triumph followed by a German definite article (the German).

12a  Exempt from toll crossing river (4)
{FREE} – a verb meaning to exempt is made from a toll around (crossing) R(iver).

14a  Tommy intends realising money from investments (7,5)
{PRIVATE MEANS} – the definition is money from investments (implying that a person owning such investments does not have to work for a living). Start with the rank of Tommy Atkins in the British Army and add a synonym for intends.

18a  Candidate’s expenses on the road? (7,5)
{RUNNING COSTS} – a cryptic definition of the expenses involved in campaigning for office are also, more literally, what it takes to keep a vehicle on the road.

21a  Separate if seen in street (4)
{SIFT} – put IF inside the abbreviation for street.

22a  Completely tie them in knots, continuously (3,3,4)
{ALL THE TIME} – a phrase meaning continuously is a synonym for completely followed by an anagram (in knots) of TIE THEM.

25a  Coach shows dedication (9)
{DILIGENCE} – double definition, the coach being a horse-drawn vehicle used as a stage-coach, mainly on the continent.

26a  Take legal action following one’s publication (5)
{ISSUE} – a verb meaning to instigate legal proceedings follows I’S (one’s).

27a  Form of rise appropriate for the remainder (7)
{RESIDUE} – an anagram (form) of RISE is followed by an adjective meaning appropriate or proper.

28a  Lower degrees read badly (7)
{DEGRADE} – an abbreviation for degrees (that you might see on cooking instructions) is followed by an anagram (badly) of READ to make a verb meaning to lower.

Down Clues

1d  Port does as rum (6)
{ODESSA} – an anagram (rum) of DOES AS provides the name of a Ukrainian port on the Black Sea.

2d  March past a row of shops (6)
{PARADE} – double definition.

3d  Intercede on someone’s behalf? You may already have, here! (3,1,4,2)
{PUT A WORD IN} – a phrase meaning to intercede is literally what you should have done a number of times when completing the crossword.

4d  Check about special synthetic substance (5)
{RESIN} – this synthetic substance is a verb to check containing S(pecial).

5d  Second in command, without feeling, wrote off (6,3)
{NUMBER TWO} – not the top person but his or her deputy is an adjective meaning deprived of feeling or lacking sensation followed by an anagram (off) of WROTE.

6d  Grass in furrow around front of field (4)
{TURF} – “around” here is not a containment indicator but a reversal indicator. Reverse a furrow and add the first letter (front) of F(ield).

7d  Eternal child’s favourite — parent endlessly liberal (5,3)
{PETER PAN} – the boy who never grew up (eternal child) is a synonym for favourite followed by an anagram (liberal) of PAREN(t).

8d  Amazing Sudanese ballerina (8)
{DANSEUSE} – this word, from French, for a ballerina is an anagram (amazing) of SUDANESE.

13d  Stifling son by being over-protective? (10)
{SMOTHERING} – I think that this is an attempt at an all-in-one. The definition is stifling but could also be the whole clue. Start with S(on) and add a present participle meaning being over-protective.

15d  Watchman unhappy living at top of esplanade (9)
{VIGILANTE} – this word derives from the Spanish for watchful so watchman is one meaning, but it has evolved to mean someone in a self-appointed organisation which has been formed to watch out for law-breakers and take unofficial action against them. It’s an anagram (unhappy) of LIVING AT followed by the first letter (top) of E(splanade).

16d  Champion eight reportedly unhappy about capsizing (8)
{CRUSADER} – a champion or vigorous campaigner is a sound-alike (reportedly) of a team of rowers (eight) followed by a synonym for unhappy and a preposition meaning about which is reversed (capsized, in a down clue).

17d  Steals bits (8)
{SNAFFLES} – double definition, the bits being things that are put in horses’ mouths to control them.

19d  Provided rolls and assortment of teas for carnival (6)
{FIESTA} – rolls here means turns upside-down (which only works for a down clue, very similar to “capsized” in 16d). So, reverse a conjunction meaning provided or in the event that, then follow this with an anagram (assortment) of TEAS to make a carnival.

20d  Tranquil piece of music a duke brought out (6)
{SERENE} – remove A and D(uke) from a piece of music to leave an adjective meaning tranquil.

23d  Runs into nurse in a rage (5)
{TREND} – put R(uns) (the sort that the Australians are having difficulty in scoring currently) inside a verb meaning to nurse to make a noun meaning latest in-thing (all the rage).

24d  Elderly housed in Swanage, Dorset (4)
{AGED} – a well-signposted word meaning elderly is housed in the clue.

I liked 13d and 23d today but my favourite clue was 19d (just for that “provided rolls”). Let us know what you liked in a comment!

41 comments on “DT 26434

  1. As you say, a nice gentle solve, just what was needed after all that Christmas eating and drinking. Didn’t take very long at all to solve but very entertaining. I liked the same clues as Gazza, thank you to him for the review, and thank you too to the mystery setter.

    The Toughie isn’t bad either today, although it helps if you have Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable :D

      1. I can’t face going out in the gloomy, drizzly mist, so in addition to make a lovely turkey pie and a vegetarian alternative pie, I have done all the Cryptic puzzles in all the major papers, which are all relatively easy if anyone else doesn’t fancy going outside either..

        1. Just been out to feed the birds and was going into town but it is horrible out there, so I think I’ll try the Toughie!

  2. This is one for the CC today after yesterdays expert only offering. Learnt a couple of things today, I didn’t realise that a 25a was a sort of coach although the answer was obvious from the rest of clue and 8d is new to me. Took me ages to see 23d as a fashion, could see the answer but couldn’t work out what it had to be with rage! Enjoyable puzzle today.

    1. Hi Barrie, I didn’t know 25a was a coach either! Hows filming going? when is your film being released?

    2. Agree with all your comments today Barrie. Almost exactly what I was going to post myself!

      Have a good day all.

  3. Yes a nice start after Xmas . Some good clues . Thanks to setter & gazza.. Just need one of his hints.
    Now for some ironing!!!! Snow at last going as its raining heavily here in Northumberland for a change..
    However fields & river are startig to flood!

    1. Snow gone here too AnnB, horrible day though, mist and rain, the river which runs through our town was frozen over for only the second time, that I can remember!

  4. Another good crossword for the hard of thinking today. I include myself in that list. Also rejoice at the news that today is my first “well” day after two weeks of gastric virus infestation which put paid to any overindulgeance I had planned for Christmas, still the diet was the winner so every cloud blah blah..
    Thanks to Gazza and one of Capt Scarlet’s nemisises(A Mysteron). Is there a plural for nemisis or can it only be singular by virtue of what it means ?
    15d I thought was a bit left field for me.

  5. Hi Gazza, hope you had a good Christmas? I gave up on yesterdays puzzle, not one to get me restarted after the break! However todays was just what I needed, do you think it is possibly Rufus? lots of nice anagrams and split answers, 23d I thought was clever as was 19d, a good one for the CC today also for us in the JOCC! Off to read your hints now, back later :)

  6. Perfect entertainment for just after Christmas! Enough to get those neglected grey cells going but not so hard they give up, really enjoyed this, thanks to the setter and Gazza. I liked 9 and 11a, 5 and 20d

  7. Were I to have been going to work it would have been a one-stopper. None the worse for that as I quite enjoyed it.
    Thanks to gazza and our mystery setter.

  8. Enjoyable but gentle, as others have said.
    I’m another who hadn’t come across 25a but it was guessable from the checking letters.
    I think the excesses of Benidorm must have worn off!
    Thanks Gazza and the setter.

  9. As everyone else has said, a gentle but enjoyable crossword today from the unknown setter, thank you whoever you are and thanks to Gazza for the review.

  10. Agree with all the previous comments. Did this one fairly quickly although got held up by 27a and 16 and 17d. Really can’t see why now – absolutely no reason. I had heard of 25a, probably from a previous crossword since that’s usually how I learn less commonly used words. Liked 11a and 3 and 8d. Favourite clue today was 17d – it was also the last one to go in. Really horrible weather in Oxford today – thawing so most of the snow has now gone but it still feels terribly cold – very grey and misty. Thanks to the mystery setter of today, whether he is a he or a she, and to Gazza for the hints. Back to the fire now – might even have a go at the toughie …

  11. Quite a quick one but don’t like too obscure clues which almost have hints for each pair of letters…..

  12. Yes, a gentle puzzle, just right after sorting out (by long-distant call) my partially-sighted 89 yr old mother who lives on her own near Aviemore and had lain awake all night worrying about various family and household problems!

    Thanks to the setter and to Gazza.

  13. I do like the gentle ones! Thanks to the setter and Gazza and Gnomie, all I can say is I rather hope you have longer between stops than I think you do!

    1. Ahoy Hoy, dram! I do allow for 4 minutes on the platform as well!
      I know for a fact that crypticsue finished it it 2/3 of my time!
      Not that we set worried about that sort of thing over here. See you in the other place!

  14. Gentle and enjoyable as most of us agree.
    Favourite clues for me : 11a (my very first entry), 25a, 7d, 15d & 19d.
    Quite a few reversal indicators in the puzzle.

  15. Lovely puzzle – finished in bed last night. Now up to date with all the Chrismas ones. Thanks Gazza for the review – now realise why 25a,16d and 23d are what they are! Favs 11a (recalled from the R.E.M. song) and 17d. Now to today’s offering……..

  16. For solvers who might like to know the setters: the Monday crossword this week was set by Don Manley, Wednesday by Jeremy Mutch and today’s Anthony Plumb.

    At midday Christmas Eve, my wife Anna and I returned home with the goose and prepared for a family get-together. At 6 pm Anna starting having stomach pains similar to past events in 2004 and 2007 when she underwent emergency surgery. At 6 pm we left for A&E in Telford where we were met by daughter Tamsin, a doctor , who had travelled from Liverpool .Triage sent Anna directly to the doctor, and X-rays confirmed there was a blockage. At 1 am on Christmas Day she was admitted. She was given painkillers etc and spent the day, and Boxing Day in a muzzy state. Operated on 9 am to 1 pm Monday. Tuesday she was out of pain, except for soreness from the op, and was already walking and looking her cheerful self. Daughter opines that she could be home by weekend. Meanwhile son Michael, a Sheffield vet, visited her bringing me 9 home-made ready meals – he recalled from single-parent childhood that I was a terrible cook.
    I should like to make public my admiration for the hospital staff and our offspring and families!

    1. Sorry you had such an awful Christmas. Please give my best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs Rufus.

    2. Thanks for the information Rufus and so sorry to hear of your traumatic Christmas. Thank God for wonderful children and dedicated hospital staff (came up trumps for me a few years ago). Wishing you both a peaceful New Year and a speedy recovery for Mrs R

    3. Roger,
      I hope you have a quieter, more enjoyable New Year, my kind regards and best wishes to your wife.

    4. Sorry to hear the news Roger.
      May I wish your wife a speedy recovery.
      All the best to you both,

    5. Sorry to hear the news Rufus but also glad that she is up and about and on the road to recovery, I would also like to say thank you for all the enjoyment you have given me with your puzzles, my favourite setter by far! I may have mentioned this once or twice on the blog! Your Monday puzzles are ideal for people like myself who haven’t been doing cryptics that long but are also sharp enough to keep ‘the others’ on their toes, thanks once again Rufus and a speedy recovery to Mrs Rufus

    6. Roger,

      So sorry to hear of your wife’s illness but it is encouraging to hear that she is on the road to recovery. Hope that things continue to improve and that you get an opportunity for a belated Christmas together with the family. All the very best for 2011.

  17. Very many thanks for all your kind words – they are much appreciated.
    Anna took me for a long walk in hospital last night, wheeling the drip with one hand and holding my hand with the other.
    Today, Friday, she has had all the tubes – 9 at one time – taken out and expects to have her first meal since Christmas Eve at lunchtime.
    All going well!
    Best wishes to all!

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