Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26307- Hints
Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club
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As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, I will select a few of the better clues and provide hints for them.
Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.
A full review of this puzzle will be published on Thursday, 5th August.
1a Conservationists after ten years in decline (8)
In crosswords conservationists are usually the National Trust – put their abbreviation after a period of ten years to get a word meaning in decline
11a Mournful linesman’s mood? (7)
A word meaning mournful could describe a poet’s mood
12a Fully dressed American vocalist? (7)
Pause between the two syllables of the name of this American bass-baritone and it sounds like fully dressed, like a member of the House of Lords
23a New editorial aid in bits, missing from lounge (6)
New indicates that an anagram of EDITORIAL, without the letters making up AID will give a word meaning to lounge
26a Transfer revolutionary energy scheme (8)
A word meaning to transfer from one area to another is a charade of a Communist revolutionary, E(nergy) and a scheme, as in a cunning plan designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage
1d Label — cut it, do you hear? (6)
A label listing the contents of a consignment sounds like to cut, or remove, it
2d One living with intent, say (6)
Say “with intent” out aloud and then think about who might live there
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
8d Friend in few lines produced rare recantation (8)
A charade of a friend, IN and a few lines of poetry gives a rare or unusual word for a recantation
20d Inferior not even in cast (6)
A word meaning inferior is built up by putting a synonym for not even inside to cast or throw
The Saturday Crossword Club will open at 10.00 am (after Sounds of the Sixties on BBC Radio 2). Membership is free and open to all. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions before that time.
Please don’t put whole or partial answers in your comment, else they may be censored!
Good morning. I enjoyed todays puzzle but am stumped with 19d. Caveman in the Hebrides? Usually I would leave and return later but a weekend jaunt in the lakes beckons. I presume I’m looking for a Hebridean Island. Can anyone help?
………. Wow what do you know it’s true. I’ve read before that as soon as one requests help the answer just slaps you across the face and it’s done just that to me. Have a good day y’all.
Hi garfield – welcome to the blog.
This is an example of what we now know as Gnomethang’s First Law.
Enjoy the Lakes :)
I’ll remember that. Thanks. ‘Seeking is not the only way to find’ as someone (probably gnomethang) once said.
Morning Dave, Gazza, Gnomey, I am stuck on 19d, 20d annd 26a even with above hints!
Gnomethangs law just kicked in and its only 19d I am stuck on now :)
would I be right in thinking its part of a fish on another word for girl??? If so I really don’t understand the clue?
The cave is in the Hebrides, and is best known for The Hebrides Overture by Felix Mendelssohn.
The only one that really foxed me – surprisingly as had far too many 6d’s last night – not good for a Friday night! Lovely bit of poetry, Dave, thanks!
OK think I’ve finished if 19d is correct, a few things today I didn’t like or understand, those I didn’t like were 1d, 23a,17d those I didn’t understand though got the answers, hopefully, were 20d, 14d, 11a, my favourite clue today was 12a , a year ago I would just have been so thrilled to have finished this (and I still am) but now I find myself actually criticising some of these clues! just who do I think I am!! :)
20d & 11a – read the hints again.
14d is a charade of a short(ish) distance and to strike
would I be right in thinking the 5th letter in 14d is not an S?
ok, never heard that word before, but then there’s lots of words I haven’t heard, my brother has a mind like a dictionary and in several different languages, I struggle in one!
though I don’t quite understand 11a, I think it’s a lovely word, some words just are
Try Googling this:
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd winds slowly o’er the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight,
And all the air a solemn stillness holds,
Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight,
And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds:
Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tower
The moping owl does to the moon complain
Of such as, wandering near her secret bower,
Molest her ancient solitary reign.
That is beautiful, thank you, will do
Think I remember it as ‘An ***** in a country churchyard’ , from school,
by Thomas Gray, I see where 11a comes from, it was the ‘linesman’ bit I stupidly could not see!
It was in the hint!
Sorry Dave, you think I’d know better by now, Just shows I got the answer without the hint :)
Thank you Dave – wonderful reading for Sat morning.
Hi Mary think of a cave made famous by Mendelssohn
If you select “REPLY” on the comment to which you are responding it keeps everything together.
You got it!
Thanks Garfield I think I got it right :)
An enjoyable start to the morning with no real problems experienced other than 3d, because it took a long while for the penny to drop, but, in mitigation, I was watching the athletics from Barcelona at the same time.
Britain doing quite well in the track events Caravaggio have been watching on and off this week
and you have made an appearance in today’s Weekend General Knowledge puzzle too!
My popularity has no bounds at the moment, Sue!
After making a silly mistake with 9a I had to go and sit on the naughty step and think about what I’d done, but it’s all finished now. 12d was probably my favourite today.
Fairly plodding sort of puzzle today but as Giovanni said yesterday, the bread and butter puzzles still have to be written for those who are not of this parish (Big Dave Crossword Blog).
I suppose we have to accept that and praise the fact we have in personal degrees progressed to the level of being able to criticise. Pity the poor cruciverbalists who have not yet discovered this bog and don’t have that option.
Fav 11a, 23a
Again I agree with you Nubian – except my only favourite was 11a. And Dave – thank you for the excerpt – that made the day.
Did you like the “Carry On” link?
Good fun – ta
We now have bread-and-butter puzzles and Marmite® puzzles – what next?
How about champagne for all those puzzles with masses of French clues??
and cricket clues
It’s not very flattering to call this site a bog :D
Didn’t notice that – goes to show first and last letter yield what you expect…
As we illustrated a few weeks back Lea
No its not!
Mea Culpa mea culpa, I was too busy concentrating on ‘cruciverbalist’
Mea maxima culpa
Sorry Big Dave
I agree Nubian I don’t know where I’d be without it :)
Does cruciverbalist come from the latin for cross and the latin for word – anybody?
ORIGIN: L crux cross, and verbum a word
mea culpa…my own fault
mea maxima culpa…my own most grievous fault
Pity me then – I have discovered the blog but have so far managed to do just the north-west corner and a couple of others. Ah well, I can always go and watch the marathon through Barcelona instead.
don’t give up Kath it is doable for us CCers and you can always ask for help
Well I have done eight answers AFTER taking the hints into account.
Hi Peter, I’ve managed two more than you, so it’s pretty dismal really. I am consoling myself with the excuse that I haven’t got my crossword head on.
Peter / Kate
I try to do hints for he first and last across and down clues and any others that, in my opinion, may prove troublesome. Feel free to ask for any ones you think I may have missed.
Thanks Dave. A hint for 12D would be good – it probably is very obvious but I can’t think where to start.
Kate, Please allow me – Big D might have slipped away to put the kettle on. The answer is a synonym for deplorable, made up of a 6 letter word for grief, followed by the sort of board that you sit down at to eat.
Thanks Digby – you were exactly right! The Hungarian Grand Prix practice could distract me as well!
Thanks Digby, got it. I think I need to do one of those lateral thinking courses. I was equating “on board” with a nautical theme, obviously. Enjoy the GP pratice BD
I had IMPINGED fort 24a which was a problem
Hurrah -a quick (and cheaty) check on Crossword Solver gave me 3d and 8d. I must say I have never heard of either of them. That means that the others have fallen into place and I now have the top half done, so a few in the bottom to get now. Gnomethang’s Law does work!
Isn’t it great Gnomey has a crossword law named after him :)
Without wishing to show off, it was me who named that law, as I email him quite a lot daily with questions such as Am I being thick not getting 24d or whatever, and as soon as you press send, bingo you know the answer. Enjoyed this puzzle today, I found it slightly trickier than bread and butter, possibly bread and butter with runny home made jam!
Hi Sue, yes I do seem to remember you starting it off not too long ago :)
True, Sue, true!
Thoroughly enjoyed this puzzle, I thought it bread and butter with honey! I am continuing to be educated though, 11a another new word for me.
Right I need help here.
Any hints for 14d, please?
14d Trek short distance and strike (8)
The definition is trek. It’s a short distance (more than an inch but less than a yard) in front of a verb to strike in the way a tailend batsman might.
Looks like we are doing it again :-)
I like cricket clues, and French ones
The defintion is trek. Its a measurement of 12 inches, followed by a cricket stroke usually played to cow corner.
thanks both
I’ll try the SW corner now.
For 22a – am pretty sure I have the correct answer – can see the small lake element for the first four letters – but the last three letters/their relevance to somehow being “…in the mountains” has me stumped.
Please put me out of my misery.
Thanks – and congrats re the wedding of the year.
it comes from LIKE a small lake.
I think this crossword is poor-ish
Thanks. Got it now – although I agree with you about today’s puzzle being somewhat poor-ish.
22a Go dull like a small lake in the mountains (7)
The definition is go dull. It’s an adjective which, if it existed, would mean like a small lake in the mountains. I think that this clue could do with a question mark.
Thanks gazza. Question mark would surely have helped!
23a I think is a word meaning hang to around on street corners – with intent (shades of 2d). If I’m right I don’t understand the clue!
17d – I see a word meaning having had quite enough. But I really don’t understand the reference to consumer goods.
23a see BD’s hint.
17d Having had quite enough of consumer goods? (7)
In other words having consumed enough.
sorry missed that on 23a.
thanks for explaining consumption.
I am stuck on:
any help gratefully received
3d is in ‘product I left’ ind by ‘some’ – for a word to mean yielding
crumbs. I was looking for an anagram of yielding minus i.
and I see 9a – yawn!
6d is the type of plant Basil is inside set
oh I see.
7d anagram of leg pains indicated by suffering to give you a word meaning slipping away as in time?
Thanks. I did not spot the anagrind.
26a see BD hint above don’t know that i can think of anything to add to that
Revolutionary as in colour for communist
Next E for energy
Next a four letter word for shceme
You are looking for a word for transfer not as in paper patterns etc. to transfer from one place to another
Hope those have helped ? :)
yes, thanks. I did not understand BD’s hint above.
Was also trying to work CHE into it until I did 12d.
Well I’ve finished. With a lot of help. Thanks all.
Is the normal Saturday compiler on holiday?
Well, I’ve finished now except for 3d, for which I have alternate letters and no idea. The last two I managed to find with your help, but never heard of 14d (where is the cow corner?) and don’t understand what’s unscrupulous about 25a.
Apart from that, I quite liked the puzzle, appreciated the hints and enjoyed reading everyone’s contributions. Now, ‘bon dimanche’ as they say here. :-)
Franny see just above for 3d, its not a word i’d heard of but it is included in those words
Don’t mind me — I never could spell 11a, let alone notice when a word is contained in the clue. That’s why I’m Clueless, I suppose. But thanks, Mary. :-)
As before lots of nice people in the Clueless Club – Bon Dimanche :)
But today is Saturday?
we were getting ready for tomorrow Libelulle mais bon Samedi :)
Yes, but around here they start saying ‘Bon Dimanche’ almost first thing on Saturday. A funny lot, the Swiss! :-)
cow corner is part of the cricket field, where the ball goes if a cow shot connects.
what is a cow shot????
This may help.
Cow corner
the area of the field (roughly) between deep mid-wicket and wide long-on. So called because few ‘legitimate’ shots are aimed to this part of the field, so fielders are rarely placed there – leading to the concept that cows could happily graze in that area.
Cow shot
a hard shot, usually in the air, across the line of a full-pitched ball, aiming to hit the ball over the boundary at cow corner, with very little regard to proper technique. Very powerful and a good way of hitting boundary sixes, but must be timed perfectly to avoid being bowled, or either skying the ball or getting a leading edge and so being caught.
Mmmmm thanks Libelulle just going to read that again very slowly!
Nice one Libelulle
It’s a cricket term
22a never heard of this word for lake but google explained why….Scottish hillwalkers like me call it a corrie loch or lochan! Could also be why 19d jumped out right away.
very much a Lake District word I think.
just written it above :)
You OK now Peter
Yes thanks Mary
Had to work today so was a bit late. I certainly found this one trickier than usual but thought it a good and fair challenge.
Thanks to the setter and also to BD for the hints
I did all the easy ones (for me) this morning, including 19d – obvious, I’m a musician! Am finishing now and have big gaps in the SW corner. Libellule and CCWizard provided 14d, as can’t spell cricket. Thanks to several others for helpful comments.
Help needed with 16a, please, then I might be able to fill in the rest, or will I see it as soon as I press ‘send’ ??
16a Commands inclusion of rows with regularity (11)
The definition is regularity or method. It’s a verb meaning commands around (inclusion of) a synonym of rows.
Thanks, couldn’t get past ‘tiers’! And no, it didn’t come to me.
Took me a while to get away from ‘ties’ as well Geoff. Think of tows as in ranks.
Yes, thought that would do it. All done now, perhaps a little trickier, but quite enjoyable. Different strokes and all that, with 3d one of my easy ones this morning, but 22a was far and away my favourite – still chuckling about it now!
Thanks for a good puzzle, good hints from BD and helpful comments from various others, with just a little ‘research’ here and there!
Couldn’t help recalling, re 17d, an All Creatures Great and Small episode fro years ago, where a travelling rep was being fed and refused second helpings, saying that he had ‘enjoyed an elegant sufficiency’. What a lovely phrase!
well done Geoff goodnight all :)
Big Dave – thanks so much for a great blog. Have used it many times – but this is my first post. Being driven to distraction by 25a and am not convinced that I’ve got 15a correct – any hints?
Hi Al – welcome to the blog.
25a Spring uncrupulous person mentioned (6)
The answer is a hot spring which gushes and emits a jet of hot water intermittently. It sounds like (mentioned) an unscrupulous person (but this word is normally used to describe an old guy).
There’s no 15a – do you mean 15d?
Thank you Gazza – that’s what I thought it might be. I must have 15d correct but not 17d. Strange because the clue fits – perhaps a different spelling.
Ah yes! No sooner posted than realised my spelling mistake of 17d. Think I was too focussed on “consumer”! Thanks for your help. Happy Sunday all.