DT 27624 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 27624

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27624

A full review by crypticsue

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BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ***

This puzzle was published on Saturday, 18th October 2014

This Cephas puzzle was solved on the High Speed train to London on Saturday morning.  Later in the day, it turned out that our setter and I both achieved the same position in our respective heats in the Times Crosswords Championships, which must mean something but neither of us is quite sure what!

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.  You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.


1a           Not even Irishman goes to church before start of Yule (6)
PATCHY –   PAT (Irishman) CH (the abbreviation for church) and Y (the ‘start’ of Yule).

4a           Result of lifts getting heated (6)
UPSHOT –   UPS (lifts) and HOT (heated).

8a           Deluge with literature, receiving dazzling illumination (8)
FLOODLIT –   FLOOD (deluge) and LIT (literature).

10a         Lay in wait and enticed king to get drawn in (6)
LURKED –   Insert K (King to get drawn..) into LURED (enticed).

11a         Stare, seeing women in space (4)
GAWP –   The abbreviation for Women inserted into a GAP (space).

12a         Some savant gardener breaking new ground (5-5)
AVANT-GARDE is hidden in some of sAVANT GARDEner.

13a         Recovering fleece found by valley track (12)
CONVALESCENT –   CON (fleece in the sense of charge exorbitantly) VALE (valley) and SCENT (track).

16a         Vulgar riches seen in international club? (12)
COMMONWEALTH –   COMMON (vulgar) and RICHES (wealth).

20a         Melting ice lolly that could be used as a bribe? (5,5)
SLUSH MONEY –   SLUSH (melting ice) and LOLLY (an informal term for money).

21a         Robin dropping end off new pen (4)
BIRO –  ‘Drop’  the N from the end of ROBIN and make an anagram (new) of the remaining letters.

22a         Cycle at university given precedence — that’s an improvement (6)
UPTURN –   UP (at university) goes before (given precedence) TURN (cycle).

23a         Tour ended in fall (4,4)
TRIP OVER –   TRIP (tour) OVER (ended).

24a         Fusion of the rod at a very high temperature (3-3)
RED-HOT –   An anagram (fusion of) THE ROD.

25a         Invite to come over stream to get on (6)
BECKON –   BECK (a Northern English dialect word for a stream) and ON (from the clue).


1d           Pattern of work over, aimlessly talk about party (5-3)
POLKA-DOT – A reversal (over) of OP (operate, work) followed by an anagram (aimlessly) of TALK into which is inserted a DO (party).

2d           Soldiers right to work outside (5)
TROOP –   Insert R (right) into TO (from the clue) and OP (work).

3d           Only item of luggage needed? (7)
HOLDALL –   A cryptic definition of a piece of luggage.

5d           Head holds permit for painting device (7)
PALETTE –   LET (permit) inserted into PATE (head).

6d           Infusion mixed at heel bar (6,3)
HERBAL TEA is an anagram (mixed) of AT HEEL BAR.

7d           Attempt to guard goal with it (6)
TRENDY –   TRY ‘guards’ or has inserted END (goal).

9d           Had a ripping time? What a nuisance! (5,4,2)
THAT’S TORN IT –   Something that might mean you’d had a ripping time, is an expression of annoyance meaning that something has spoiled one’s plans etc.

14d         Second team in force for red-light district? (4,5)
VICE SQUAD –   VICE (second, deputy) and SQUAD (team)

15d         Doctor has consumed last of flat fish (8)
STURGEON –   The ‘last’ of flat inserted into SURGEON.   Not only a chestnut but one that’s been seen a lot in Crosswordland in the last few weeks.

17d         It reminds me repeatedly not to get drunk (7)
MEMENTO – ME ME (me repeatedly) and an anagram (to get drunk) of NOT.

18d         I swayed over edge of road (7)
WAYSIDE is an anagram (over)of I SWAYED.

19d         Intended taking flight (6)
ELOPER –   A lovely cryptic definition of someone aiming to get married (intended) running away to do so (taking flight).

21d         Second-class security device for group of buildings (5)
BLOCK – B (second-class, A being first-class) and LOCK (security device).

Thanks to Cephas for both the crossword and your company in the pub on Saturday afternoon.