Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2853
A full review by crypticsue
This puzzle was published on 19th June 2016
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ****
I found this slightly trickier than some recent Sunday puzzles but as enjoyable as ever.
Please a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Not working, fusses about a lower level position (10)
DOWNSTAIRS – DOWN (not working) and STIRS (fusses) put about A (from the clue)
6a Prepares to fight — that’s a promise, ignoring the odds (4)
ARMS – A from the clue and the even letters (ignoring the odds) of pRoMiSe
9a With endless amusement, directed part of Scottish outfit (7)
SPORRAN – ‘endless’ SPORt (amusement) and RAN (directed)
10a One making definite choice to be less slim (7)
PLUMPER – Someone making a definite choice or an adjective meaning less slim.
12a In hardship, it’s a restructuring that’s often opposed by unions (13)
PRIVATISATION – An anagram (restructuring) of IT’S A inserted into PRIVATION (hardship)
14a Musician has to quickly run around piano, right? (6)
HARPER – I’d always called these people ‘harpists’ but the HARPER definition is the first one in the list in the BRB. HARE (quickly run) goes round P (piano) and the result is then finished by R (right)
15a As religious leader, Edward talked at length (8)
RABBITED – RABBI (religious leader) TED (Edward)
17a What can become ruined without male guard (8)
WATCHMAN – An anagram (become ruined) of WHAT CAN goes outside (without – I can hear BD’s teeth grinding from here) M (male).
19a Flier for magician (6)
MERLIN – A bird of prey or King Arthur’s magician
22a Preparing to substitute for player, not learning enough (13)
UNDERSTUDYING – Split 5, 8 to understand the second part of the clue.
24a Something body needs for energy put in container (7)
PROTEIN – PRO (for) E (energy) put in TIN (container)
25a In part of Africa once, you are reportedly not affected (7)
NATURAL – U R (you are ‘reportedly’ or said out loud) inserted into NATAL (a former province of South Africa)
26a Visible indication of ill feeling that’s overhasty (4)
RASH – Another of several double definition clues in this particular crossword.
27a Pressure leading to post in hospital in top office (10)
PRESIDENCY – P (pressure) goes before (leading to) RESIDENCY (post in hospital)
1d Ready to perform call for peace (4)
DOSH – DOSH and ready are both informal terms for money. DO (perform) SH (call for peace)
2d Wide container for something very big (7)
WHOPPER – W (wide) HOPPER (container)
3d Extra cost to pay as Army, say, goes on attack (7,6)
SERVICE CHARGE – SERVICE (Army, say, one of the armed services) CHARGE (attack)
4d Needing to be replanted — like dates, with one exception (6)
ANNUAL – Plants you have to replant every year or dates in the calendar apart from a leap year when February has an extra day.
5d Counter-attack putting queen in peril as ordered (8)
REPRISAL – R (queen) put in an anagram (as ordered) of PERIL AS
7d Ribbed fabric is not commonly put on new coat (7)
REPAINT – REP (ribbed fabric mainly found in crosswords) and AINT (is not ‘commonly’)
8d Playing to win hand (10)
SERENADING – This nice cryptic definition earned a * from me.
11d Not quietening down, including one part of speech turned up full (13)
UNABBREVIATED – UNABATED (not quietening down) includes a reversal (turned up in a Down clue) of I VERB (one part of speech)
13d Display garment for horse or rider (10)
SHOWJUMPER – SHOW (display) JUMPER (garment)
16d It secures safe rent as arranged (8)
FASTENER – An anagram (as arranged) of SAFE RENT.
18d What we did, ultimately, with record of loans generating little interest (7)
TEDIOUS – The ultimate letters of whaT wE diD plus IOUS (records of loans)
20d Roman soldiers holding king in chain (3-4)
LEG-IRON – LEGION (Roman soldiers) holding R (Rex, king)
21d I’d a son, awfully handsome boy (6)
ADONIS – An anagram (awfully) of ID A SON
23d Severely criticise loud song for beat with excessive force (4)
FLAY – Two definitions put round the wordplay – F (loud) LAY (song)
Yes I agree with the review, for which thanks. A long, hard grind to the finish, with too many clues of the ‘partial anagram and insert a letter’ variety. Not as enjoyable, for me, as some Sunday puzzles, which prompts a 3*/2*rating. I am a generous marker usually but I was suffering from man flu at the time and perhaps not in the best of moods, so a bit mean.
Incidentally I discovered that on completion of the online version, before submitting my solution, if I come out of the puzzle briefly and then return it tells me if my solution is correct or not. I can then go back and check for errors/ silly spelling mistakes which have been my undoing in the past. You all probably knew that, but I didn’t!
I was slow to start on this but once I had the SW corner done, the rest went fairly smoothly. BTW, in 5d it’s just R in PERIL AS, not in IN PERIL AS.
Thanks – now sorted.