72 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 72 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 72 by proXimal

Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee

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proXimal has provided us with a proper Toughie today. I had a bit of trouble getting going in the NW corner but the bottom half gave me a foothold and I worked up from there. He always gives me a bit more of a stretch than our other Sunday Toughie setters but I got there eventually, It was quite late when I had the final swig of the Port and Wine cask finished Laphroaig last night.

An unusual 15a and 16d clues today and I have hinted just under half, pipe up if you need an extra nudge or two.
15d is a candidate for Terence’s THE LIST if ever I saw one but as it is a straightforward anagram it remains unhinted

Here we go, Folks…

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