111 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 111 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 111

by Robyn


Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee


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I write this preamble before seeing the crossword and although Robyn has a bit of history with themes, most recently with hidden games in all the across clues in Sunday Toughie 109. I hope that crickety clues don’t feature too heavily as I would be obliged to hop on one leg until we get to 112 as the umpire David Shepherd used to do whenever the score got to 111 or one of its multiples

David Shepherd — The man who hopped his way to the top as an umpire

Apart from an appeal for a catch (25a) and one run scored (14d) I didn’t notice anything else crickety, but quite a lot of Latin and Kings and Queens appear today as well as a fair bit of facial hair in 8d and elsewhere

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia

I am taking Mama Bee out for a Mothering Sunday afternoon tea (The Talbot Hotel in Malton rather than Betty’s) so any pleas for extra help will be answered on our return

It was nice to see that of the four long ones only one was a partial anagram I have hinted half of 14a and 14d clues and hope that the mental image in 27a fades before long

Here we go…

Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 111 (Hints)”

Toughie No 111

Toughie No 111 by Citrus

Harder than yesterday, but then they all are!

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BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment ****

This one is not all that tough as long as your copy of Chambers is not far away!  I enjoyed the puzzle,  and I learned a few new words, and a poem by Wordsworth. Continue reading “Toughie No 111”