Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30617
A Full Review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 18th May 2024
BD Rating – Difficulty */** – Enjoyment ****
Another SPP from the NY Doorknob with what could possibly be described as a mini theme with three references to the Battle of the 19a, one of which inducing an ear worm which lasted on and off all week
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought
1a English wearing sacks for clothes (5)
ROBES – ROBS (sacks, plunders) ‘wearing’ E (English)
4a See 17 Down
9a Sausage with it dunked in drink? Thanks! (9)
CHIPOLATA – HIP (with it) ‘dunked’ in COLA (drink) followed by TA (thanks)
10d Riser lively at last – whence comes the dawn? (5)
YEAST – The last letter of livelY and EAST (the direction whence comes the dawn
11a Manage poetry in Old English (7)
OVERSEE – VERSE (poetry) inserted in O (old) E (English)
12a Support from belts or elastic? (7)
BOLSTER – An anagram (elastic) of BELTS OR
13a Bear brings death to Yorkshire river (6)
ENDURE – END (death) URE (Yorkshire river)
15a Severe reprimand in court for 29 hero (8)
CROCKETT – ROCKET (severe reprimand) inserted in CT (court)
18a Terrible bane, this potent liqueur (8)
ABSINTHE – An anagram (terrible) of BANE THIS
20a Cricketer in pub outside Totnes regularly (6)
BATTER – BAR (pub) ‘outside’ the regular letters of ToTnEs
23a Crew spotted cutter (4-3)
BAND-SAW – BAND (crew) SAW (spotted)
24a Talk tediously about old Queequeg’s weapon (7)
HARPOON – HARP ON (talk tediously goes ‘about’ the abbreviation for Old – Queequeg was a character in Moby Dick who would have used this weapon to catch whales
26a Mournful cry heard – is it Moby Dick? (5)
WHALE – A homophone (heard) of WAIL (mournful cry)
27a Where fare goes down, Iago hopes when travelling (9)
OESOPHAGI – An anagram (when travelling) of IAGO HOPES
28a Ivy for one always the ingenue? (9)
EVERGREEN – EVER (always) GREEN (naïve or inexperienced like an ingenue)
29a All lost after Mexican offensive – leaders herein? (5)
ALAMO – The leaders of All Lost After Mexican Offensive
1d Who’s Tommy, having wobble over quiet period? (4,5)
ROCK OPERA – ROCK (wobble) O (over) P (quiet) ERA (period)
2d Bung second-class cheese sandwiches? (5)
BRIBE – B (second-class) sandwiched in BRIE (cheese)
3d Boys without power or patron (7)
SPONSOR – SONS (boys) go outside (without) P (power) followed by OR (from the clue)
4d Dodger Luke finally seen with Anakin? (6)
EVADER – E (the final letter of LukE with VADER (Anakin Vader from Star Wars)
5d Rooms that crossword solver may use? (8)
CHAMBERS – ROOMS or the more formal name for the Big Red Book used by many a crossword solver
6d CD-i Lily redesigned is wonderful (7)
IDYLLIC – An anagram (redesigned)of CD I LILY
7d Cunning fellows housed in suitable accommodation (9)
APARTMENT – ART (cunning) MEN (fellows) ‘housed’ in APT (suitable)
8d Excited atmosphere around street (5)
ASTIR – AIR (atmosphere) ‘around’ ST (street)
14d Withdraw flawed design before time (9)
DISENGAGE – An anagram (flawed) of DESIGN goes before AGE (time)
16d Sailor and social worker, in love, shooting American? (9)
TARANTINO – TAR (sailor) ANT (social worker) IN (from the clue) O (love)
17 and 4 Across Whitehall head once spoiled everything (3,5,9)
THE WHOLE ENCHILADA – An informal American expression meaning everything is an anagram (spoiled) of WHITEHALL HEAD ONCE
19d Gets inside information: that should return savings (4,3)
NEST EGG – Reverse (return) GETS (from the clue) inside GEN (information)
21d Roman general in a thrilling production on the radio? (7)
AGRIPPA – A homophone of A GRIIPPER (something thrilling)
22d Cold chicken stuffed with duck son selected (6)
CHOSEN – C (cold ) HEN (chicken) ‘stuffed’ with O (duck in cricket scoring) and S (son)
23d 29 hero from East London region, that is (5)
BOWIE – BOW (East London region) IE (that is)
25d Honshu port: good enough area encloses it (5)
OSAKA – OK (good enough) and A (area) ‘encloses’ SA (it in the sense of Sexual Attraction)
I can’t say this was the most exciting puzzle I’ve ever solved, but it was ok.
Thanks for the write-up CS; just to show some of us do read the weekend reviews, your 9a drink needs to be carbonated :)
That’s what comes of editing the hint on Saturday but forgetting to amend the review. I always draft the full review immediately after I’ve scheduled the Hints post
3*/3* ….
liked 28A “Ivy for one always the ingenue? (9)”
It must have been an easier one, as “The Mythical” arrived in the post this morning