Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 20569
A full review by crypticsue
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
This puzzle was published on 23rd March 2024
BD Rating – Difficulty * – Enjoyment ***
NY Doorknob set (for me anyway) a friendly Saturday Prize Puzzle with an (apparently unintentional) American flavour or should that be ‘flavor’?
I have no problem with American words in crosswords – it was just when I got to the end of this one, much in the way that one might think ‘there seem to be a lot of anagrams’, I definitely was aware of the six references to places and people over the Pond
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought
1a Talk about wobbly rear as handsome in Arab leader? (6,6)
YASSER ARAFAT – A reversal (about) of SAY (talk), an anagram (wobbly) of REAR AS followed by FAT (handsome, generous)
8a Parish priest ignoring first offence (5)
ARSON – An old friend of the crossword solver – simply remove (ignoring) the first letter from pARSON (parish priest)
9a Detective in Georgia unwise to enter without invite (9)
GATECRASH – TEC (detective) inserted between GA (the abbreviation for the US State of Georgia) and RASH (unwise)
11a Inadvertently extend retirement? (9)
OVERSLEEP – A cryptic definition of what you do when you inadvertently extend retirement
12a Your escorts posed for Playboy? (5)
SATYR – YR (your) ‘escorts’ or follows SAT (posed)
13a Shot crow dead circling round timber (9)
CEDARWOOD – An anagram (shot) of CROW DEAD ‘circling’ O (round)
16a Girl generous with cider or tea in London? (5)
ROSIE – The girl who gave Laurie Lee too much cider or Cockney Rhyming Slang for tea
18a Salary increased, settle arrears (3,2)
PAY UP – PAY (salary) UP (increased)
19a Oppenheimer’s workplace also twice rebuilt — million invested? (3,6) The ‘new’ Telegraph Puzzles site had a different clue from that in the newspaper and on the Old puzzles site: Manhattan home also twice rebuilt – million invested? (3,6)
LOS ALAMOS – Old site clue – Two anagrams (twice rebuilt) of ALSO into which M (million) is ‘invested’. New site clue – The same anagram and investment of a Million but the definition refers to the home of the Manhattan project which created the first atomic bomb – As SJB said on Saturday, a much more difficult clue
20a Ladies sleep here and there in corridor (5)
AISLE – The even (here and there) letters of lAdIeS sLeEp
22a Notice wife plunged into warmer stream (9)
HEADWATER – AD (notice) W (wife) ‘plunged into’ HEATER (warmer)
25a Made a fruitcake? (6,3)
DRIVEN MAD – A cryptic definition of making someone crazy
26a Garlic piece in cold relish (5)
CLOVE – C (cold) LOVE (relish)
27a Cross river shortly after two vessels (12)
CANTANKEROUS – OUSe (truncated river) goes after two vessels – CAN and TANKER
1d Song about breaking up 24 hours ago? (9)
YESTERDAY – The Beatles’ song about breaking up or twenty-four hours ago
2d Cavity walls in usual houses (5)
SINUS – Housed by wallS IN USual
3d Hunting hound slipping lead finds bird (5)
EAGLE – Another old friend – Simply remove the ‘head’ from a bEAGLE (hunting hound)
4d Mountain range including peak over in Australia? (9)
ANTIPODES – ANDES (mountain range) into which is inserted TIP (peak) and the cricket abbreviation for Over
5d Ground Lancaster inherited (9)
ANCESTRAL – An anagram (ground) of LANCASTER
6d Expect a delay (5)
AWAIT – A (from the clue) WAIT (delay)
7d Maybe barman in AA right about police state? (5,7)
AARON COPLAND – AA (from the clue) R (right) ON (about) COP LAND (police state)
10d Needing treatment, let’s try here — a medical hub? (6,6)
HARLEY STREET – An anagram (needing treatment) of LETS TRY HERE A
14d Act for theatre to feel bitter about (9)
REPRESENT – REP (theatre) RESENT (feel bitter about)
15d Monk with a halo converted Tulsan? (9)
OKLAHOMAN – An anagram (converted) of MONK A HALO – Tulsa being the second most populous city in Oklahoma
17d Rich and posh MP turned out in southern states? (9)
SUMPTUOUS – U (posh) MP (from the clue) and a reversal (turned) of OUT inserted between S (Southern) and US (states)
21d Certain Muslims penning verse for Hindu god (5)
SHIVA – SHIA (certain Muslims) ‘penning’ V (verse)
23d Two daughters introduced to beer go off (5)
ADDLE – D D (two abbreviations for Daughter) ‘introduced’ to ALE (beer)
24d Nuts — kilo taken into Texan town (5)
WACKO – The abbreviation for Kilo ‘taken into’ the Texan town of WACO
SUE, what does “NY DOORNOB” stand for in the setter`s code name?
It’s an anagram of one of his aliases – Donnybrook
PS: the use of capital letters in internet posts indicates shouting which I’m sure was not your intention