ST 3216 (Full Review) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 3216 (Full Review)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3216

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 11th June 2023

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ***

Apart from my solving it on a Tuesday morning, this Dada Sunday Prize Puzzle wasn’t any different from any of his previous ones

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought


8a    Footwear on your bike, did you say? (4)
SHOE – A homophone (did you say) of SHOO (on your bike)

9a    Female cells in Govan neither opening nor closing (3)
OVA – The inside letters (neither opening or closing) of gOVAn

10a    Nobleman coming in to New York, not far off (6)
NEARLY – EARL (nobleman) ‘coming in’ N Y (New York)

11a    Poet skint, zero pocketed (6)
BROOKE – BROKE (skint) with O (zero) ‘pocketed’

12a    Figure crack in the pan fixed (8)
HEPTAGON – GO (crack) inserted into an anagram (fixed) of THE PAN

13a    The ground ain’t electrified (8,7)

15a    Country put into trouble, so thoughtless (7)
LESOTHO – Hidden in troubLE SO THOughtless

17a    Tap out wrong letters in slightly obscure exercise (7)
MISTYPE – MIST (slightly obscure) PE (exercise)

20a    Fast, as crowd on feet? (4,3,8)
LIKE THE CLAPPERS – A crowd enjoying something may well stand up to applaud

23a    Wisest hunter hosts a presentation (8)
BESTOWAL – BEST OWL (wisest hunter) ‘hosts’ A (from the clue)

25a    Delicious eats heading for oven, very warm (6)
TOASTY – TASTY (delicious) ‘eats’ the heading or first letter of Oven

26a    Boy in underground network? (6)
WARREN – A boy’s name or an underground network

27a    Blade has sliced head from swine (3)
OAR – Slice the head from bOAR (swine)

28a    Biblical garden in Gethsemane deadly, looking back (4)
EDEN – Hidden in reverse (looking back) in gethsemaNE DEadly


1d    Ask for amount of electricity (6)
CHARGE – Double definition

2d    Price on grotty old sheep’s cheese (8)
PECORINA – An anagram (grotty) of PRICE ON followed by O (old)

3d    Film lost in hurricane? (4,4,3,4)
GONE WITH THE WIND – This film title does make you think of something lost in a hurricane

4d    Dismiss bank worker (7)
CASHIER – Double definition

5d    Astronomy in part confusing, take what help you can get! (3,4,2,1,5)
ANY PORT IN A STORM – An anagram (confusing) of ASTRONOMY IN PART

6d    Have a go at munching a starter of Irish sausage (6)
SALAMI – SLAM (have a go at) ‘munching’ [what a lovely insertion indicator] A (from the clue), the result followed by the first letter (starter) of Irish

7d    Singer dismissing case of English composer (4)
ALTO – Dismiss the ‘case’ or remove the outside letters from wALTOn (English composer)

14d    Drink buddy knocked up (3)
LAP – A reversal (knocked up) of PAL (buddy)

16d    Priest evidently leading Israelites, initially (3)
ELI – The initial letters of Evidently Leading Israelites

18d    A part mixed with wet, running liquid (3,5)
TAP WATER – An anagram (mixed) of A PART with WET

19d    Look inside trophy for shell (7)
SCALLOP – LO (look) goes inside SCALP (trophy)

21d    Whole testament I put in before (6)
ENTIRE – NT (New Testament) and I (from the clue) put in ERE (before)

22d    Fairly sure thing! (6)
RATHER – Double definition, the second being an interjection of agreement

24d    Highest note raised in test (4)
EXAM – A reversal (raised) of MAX E (highest note)