DT 30319 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 30319

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30,319
Hints and tips by Huntsman

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty */**  –  Enjoyment ***

A dull & slightly chilly start to the day here in Harpenden that looks like it threatens a drop of rain, much needed by the golf courses, but there is none in the forecast . I’m off to a  Chris ‘Kingfish’ Ingram gig tonight which I’ve really been looking forward to. He is a young man from Clarksdale, Mississippi with a couple of albums under his (very large) belt & who plays a mean guitar & sings the blues. Worth a listen to for any who like that sort of thing. I was going to post a clip of him but still haven’t figured out how to do it but at least you’ve a couple of pics this week so that’s progress.

Today’s guzzle is a fairly typical Tuesday offering which I assume is the work of our usual setter. I can’t say I solved it particularly quickly but that may well have been because it was early doors & I was still half asleep. I suspect most will find it pretty straightforward though there are a couple of head-scratchers that require a bit of thought. I enjoyed it & thought it well clued throughout.

In the following hints, definitions are underlined, indicators are mostly in parentheses, and answers are revealed by clicking where shown as usual. Please leave a comment below on how you got on with the puzzle.


1a Appropriate clothing qualities (10)
PROPERTIES: Append articles of CLOTHING to a synonym of APPROPRIATE

6a Purchase bag (4)
GRIP:  A double definition – the first relates to a means of hold.

10a Flipping poor effort, to an extent for volunteer (5)
OFFER:  A reverse lurker (flipping/to an extent)

11a Deviation put reader off (9)
DEPARTURE: A straightforward anagram (off) of the two words following the definition

12a Titanic no more at sea – guy’s oddly forgotten (8)
 ENORMOUS:  Start with an anagram (at sea) of NO MORE then append the alternate letters (oddly forgotten) of GUYS

13a Jog with no clothes on, entertaining girl (5)
NUDGE: Insert the single letter abbreviation for girl into a word for having no clothes on

15a Reserved archbishop has a change of heart (7)
PRIVATE: Alter the central letter (change of heart) of a rank bestowed on some archbishops

17a Weather-beaten, perhaps after a day on a trip? (7)
DRUGGED:  Start with the single letter for DAY then add (after) a synonym for WEATHER-BEATEN

19a Established faith embracing a cult, finally (7)
CREATED:  Place a synonym of FAITH around (embracing) the A from the clue & the last letter (finally) of CULT

21a Is district attorney in uproar showing contempt? (7)
DISDAIN: Place the first word in the clue plus the usual abbreviation for DISTRICT ATTORNEY into (in) a synonym of uproar

22a Quarrel about river fish (5)
SPRAT:  Insert the single letter (about) for RIVER into a type of QUARREL

24a Second insignificant international match is the most pleasant (8)
SWEETEST: Begin with the single letter for SECOND then add a word for INSIGNIFICANT or small & finish with what an INTERNATIONAL MATCH is called in rugby & cricket.

27a Near this writer is umpire (9)
IMMEDIATE:  Start with a contraction meaning THIS WRITER then append a synonym of UMPIRE as a verb

28a Sculptor’s low energy after runs (5)
MOORE:  Begin with a synonym for LOW in the context of cattle then append the single letter for RUNS (cricket) & (after) ENERGY. Here’s one of his pieces called Oval with Points.


29a Go crazy on the way back (4)
STAB: A reversal (on the way back) of a word for CRAZY

30a Paper perhaps still delivered (10)
STATIONERY: a homophone (delivered) of a synonym for STILL


1d Kitty wrapping large parcel (4)
PLOT: Place a word for KITTY around (wrapping) the single letter for LARGE

2d Nasty old couple of females pondering leaving Portugal (9)
OFFENSIVE:  Start with the single letter abbreviations for OLD & FEMALES (note plural) then add a synonym for pondering less the IVR for PORTUGAL

3d Dismay having head cut off bloomer (5)
ERROR:  Remove the initial letter (head cut off) of a another word for dismay – not the first synonym that sprang to my mind.

4d Staff supporting little swimmer in pool (7)
TADPOLE: Place a synonym of staff below (supporting in a down clue) a word for little

5d Former lover sat bare (7)
EXPOSED:  The usual FORMER LOVER followed by a synonym of SAT

7d Plump dog with new lead (5)
ROUND:  Change the first letter (new lead) on a classification of man’s best friend

8d Falsely claiming Macron’s ready with resolution (10)
PRETENDING:  The French word for READY is followed by (with) a synonym for RESOLUTION

9d You and I perhaps harass poor nuns (8)
PRONOUNS:  An anagram (harass) of the last two words in the clue. Perhaps indicates a definition by example.

14d Engineer spies chap’s heavenly transport (10)
SPACESHIPS: An anagram (engineer) of SPIES CHAP’S.

16d New tap due – it’s bent (8)
APTITUDE: An anagram (new) of the three words preceding the definition ignoring the S. I rather liked this one as it wasn’t immediately obvious whether the indicator was front or back.

18d PM’s satisfied southern accent (9)
GLADSTONE:  Start with a synonym for SATISFIED then add a single letter for SOUTHERN & finish with a word for ACCENT. You’ll have to go back a wee bit for this fella who led four administrations.


20d Volume lost from TV and it’s faulty remote (7)
DISTANT: A anagram (faulty) of the three words preceding the indicator less (lost) the single letter abbreviation for VOLUME

21d Most profound flower problem (7)
DEEPEST:  Think of a FLOWER running through both Wales & England & append a synonym of PROBLEM

23d Strange first half of barn dance (5)
RUMBA:  Begin with a synonym for STRANGE & append the initial two letters (first half) of BARN

25d Empty the motorway and work up speed (5)
TEMPO: Take the outer letters (empty) of THE then add the single letter for MOTORWAY & finish with a reversal (up) of the usual two letter term for WORK

26d Cover your sandwiches well (4)
VERY: A lurker (sandwiches) found in the first two words in the clue


No specific favourite but there were a number of ticks on my page – 12&17a plus 4,8,16&20d. Which ones hit the spot for you?


Today’s Quick Crossword pun: ASS + HID +  REIGN = ACID RAIN

66 comments on “DT 30319

  1. Just back in Blighty after two weeks away, with only one look at a crossword in the whole time, and haven’t the little grey cells fled the paddock from lack of excersise!
    Found Sunday’s one impossible, couldn’t get more than half of it, yesterday was easier, but still tricky, today was harder still and took a fair bit longer than most Tuesday offerings.
    Oh well, got there in the end but was nearly tripped up by the crafty little 26d. Some really great clues however, loved 17a and 9d, very clever.
    Off to tackle the garden now which is doing a fair impression of a Malaysian jungle after a fortnight of being left to its own devices. Many thanks to our setter today.

  2. Just right for a Tuesday. I thought a 2 and 4 but who is counting.
    No favourites and a couple of old friends. Will have a second coffee anyway!

  3. Light, swift, enjoyable: good Tuesday fare. Completed pretty much from N to S and afterwards was surprised to see how few anagrams there were – it felt as though there were more. Good tight clueing, nothing esoteric, smooth surfaces: what’s not to like? Special Mentions to 13a, 9d, 16d & 17d, with COTD 8d.

    1.5* / 3*

    Thank you to the setter and to Huntsman – you’ve settled in well!

  4. Here he is but my links are getting marked as spam so you may not see it

    1. Thanks for this, SJB. I discovered “Kingfish” a couple of months ago. Absolutely brilliant – a masterful bluesman. I try to blame my own very mediocre guitar playing on not having long enough fingers. Christone Ingram blows that theory out of the water!

      Enjoy the concert this evening, Huntsman. Where is he playing?

      1. At the Garage in Islington.
        Did you listen to the Thorbjorn Risager & The Black Tornado album Navigation Blues that I recommended to T the other week. There’s a You Tube full set of them previewing the album in a gig in Denmark & the new guitar player they’ve recruited is terrific. Well worth a watch

        1. I missed that recommendation, but I’m listening to it now! Very good indeed, thank you. 👍

    2. That is fantastic! I love a blues guitar.
      My meagre attempts at the blues guitar fade well way before such skill.

  5. 1.5*/4*. As MG says @2, light, swift, enjoyable: good Tuesday fare.

    With lots of ticks, my podium comprises 13a, 17a & 8d.

    Many thanks to the setter (Anthony Plumb?) and to Huntsman.

  6. Really enjoyable, with the RHS going in ahead of the left, for some reason. Having some neat misdirection and a few stretched synonyms, this was a decent tussle, with 8d my top clue.

    My thanks to our Tuesday setter and Huntsman.

  7. Just right for Tuesday – thanks to our setter and Huntsman.
    My podium consists of 6a, 17a and 2d.

  8. Enjoyable Tuesday fare with little to overly tax the little grey cells.
    Favourite here was 17a.

    Thanks to our setter (Mr Plumb?) and to Huntsman for the review – well done for including some pics!

  9. I agree, twas very jolly for a Tuesday but … shouldn’t 27A, strictly, be nearest, not near? I thought that was pushing it. Thanks, as always.

    1. My problem with 27a, not a very well written clue, is that, at least of first reading and with my ‘just passed’ English O-Level, ‘is umpire’ suggests a noun rather than the verb needed for the answer.

      1. I didn’t mind that so much – the “is” is surely there to justify the I (a)M, no? But I agree, didn’t love it as a clue.

    2. ALP and Senf. I thought 27a was a perfectly fine clue! Near is being used to mean adjacent/close/proximate as in: I was seated at his near/immediate left at the concert. Setters often “push it” in order to fool us (but not here, particularly). Whilst the surface read may sugghest a noun, the cryptic word-play is merely: This writer is (I’M) + umpire (MEDIATE, the verb). That’s how I see it …

    3. 27a very questionable. Near is in the proximity of, whereas the answer is right next to. My immediate neighbour is the one next door, but a neighbour who is near could be anywhere on the street.

      1. BL. You’re not, of course, wrong with your sematics but immediate can also be used, probably much less commonly, as I described above. For immediate, Chambers Thesaurus lists: next, adjacent, next door, near. And you know how these setters delight in using unfamiliar/obscure synonyms. But at least no-one called it “stretched” …

        1. Yes, Jose, but the BRB which is, of course, the tome of reference, cites nearest, not near. Obviously, that would have wrecked the surface but “nearest to” would have worked just as well. It’s just not quite right as is, even in a crossword where definitions are routinely, and quite rightly, pushed!

          1. The BRB, or any other single-tome dictionary, simply isn’t big enough to list every possible definition/synonym or give examples of usage in particular/specific contexts. Imagine the scenario, someone asks you if John, a mutual acquaintance, lives near you. You migh say. “Yes, he lives in the bungalow to my near right”. Or you could say, “Yes, he lives in the bungalow to my immediate right”. Both mean next door/adjacent. In that context, you wouldn’t say “nearest right”. I just can’t see a problem with near = immediate.

  10. Sort of Typically Tuesdayish but Mr Plumb(?) seems to have upped the ante a little – 2.5*/4*

    Candidates for favourite – 21a, 28a, 1d, and 8d – and the winner is 1d.

    Thanks to Mr Plumb, or whomsoever, and to Huntsman and his pictures.

  11. Super puzzle (just like yesterdays which I didn’t get a chance to comment) but must admit the reference to Macron in 8d somewhat passed me by.
    Thx to all

    1. Pret is French for Ready plus resolution (think Pret a manger or pret a porter. )

  12. Very enjoyable, as I’ve said before I always find this setter’s puzzles so.
    Not a criticism but I wonder if clues such as 18d should indicate former.
    In a quality field favourite without doubt was 17a.
    Thanks setter and Huntsman.

    Donny Toughie definitely worth a look if you have the time.

  13. Brain in Tuesday mode.
    Fifty percent R and W
    Then parsing.
    Applauded 8, 9 and 18d
    All round fun.
    Thanks setter and Huntsman.

  14. Just 3d that had me scratching my head over the choice of synonyms. 22a made me smile. Thanks to today’s setter and Huntsman.

  15. I found this guzzle far more challenging than most, but I enjoyed the battle.
    Perhaps I was distracted by the wailing and whining outside. No, it wasn’t H after locking herself out – it was the refuse collectors on their weekly visit. Maybe it is in their contract that they have to make the loudest, most excruciating racket whilst undertaking their task.
    It’s as if a hundred chimpanzees were playing a Stockhausen symphony using only dustbin lids as instruments, while they were being attacked by an enormous flock of loquacious geese.

    Thanks to the setter and Andy On The First Tee (I’ll give yer Chris ‘Kingfish’ Ingram a listen this afternoon)

    1. I nipped down to the station early this morning to make some enquiries about a trip and when I got back the bin men had kindly left the neighbour’s bin right in the middle of the entrance to our drive. I had to stop, holding up the traffic, and get out of the car to move it. Doh!

    2. Strange, we never hear our refuse disposal operatives (dustmen). Neither does Hudson who barks at the slightest noise.

      BTW, Terence, the heat gun weed killer does the job but it is slow if you have a lot of weeds in the paths as we do. Each weed needs at least a ten second blast if not more. It’s going to take a fair amount of time to treat all the paths but, once done, a quick blast on those that reappear should keep things under control. I hope! 🤞

  16. First impression was somewhat unfriendly but it soon began to take shape and I got there but not quite as easily as Huntsman’s star-grading would indicate. 1a was bunged in – d’oh. Not for the first time I agree with RD comment and nominate 13a, 17d and 8d as contenders for the podium places. Left completion of 30a until last as I can never remember which of the two homophones in 30a is which. Thank you Mysteron and Huntsman.

  17. I also found this quite tricky but finished unaided. Never worked out the synonym for dismay in 3d. Once again my little corner of England is under thick cloud and its perishing. Since Swan Hellenic went bust we haven’t been on a cruise as the ships look enormous and impersonal but we have booked on a Saga cruise later this month circa 800 px I think. Anyone got any tips? Am now having awful reservations about this. Thanks for any help and thanks too to the setter and Huntsman.

    1. They will look after you very well Manders. Also we discovered that when you go ashore you can go onto any Saga hotel and have a drink in the Saga bar free of charge or use the loos. Very handy.

  18. Despite being very busy at work, I still manage to solve the odd crossword.
    Failed on the double def in 6a.
    A near complete and enjoyable puzzle.
    Thanks to the setter and to Huntsman for his first review that I discover.
    A big welcome from me to the blogging chair.
    Yet another proof that BD’s legacy will live on.

    1. One of our post-Birthday Bash Chinese feasts if I’m right – nights to remember!

  19. Most enjoyable, loved it. However I needed Huntsman for 29a – it completely eluded me. 9 d was an outstanding favourite with honourable mentions to 17a & 8d. Some very nice misdirection with flowers and kitties etc. Many thanks to Messrs Setter & Huntsman. Our Safari Supper made over £500 despite having a professional cook the main course for us.

  20. Tuesday-ish and fun, though I found this at the upper end of Huntsman’s difficulty rating. It may have been an off-day from me however; I missed two anagrams today when I can normally spot an anagram from 20 paces. Yet another sculptor too – I must try and remember these names. I liked the lego in 24a but my COTD was 16d for the sneaky double indicator **/***

    Thanks to our setter and Huntsman

  21. Well I struggled with this, but managed to finish almost unaided _ needed help with 29a for which there is absolutely no excuse!

    Thanks to setter and Huntsman

  22. Didn’t particularly enjoy this Tuesday puzzle … tougher than the last few Tuesday offerings have been with some so-so clues as well.

    3*/3* for today

    Didn’t know the sculptor in 28a and the clue really didn’t help solve it as was not in my GK database.
    27a iffy IMHO, as was 1d & 3d

    Only two favourites today as there was not a lot to pick from … 4d, 14d & 25d with winner 4d

    Thanks to setter and Huntsman for unravelling so many today for me

    1. I agree, not as much fun as recent Tuesdays, a bit of a struggle here too.

    2. I’m another one in the not very enjoyable camp today. Little wit on show, and a lot of stretched synonyms, so ***/* from me.

  23. I thought 11a deviation was the anagram indicator and off was the answer – many thanks to Huntsman for putting me straight and the setter for an enjoyable puzzle

  24. For me this was more difficult than others thought, but on reading the hints I can see how neat the clueing is. Thank you setter and Huntsman. Lovely photograph of BD

  25. Have to say I did not find this a * difficulty. Ok I guess if you were in wavelength, but most of these answers I got from the checkers and then had to justify, particularly questionable 27a, and 3d. Dismay and terror are worlds apart, at least for me. So can’t honestly say I enjoyed, and need too many of Huntsman’s hints.

    1. This meaning for dismay is also unfamiliar to me. However, I infer from the entry in Collins that this is an archaic sense of the word that has largely fallen into disuse.

  26. Finally completed as it took ages for me to get on wavelength and there were lots of clues where having thought I was looking for one word I suddenly realised I had it all wrong. The clues were clever and not all the synonyms were obvious to me, I did a lot of reverse engineering. I do think it was trickier than recent Tuesdays, it was satisfying to have finished. 16 d will be my favourite as it had me looking the wrong way round for ages even though I knew it was an anagram.

    Petty nippy here today.

    Many thanks to the setter and Huntsman

  27. Found this quite tricky in places ***/*** so needed some help😬 Favourites 24 & 27 across and 2 down. Thanks to Huntsman and to the Compiler 🤔

    1. I found this difficult today, but tomorrow is another day! You can’t win ‘em all!
      Thankyou for the challenge and much needed hints.

  28. On first pass I’d solved less than I did with the toughie. As a certain person’s (he who cannot be mentioned) checkers came in things got easier and I finished in what, for me, is a reasonable time. Incidentally I went for a pint with the person I didn’t mention earlier on Thursday, he was on fine form. Favourite was 27a. Thanks to the setter and Huntsman.

    1. I am so pleased you met up with him, Taylor. I hear from him from time to time.

  29. I’m glad a few others found this tricky! Or maybe it was hoeing, digging and watering the allotment in the sunshine (sorry Manders, it’s been glorious in Lancashire!) has fried my brain. Anyway, eventually done and dusted. Thanks to Huntsman and the setter.

  30. My train journey today took 100 minutes and it took me all of that to solve todays puzzle. So rather disheartened to see a 1 star difficulty rating.

  31. Trouble of my own making today, I was bare rather than nude around the girl today. nudge nudge 😉😉 To barge or nudge? I suppose a barge is a bit stronger than a jog or nudge but it slowed me down until the plump dog put me right.
    Thanks to setter and Huntsman, great blogging skills on display

  32. A dnf for me with about a third of the clues eluding me. Not even close to being on the wavelength.

    Thanks to all.

  33. Pretty tough I thought. Worked through the blanks with Huntsman’s blog, seems I was just not quite on the tangent.

  34. Very late on parade because it has been a B of a day. I won’t bore you all with the details but, suffice to say, I haven’t stopped since this morning. I did manage to finish the crossword and thought it a little on the tough side for a Tuesday. Nevertheless, it was still enjoyable. I’m afraid I can’t comment on specific clues because, after the day I’ve had, I can’t really recall them and I am now in bed with the paper downstairs. One thing drives out another as Mr. Butterbur of The Prancing Pony would say.

    My thanks to the setter and to Huntsman, who is doing a fine job.

    Having the “thing” on my cheek removed tomorrow. I’ll be glad to get rid of it!

    1. By the way, the village beer festival made £4000. It would have made more had the beer not run out. Lessons learned for next year.

      1. Wow that’s a good result. Better than my £500 for safari supper but we only had 42 participants. Hope all goes well tomorrow.

        1. Thanks, DG but it’s a very minor op. I’ll be out in fifteen minutes,

          As for the beer festival, you’re right. For an inaugural event it was a great success and all power to the vicar who organised it. Mind you, when the beer ran out everyone repaired to the local pub, The Cross Keys. It was standing room only and they had to close for twenty minutes so glasses could be collected and washed.

          The organisers of the beer festival are now well aware that running out of beer is not a good thing for a beer festival. Next year more barrels will be bought on sale or return. 🍺🍺

  35. 3*/5* … very entertaining I thought …
    liked 9D “You and I perhaps harass poor nuns (8)” … amongst other clues.

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