July 19, 2022 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie 2889

Daily Telegraph Toughie No 2889

Hints and tips by Miffypops

Chris M Rating – Difficulty **-*** – Enjoyment ****

Toughie Setters This Week

Tuesday Robyn.  Wednesday Logman. Thursday Shamus. Friday Osmosis.

Good Afternoon from the Mohave Desert of The Midlands where the sun is threatening to boil the blood in our bodies. Continue reading “Toughie 2889”

DT 30043

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30043

Hints and tips by Mr K

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

BD Rating  -  Difficulty *** Enjoyment ***

Hello, everyone. My solve today proceeded in fits and starts as the puzzle repeatedly offered a few straightforward clues followed by one that wasn’t. And then after the grid was filled a couple of clues required dictionary checks to verify the parsing. I have a pretty good idea of who the setter is, but today I will allow others to speculate on their identity. Continue reading "DT 30043"