Sunday Toughie No 9 by Zandio (Hints)
Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee
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Zandio is back for the first “on the trot” setting of the new toughie. ProXimal, Robyn and Zandio are now on 3 each. I wonder if they are going to settle on a 3-week rotation. Time will tell. As I write this (Saturday evening) I am aware that we get an hour less in bed tonight and tomorrow Mama Bee will be controlling Mothering Sundays activities. As a result, this blog may be a little shorter than usual and I hope I have given enough hints to help you over the line. Thanks to all who chipped in last week with some of my parsing failures, your services may be required again today.
An interesting coincidence today, between 9a here and 13a in 3153 very similar ways to get to the answer. Which is the better clue?