Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29915
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 19th February 2022
BD Rating – Difficulty * – Enjoyment ***
Chalicea provided this week’s Saturday Prize Puzzle – sadly the repetition indicator was working overtime!
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought
1a Somewhat evident if you recognise what a thing is (8)
IDENTIFY – Hidden in (somewhat) evIDENT IF You
5a Singular units of linear measure for beams (6)
SMILES – S (singular) MILES (units of linear measure)
9a Precise brief conjecture whenever in charge (8)
SPECIFIC – SPEC (brief conjecture) IF (whenever) IC (in charge)
10a Surmise about tense invitees (6)
GUESTS – GUESS (surmise) ‘about’ T (abbreviation for Tense)
12a Curiously sift ideas for content (9)
SATISFIED – An anagram (curiously) of SIFT IDEAS
13a Motif in anthem emerged (5)
THEME – Hidden in anTHEM Emerged
14a Questions fool about king (4)
ASKS – ASS (fool) ‘about’ K (chess abbreviation for King The second use of ‘about’ to indicate an insertion, sadly there are three more appearances to come
16a Achievement of one who inherits disregarding gold (7)
SUCCESS – SUCCESSor (one who inherits) without (disregarding) OR (the heraldic word for gold)
19a Enthusiastically performing gay reel (7)
EAGERLY – An anagram (performing) of GAY REEL
21a Reportedly apprehend witnesses (4)
SEES – A homophone (reportedly) of SEIZE (apprehend)
24a Cure small donkey (5)
SMOKE – S (small) MOKE (donkey)
25a Advancing copyright in designs produces these responses (9)
REACTIONS – Advancing C (copyright) in CREATIONS (designs) produces REACTIONS
27a Labels balance sheet including Durban’s currency (6)
BRANDS – BS (balance sheet) ‘including’ RAND (the currency used in Durban and other parts of South Africa)
28a Contrary to work attitude about technology (8)
OPPOSITE – OP (work) POSE (attitude) ‘about’ (again!!) IT (technology)
29a Absolute anger pursuing field of medicine (6)
ENTIRE – IRE (anger) ‘pursuing’ ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat – field of medicine)
30a Most recently arrived surprisingly gutsy one (8)
YOUNGEST – An anagram (surprisingly) of GUTSY ONE
1d Press is and isn’t organised (6)
INSIST – An anagram (organised) of IS and ISNT
2d Quits accepting last of test results (6)
EVENTS – EVENS (quits) ‘accepting’ T (the last letter of test)
3d Blunders and removes clothes, going topless (5)
TRIPS – sTRIPS (removes clothes) without the first letter (going topless)
4d Little folks‘ charity bazaar is gathering energy (7)
FAIRIES – FAIR (charity bazaar) and IS (from the clue), the latter ‘gathering’ E (Energy)
6d Rodent pinching upset hospital cat’s facial hair (9)
MOUSTACHE – MOUSE ‘pinching’ a reversal (upset in a Down solution) of H (hospital) CATS
7d Auditor of catalogue before intermittently lean years (8)
LISTENER – LIST (catalogue) goes before the intermittent letters of lEaN yEaRs
8d Uncertainty of opinion about US policies primarily (8)
SUSPENSE – SENSE (opinion) ‘about’ US and P (policies primarily)
11d Appends public notices, it’s said (4)
ADDS – A homophone (it’s said) of ADS (public notices)
15d Give up on French and translate (9)
SURRENDER – SUR (the French word for one) and RENDER (translate)
17d Drunk is seen outside British Library, initially sober (8)
SENSIBLE – An anagram (drunk) of IS SEEN goes outside the initial letters of British Library
18d Lacking knowledge, I storm angrily about disorderly NGO (8)
IGNORANT – I RANT (I storm angrily) goes (once again) ‘about’ an anagram (disorderly) of NGO
20d Tale
that might be spun? (4)
YARN – Double definition
21d Shock cleaner? (7)
SHAMPOO – A cryptic definition of something that cleans your shock of hair
22d Refined central European possessing personal magnetism (6)
POLITE – POLE (central European) ‘possessing’ IT (personal magnetism)
23d Appearance of messy patches husband abandoned (6)
ASPECT – An anagram (messy) of PATChES without the H (husband abandoned)
26d Unsure about husband’s old character (5)
THORN – TORN (unsure) ‘about’ H (husband) – Not only ‘about’ again, but the second use of H for Husband in successive clues
Further and better explanation required for the answer to 26d please! What has “thorn” got to do with character?
When you see the word ‘character’ in a clue, you are more often than not required to look for a letter.
A Thorn is an Old English and Old Norse letter
Oh, dear crypticsue – my turn for the naughty step with that repetition. Many thanks for your review.
liked 5A ” Singular units of linear measure for beams (6) “