Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3097
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 28th February 2021
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
I thought this was a much more difficult Dada Sunday puzzle than in previous weeks
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
1a Science prize thus bagged by idiot (12)
ASTROPHYSICS – TROPHY (prize) SIC (thus) ‘bagged’ by ASS (idiot)
9a Switch on this about right, briefly (2,5)
IN SHORT – An anagram (switch) of ON THIS ‘about’ R (right)
10a Outskirts of Russia invaded by Arab country (7)
ROMANIA – The ‘outskirts’ of RussiA ‘invaded’ by OMANI (Arab)
11a An absence of American judgment (4)
NOUS – NO (an absence of) US (American)
12a Upper limit, this person is saying (5)
MAXIM – MAX (upper limit) IM (this person)
13a Very late (4)
DEAD – Double definition, the solution and very can both mean exact
16a Hit many years ago, exact revenge (3,4)
GET BACK – GET (hit) BACK (many years ago) – Get Back being a hit for the Beatles many years ago
17a Story told, clear twists around it (7)
RECITAL – An anagram (twists) of CLEAR ‘around’ IT (from the clue)
18a Dull: outside windy (7)
TEDIOUS – An anagram (windy) of OUTSIDE
21a Tennis player’s skill pinches prize on the backhand (7)
TOPSPIN – A reversal (on the backhand) of NIPS (pinches) POT (prize)
23a Spirit in angel angelic! (4)
ELAN – Hidden in angEL ANgelic
24a My lady, very busy morning? (5)
MADAM – MAD (very busy) AM (morning)
25a Spring better (4)
WELL – Double definition
28a Allowance: gratuity put in post (7)
STIPEND – TIP (gratuity) put in SEND (post)
29a Playful serenade after drink (7)
TEASING – SING (serenade) goes after TEA (drink)
30a Item on breakfast menu encourages saint (4,8)
EGGS BENEDICT – EGGS (encourages) BENEDICT (saint)
1d Reportedly, a condiment that might be common (7)
ASSAULT – A homophone (reportedly) of A SALT (a condiment)
2d God taking heed of remorse, first of all (4)
THOR – The first letters of Taking Heed Of Remorse
3d Somewhere remote, travelling then home again? (7)
OUTBACK – OUT (travelling) BACK (home again)
4d Avian canine (7)
HARRIER – Double definition
5d A little mathematical challenge, it’s said (4)
SOME – A homophone (it’s said) of SUM (mathematical challenge)
6d Pleased everything included (7)
CONTENT – Double definition
7d Fit man sighted, unfortunately, snacking in secret (8,5)
MIDNIGHT FEAST – An anagram (unfortunately) of FIT MAN SIGHTED
8d Fly’s relative, giant in the family? (5-4-4)
DADDY-LONG-LEGS – Sounds like one might have a giant in the family
14d Builder thus punching worker? (5)
MASON – SO (thus) ‘punching’ MAN (worker)
15d Reach safety primarily, and survive (5)
SCOPE – S (the primary letter of safety) and COPE (survive)
19d Artwork with magnetic power? (7)
DRAWING – This artwork might also have the power of a magnet
20d Wrap item on horse around wife (7)
SWADDLE – SADDLE (item on horse) ‘around’ W (wife)
21d Snack more delicious, almost inspiring love (7)
TOASTIE – Almost all of TASTIEr (more delicious) ‘inspiring’ O (love)
22d Divine ruby stolen by ancient Briton (7)
PREDICT – RED (ruby) ‘stolen’ by PICT (ancient Briton)
26d Greek god wants Egyptian city set up (4)
ZEUS – A reversal (set up) of SUEZ (Egyptian city)
27d African country, enclave of Somalia? (4)
MALI – Hidden in (an enclave or piece of territory inside foreign territory) soMALIa
Re 16a, Get Back was a hit for the Beatles in 1969, many years ago so possibly a double definition.
An enjoyable but challenging crossword
I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll underline the first bit of the clue