March 7, 2021 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

EV 1477 (Hints)

Enigmatic Variations 1477

Overlapping by Piccadilly

Hints and tips by The Numpties

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Piccadilly gives us a relatively gentle solve with an original device affecting eleven entries and no other complicated device to unravel. This one is sure to please our newer solvers (and of course, the old hands too!)
Continue reading “EV 1477 (Hints)”

ST 3098 (Hints)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3098 (Hints)

Hints and tips by Senf

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A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg where, with the beginning of ‘Meteorological Spring,’ unseasonably warmer temperatures have started the thaw so the snow is disappearing and ‘open water’ is starting to appear on the rivers.… Continue reading