Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29419
A full review by gnomethang
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This puzzle was published on 18th July 2020
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
Morning All! I found this a fairly standard Saturday puzzle that wasn’t too tricky albeit a couple of references might have stymied some.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
1a The setter is no longer cool, coming to standstill (7)
IMPASSE – I’M for ‘the setter is’ followed by PASSÉ or no longer cool.
5a Advertising a trade which is rather nutty? (7)
PRALINE – A charade of P.R. – public relations or advertising then A LINE or a trade.
9a Internet in uproar about adult host (9)
ENTERTAIN – An anagram (in uproar) of INTERNET around A for Adult.
10a Level playing field (5)
PITCH – Two definitions – a vocal or sonic register and a playing field.
11a Cove in film next to lake (5)
INLET – In form the clue then L for lake and the perennial crosswording film of ET (the extra-terrestrial)
12a Where traffic is moving from place to place (2,3,4)
ON THE ROAD – I suppose this is two definitions but they appear remarkably similar.
13a Student stops engineer working in shade (4,5)
NILE GREEN – I had to look the colour up having got the wordplay. Place L for Learner/student in an anagram (working) of ENGINEER.
16a Nothing fantastic in Greek letter (5)
OMEGA – A charade of O for nothing and MEGA for fantastic.
17a Charles and Mike split (5)
CHASM – CHAS, a diminutive of Charles and M(ike) from the NATO phonetic alphabet.
18a Compere now introduces Her Majesty (9)
PRESENTER – PRESENT for now and then E.R. for the Queen, Her Majesty Elizabeth Regina.
20a Two articles on a menu revised in London club (9)
ATHENAEUM – The indefinite and definite articles A and THE followed by an anagram (revised) of A MENU.
23a Leader to advise Democrat about campaign medal (5)
AWARD – The leading letter of (to) A(dvise) and then D for Democrat around/about a WAR campaign.
25a Reportedly charge native Americans (5)
SIOUX – A homophone (reportedly) of SUE/charge.
26a Prompt to redevelop giant site (9)
INSTIGATE – A redeveloped anagram of GIANT SITE.
27a Bird in addition reveals chest part (7)
STERNUM – A TERN/bird inside a SUM/addition.
28a Curl right round fireplace (7)
RINGLET – RT (for Right as in RT Angle) around an INGLE or fireplace.
1d One man, not the Messiah, embracing East European (7)
IBERIAN – You need to know your Monty Python!. I for One then BRIAN (A man who is not the Messiah but a very naughty boy!) who contains or embraces E for East.
2d Piano not in time upset sweetheart (5)
PETAL – P(iano) form musical notation and then a reversal (upset of LATE or not in time.
3d Plan to have precious stone beneath rock layers (9)
STRATAGEM – A GEM or precious stone underneath STRATA or rock layers.
4d Time and time again, love is an inspiration (5)
ERATO – an ERA of Time then T for Time (time and time again) and finally O for love.
5d Regret sounding bit stressed out? (9)
PENITENCE – A homophone of PENNY (bit/coin) and TENSE (stressed out),
6d Fat politician consumed by booze (5)
AMPLE – An MP or politician inside (consumed by) ALE for booze.
7d Dog’s entered in races as one withdrawn (9)
INTROVERT – Rover the dog inside (introduced into) IN from the clue and the TT races around the Isle of Man.
8d Forest creature can hide bananas (7)
ECHIDNA – A bananas anagram of CAN HIDE.
14d Look in to restrain son being obnoxious (9)
LOATHSOME – LO for look and AT HOME (in) restraining S for Son.
15d One’s left us for dead? (9)
EUPHEMISM – The answer being what ‘One’s left us’ is instead of just ‘dead’. For more of these may I recommend the Dead Parrot Sketch by the aforementioned Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
16d Manage without Conservative helping process (9)
OPERATION – To (c)OPE or manage losing the C for Conservative then a RATION or helping.
17d Husband tucked into liqueur that strengthens body (7)
CHASSIS – H for Husband tucked into the liqueur CASSIS.
19d Soviet team prepared protein-rich food (3,4)
RED MEAT – A soviet is a RED (under the bed). Add an anagram (prepared) of TEAM.
21d President, disgraced, having more time to spend with family? (5)
NIXON – To have more time to spend with the family (or on a golf course!) one must have NIX (nothing) ON.
22d Scrooge is in sea abroad (5)
MISER – IS from the clue inside La MER or the sea in France/abroad.
24d Use excellent line with King James Bible (5)
AVAIL – AI for A1/excellent and L for Line after/with A.V. or Authorised Version (which is the King James bible.)
Anybody else convinced that 1D was “apostle”? A for “one”, “Pole” for East European and “St” – saint – not the messiah.