Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3062
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 28th June 2020
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
Just right for a Sunday morning solve – well I thought so anyway
1a Final part in hand (4,8)
9a Gilt edges on grail and lead pot, decorated (4,5)
GOLD PLATE – An anagram (decorated) of the ‘edges’ of GraiL and LEAD POT
10a Some mistake lambasting pack leader (5)
AKELA – Hidden in some mistAKE LAmbasting
11a Release payment children’s author cut (6)
RANSOME – The children’s author whose surname we have to cut is Arthur RANSOME
12a Finally, document found in folder cardinal sorted (8)
FILTERED – The final letter of document inserted into a FILE (folder) and followed by RED (cardinal)
13a Tom, first in exam — magic speller? (6)
HECATE – HE CAT (tom) and the first letter in exam
15a Correct answer by setter suits, perhaps? (8)
MENSWEAR – An anagram (correct) of ANSWER goes by or after ME (the setter)
18a Driver’s way off shaping solid par (4,4)
SLIP ROAD – An anagram (shaping) of SOLID PAR
19a Couple seeing mood in baby (4,2)
PAIR UP – AIR (mood) inserted into PUP (baby)
21a Restorative hitch-hiker’s request? (4-2-2)
PICK-ME-UP – something a hitch-hiker might ask
23a Inconsiderable snub (6)
SLIGHT – Double definition
26a Gas flowed to maintain function (5)
RADON – RAN (flowed) into which is inserted (to maintain) DO (function)
27a Newspaper on strike, the broadcast claims (9)
TELEGRAPH – An anagram (broadcast) of THE ‘claims’ or has inserted LEG (the one side of a cricket pitch) and RAP (strike)
28a One taking someone off in spare motor, breaking down (12)
IMPERSONATOR – An anagram (breaking down) of IN SPARE MOTOR
1d Artist finding pig painting, for example, hard (7)
HOGARTH – HOG (pig) ART (painting, for example) H (hard)
2d Narrow division of motorway shortened in European city (5)
MILAN – MI (motorway) LANe (narrow division… ‘shortened’)
3d Fan with two drinks? (9)
SUPPORTER – SUP (verb meaning to drink) PORTER (drink)
4d Loud sound natural when heard? (4)
ROAR – A homophone (when heard) of RAW (natural)
5d Listed building tied with semi (8)
ITEMISED – An anagram (building) of TIED with SEMI
6d Middle one of thirteen (5)
HEART – In a pack of cards, each suit is made up of thirteen different cards
7d Try and try again? Absolutely! (4,4)
HEAR HEAR – HEAR (try) and HEAR (try again)
8d More blue markings at the bottom on reptile (6)
SADDER – S (the bottom letter of markings) on ADDER (reptile)
14d Agree, sovereign could be killed by this? (8)
COINCIDE – This sovereign coin could be killed by COIN CIDE
16d Fastener mending pants with glue! (6,3)
STAPLE GUN – An anagram (mending) of PANTS with GLUE
17d Rattling tube, get a long stick (8)
BAGUETTE – An anagram (rattling) of TUBE GET A
18d Great coach carrying agent up (6)
SUPERB – A reversal (up in a Down clue) of BUS (coach) ‘carrying’ REP (agent)
20d Person throwing jug (7)
PITCHER – Double definition
22d Mark scored? That may go up or down (5)
MINIM – A palindrome (that may go up or down) – a mark on a musical score
24d Tissue transplant, hard work (5)
GRAFT – Double definition
25d Twenty per cent off expensive asset (4)
PLUS – 20% or one letter removed (off) from PLUSh (expensive)