Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29192
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 26th October 2019
BD Rating – Difficulty ****/***** – Enjoyment *
Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought
1a Wild cat is stalking cobra, writhing and tumbling (10)
ACROBATICS – An anagram (wild) of CAT IS is ‘stalking’ or going round an anagram (writhing) of COBRA
6a Men seeking stable parts of moat, grit falling unevenly (4)
MAGI – The odd (falling unevenly) parts of MoAt GrIt
9a Motorway with illuminations, westbound excellent for emergency service? (7)
MILITIA – MI (motorway) LIT (with illuminations) and a reversal (westbound in an Across clue) of AI (excellent)
10a Boozer in almost entirely prime colours (7)
BLUSHES – LUSH (boozer) in almost all of BESt (prime)
12a Rash of surplus plastic noticed around northern France (4-9)
OVER-CONFIDENT – OVER (surplus) and an anagram (plastic) of NOTICED, the latter going around N (northern) F (IVR code for France)
14a Dog following return of the Queen’s hawk (6)
RETAIL – TAIL (dog) following a reversal of ER (the regnal cipher of the current Queen)
15a And what have you from Rome? (2,6)
ET CETERA – The Latin expression meaning ‘and what have you’
17a Journalist showing behind while notice is given (8)
ASSIGNED – ED (editor, journalist) behind AS (while) SIGN (notice)
19a Weep as son rejected the wine in Provence (6)
SNIVEL – S (son) followed by a reversal (rejected) of LE VIN (wine from Provence or any other region of France for that matter)
22a A good deal securer using local net search about retiring (7-6)
BARGAIN-HUNTER – BAR (local) GAIN (net) HUNT (search) and a reversal (retiring) of RE (about)
24a Quintet sit rabbiting about incorporating singer? (7)
ARTISTE – Lurking (incorporating) in reverse (about) in quintET SIT RAbbiting
25a Best essence of citrus, small amount (7)
TROUNCE – Best in the sense of get the better of – the ‘essence’ of ciTRus and OUNCE (small amount)
26a Get away with late arrival for hospital somewhere in London (4)
SOHO – ‘Late arrival for hospital’ indicates the requirement to move the H (hospital) further along in the word SHOO (get away)
27a British disarmed revolts, including one person holding up train (10)
BRIDESMAID – B (British) and an anagram (revolts) of DISARMED ‘including’ I (one)
1d Handy to be associated with this force? (4)
ARMY – Dear, oh dear – if one was a toddler, one might say one’s handy was at the end of (associated with) one’s army
2d Prevent rugby hooligan touring Spain (4,3)
RULE OUT – RU (rugby) LOUT (hooligan) ‘touring’ E (IVR code for Spain)
3d Smashing things made from flour mix using metric weights (9-4)
BATTERING-RAMS – BATTER (flour mix) IN GRAMS (using metric weights)
4d Dream to be 25a with a piercing, instead of old and posh (6)
TRANCE – Take the solution to 25a – TROUNCE – and change the O (old) and U (posh) to A (from the clue)
5d Cases found in taxi this person catches (8)
CABINETS – I (this person) inserted into CAB (taxi) followed by NETS (catches)
7d Husband permitted to wear tucked in jumper? (7)
ATHLETE – ATE (tucked in) to ‘wear’ or go round H (husband) LET (permitted)
8d Voracious, taking a bite of reel bait as nibbling’s on the rise (10)
INSATIABLE – Another reversed (on the rise) lurker – a ‘bite’ of reEL BAIT AS NIbbling
11d NY-based organisation shortly becoming French one? (6,7)
UNITED NATIONS – If you abbreviate this New York based organisation, you get the French word for one
13d Second-rate highway outlaws seizing English food (5,5)
BROAD BEANS – Nebulous food time! B (second-rate) ROAD (highway) BANS (outlaws) ‘seizing’ E (English)
16d Northern resident declared showers overpriced (8)
REINDEER – Nebulous northern resident – a homophone (declared) of RAIN (showers) DEAR (overpriced)
18d Top of singles 100 chart, composed score (7)
SCRATCH – S (the ‘top’ of Singles) C (Roman numeral for 100) and an anagram (composed) of CHART
20d Home extension also gripped by unruly rave (7)
VERANDA – AND (also) ‘gripped’ by an anagram (unruly) of RAVE
21d Qualified in a tie too, presumably (6)
SUITED – Because chances are if you are wearing a suit, you’d also be wearing a tie
23d Daughter supports that woman’s family of 16? (4)
HERD – D (daughter) supports, or goes after in a Down clue, HER (that woman)
Thanks for the review CS – can’t honestly say I agree with the rating though, I thought it was pretty average
Hard work, without the fun element.
Didn’t like 26 down but otherwise enjoyable
Welcome to the blog Kripke
Really tricky. Took me while to finish this one. 26a was last to go in – not seen ‘essence’ used this way before
Very cryptic today. Specially 13d.
Welcome to the blog Joyce