DT 28911 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 28911

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28911

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 1st December 2018

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ***/****

This particular Saturday Mysteron seems to have upped the enjoyment factor while, at the same time, slightly reducing the difficulty level – I did, however, seem to have to find several alternatives for the word ‘inserted’ while typing the review

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.


1a    Envelopes for the rest of those canvassed (8,4)
SLEEPING BAGS – ‘Envelopes’ that people in a canvas tent may rest in overnight

8a    One makes nut roast using bizarre cooking (7)
BRAZIER – An anagram (cooking) of BIZARRE

9a    Stop being faithful (7)
STAUNCH – Double definition

11a    Press cancel evidence of broken engagement (4,3)
RING OFF – Something you to cancel a telephone call could also be evidence of a broken engagement

12a    Reserves — fuel that lies beneath what lies beneath (7)
SUBSOIL – SUBS (reserves in a football match for example) OIL (fuel that lies beneath the ground)

13a    Reluctant to miss opening a poet’s work (5)
VERSE – Miss the opening A from AVERSE (reluctant)

14a    Protective cover for biography, apparently one’s occasionally needed when bathing (9)
LIFEGUARD – Could, apparently, be a protective cover for a biography

16a    Caught in sort of treason, son reveals those at top of tree (9)
ANCESTORS – C (caught in cricket scoring) inserted into an anagram (sort) of TREASON and then followed by S (son)

19a    Camp and quietly avant-garde? (5)
PARTY – P (quietly) ARTY (avant-garde)

21a    Smooth, mature — when 16a discovered heavy metal (4,3)
IRON AGE – IRON (smooth) AGE (mature) – a time when our ancestors (16a) discovered a particular heavy metal

23a    Reflecting if hosts fancy such a flower (7)
FUCHSIA – A reversal (reflecting) of IF (from the clue) ‘hosts’ an anagram (fancy) of SUCH, the result then followed by A (from the clue) – it isn’t particularly clear from the clue that the A isn’t part of the anagram

24a    True misbehaving among French no little matter (7)
NEUTRON – An anagram (misbehaving) of TRUE inserted into (among) NON (the French word for no)

25a    Rock oldie that’s a family favourite? It’s backed with energy (7)
GRANITE – GRAN (while objecting to the ‘oldie’, I like the idea of being a family favourite), IT (from the clue) E (energy)

26a    Principal tip the compiler’s used over tension (12)
HEADMISTRESS – HEAD (tip) a reversal (over) of IM (the compiler’s) STRESS (tension)


1d    Gripping thing — works OK until it’s inserted! (7)
SPANNER – My favourite clue – because if you put this gripping thing in the works, either physically or metaphorically, you’ll be in trouble

2d    Old record book in which the writer’s found archetype (7)
EPITOME – EP (old record) and TOME (book) in which I (the writer) is inserted (found)

3d    Minister’s responsibility to penetrate revolutionary turmoil of tropics (9)
PORTFOLIO – Found in reverse (revolutionary) in turmOIL OF TROPics

4d    Traps located around small homes, mostly above ground level (5)
NESTS – NETS (traps) located around S (small)

5d    Bishop began to perambulate about area round seat (7)
BEANBAG – B (bishop) and an anagram (to perambulate) of BEGAN around A (area)

6d    Boat wrecked along with boarding party (7)
GONDOLA – An anagram (wrecked) of ALONG into which is inserted (boarding) DO (party)

7d    Lettered representative such as MP, AM, MLA or MSP? (12)
ABBREVIATION – The abbreviations refer to ‘representatives’ found in the four legislative bodies of the United Kingdom

10d    Tourist‘s old cap crushed by wild punch (12)
HOLIDAYMAKER – O (old) LID (cap) ‘crushed’ by HAYMAKER (a slang term for a wild swinging punch)

15d    Combat between people with no arms, paradoxically (4,5)
FIST FIGHT – A fight between people without any weapons (no arms paradoxically)

17d    Resolution made by idiot, endlessly confident (7)
CLOSURE – Remove the ‘end’ from CLOt (idiot) and replace with SURE (confident)

18d    Did box of extra diamonds to be worn by Queen (7)
SPARRED – SPARE (extra) D (Diamonds) ‘worn by’ R (Regina, Queen)

19d    Single out with guitar that’s groundbreaking (7)
PICKAXE – PICK (single out) AXE (slang term for a guitar)

20d    Corrosion is gathering about people of the country (7)
RUSTICS – RUST (corrosion) IS (from the clue) ‘gathering’ C (circa, about)

22d    Discontent on the rise in Shanghai, unnervingly (5)
ENNUI – Lurking in reverse (on the rise) in shanghaI UNNErvingly

4 comments on “DT 28911

  1. Thanks Sue .
    Agree that not as hard as some and raised a few smiles .
    Cannot recall my original comment but , on reflection , also agree on the favourite .

  2. Enjoyable and not too tricky Saturday. I recall the guitar gave a few delays to some but I was Careful with that Axe Eugene and it came to mind easily.

    Apologies to Miffypops I still like them and he rarely visits on a weekend😋
    Thanks Sue for the review.

  3. Remembered to look at my knotted hankie for once. Thanks for explaining the abbreviations in 7d, Sue.

  4. Thanks to the setter for what I found a really tough workout this week, wavelength I suppose – and my usual total inability to see lurkers. Thanks CS for showing why I couldn’t parse lifeguard!

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