November 20, 2016 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

MPP 054 – Review

Monthly Prize Puzzle – 054

November 2016

A Puzzle by Phibs

Two men who share a profession both need her to be found.

Identify them and put their surnames in the box


This crossword put up quite a fight but eventually I solved it all, saw where Nina fitted at the bottom of the grid and then had the biggest d’oh moment when I saw how she fitted in at the top.   Two famous books are revealed – Three Men in a Boat and Anna Karenina and so the surnames we needed to put ‘in the box’ were the authors (sharing the profession of writing) of the two works – Jerome and Tolstoy.

Thank you to Mrs BD for her assistance in drawing the winner  from the electronic ‘hat’ – many congratulations to R C Teuton  –  I hope he enjoys his prize of a Daily Telegraph puzzle book.

Thanks to Phibs for the challenge – writing the review I certainly appreciated some lovely surface readings.


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