Daily Telegraph No 28168
A full review by gnomethang
This puzzle was published on 16th July 2016
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty **/*** – Enjoyment ***
Another typical Saturday puzzle, the only controversy being the spelling of the jet-setter in 7d.
1a Hector, perhaps, and mount threat to computer (6,5)
TROJAN HORSE – HECTOR was a Trojan warrior. Add HORSE for mount or steed.
10a Digs rough land over with spades (5)
ROOMS – A reversal of MOOR (rough land over) and S for Spades.
11a Gardener confused about one military man (9)
GRENADIER – An anagram (confused) of GARDENER around/about I for one.
12a Adjective maybe for one who’s come up the hard way (9)
QUALIFIER – Two definitions; an adjective is a QUALIFIER in a sentence and a person who enters pre-tournament knockouts (comes up the hard way) is as well.
13a Rewrite thesis initially unconvincing (5)
TWEAK – The original letter of T(hesis) and then WEAK for unconvincing.
14a English racing venue not top-class course (6)
ENTRÉE – E for English then remove AI (top class or A1) from (AI)NTREE the racing venue.
16a Jump on vessel as ultimate act (4,4)
STAR TURN – Split as START (jump) and URN (a vessel).
18a Men work after time needing a snack (8)
TORTILLA – OR for Men (Other Ranks) and TILL (work) followed by A and place the lot after T for Time.
20a Agree to give up after a century (6)
ACCEDE – to CEDE or give up after A (C)entury.
23a Hire limo primarily wanting comfort (5)
LEASE – The primary letter in L(imo) and then EASE for comfort.
24a Person in crowd scene merges with performer being a fan (9)
EXTRACTOR – An EXTRA (person in a crowd scene in a film) and an ACTOR (performer. Merging means that they share the last and staring letter – EXTR(A)CTOR.
26a I tell omen craftily giving comfort (9)
EMOLLIENT – An anagram (craftily) of I TELL OMEN.
27a Nervous time for grammarian (5)
TENSE – Two definitions – edgy/nervous and the conjugation of verbs in time for a grammarian.
28a Near ancient doddery oldster (11)
CENTENARIAN – A doddery anagram of NEAR ANCIENT.
2d German assent in support of port wine (5)
RIOJA – JA (German for yes/assent) following (in support of in a down clue) the port of RIO.
3d What some prefer with whisky that’s served in the bar (7)
JUSTICE – A cryptic definition (what is served at the court bar) and the first is JUST ICE.
4d Drink — one containing egg and mother’s ruin (6)
NOGGIN – NOG (drink containing egg) and GIN (mother’s ruin)
5d Give too much importance to measure of how fast a team bowls (8)
OVERRATE – Split 4, 4 and you get the measure of the team’s bowling
6d Second mad person having tea break (7)
SHATTER – S (second) HATTER (mad person having tea)
7d Jet-setter who gets discount to go regularly to abide in France getting two-thirds off (8,5)
FREQUENT FLIER – FREQUENT (go regularly) and LIE (abide) goes into the first third of FRance.
8d It’s fashionable to be absorbed by safe cushy job (8)
SINECURE – IN (fashionable) ‘secured by’ SECURE (safe)
9d What could make her date distraught (6-7)
BROKEN-HEARTED – The second part of the solution can be made from an anagram (distraught) of HER DATE.
15d Herb gets arrogant, cooking (8)
TARRAGON – An anagram (cooking) of ARROGANT
17d Do a bunk from exam with maximum speed (8)
FLEETEST – FLEE (do a bunk) [from] TEST
19d Compiled eco file showing hazard in Arctic seas (3,4)
ICE FLOE – An anagram (compiled) of ECO FILE.
21d Market trader picking up a ship (7)
COASTER – COSTER (someone who sells fruit and veg from a market barrow) picking up A (from the clue)
22d Drug used by specialist at infirmary (6)
STATIN – Hidden in (used by) specialiST AT INfirmary
25d Chinese gang on a Pacific land (5)
TONGA – TONG (Chinese gang) on A (from the clue)
Thanks to the setter.
8d should be absorbed by ‘SECURE’ (safe) , I think.
Indeed it should. Apologies especially to Gnomey, as I helped him out by adding some of the Down explanations.
I’ve corrected the explanation.
Still you know if you put a ‘deliberate’ error that it means you’ll get at least one comment on the weekend puzzle reviews.