ST 2847 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 2847

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2847

A full review by gnomethang

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty */*Enjoyment ***

This puzzle was published on Sunday, 8th May 2016

Morning All! This one just crept onto the border of two star difficulty but contained some great surface readings in the clues

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.


1a           Altered course in spring (6)
SOURCE – An anagram (altered) of COURSE.

4a           Stress that’s central to unease MP has, I submit (8)
EMPHASIS – A hidden word in the centre of uneasE MP HAS I Submit.

10a         Add to what’s on page in report to be rewritten, inserting verse (9)
OVERPRINT – Make an anagram (to be rewritten) of IN REPORT and insert V for Verse (an abb. from e.g. quoting a reference in the bible).

11a         Whisky from Islay and a different island (5)
MALTA – A MALT whisky (e.g. from Islay) and then A from the clue.

12a         Negligent on parking — that’s what starts argument (7)
PREMISS – Place REMISS (negligent) after (ON on an across clue) P for Parking.

13a         Wrecked train, or went off the rails (3,4)
RAN RIOT – An anagram (wrecked) of TRAIN OR.

14a         Gadget produced by American fighter’s second (5)
GISMO – A charade of GI’S (Americean Fighter’s) and MO for second/moment.

15a         Where to locate lots of fliers, by means of putting sign outside (8)
AVIARIES – Place the star sign ARIES outside of VIA or ‘by means of’.

18a         It’s perilous guarding the Queen and court (8)
CHANCERY – CHANCY for perilous is outside/guarding ER for Elizabeth Regina, the current Queen of England.

20a         Support with work backing speakers’ positions (5)
PODIA – A reversal (backing) of AID (support) and OP (Opus or musical work).

23a         Provided with new cover, make a comeback (7)
REBOUND – The cryptic definition is to have re-covered (bound) a book) and the second id the straight definition.

25a         Make happy about everyone’s first 25 per cent raise (7)
ELEVATE – To ELATE or make happy around the first quarter (25%) of EV(eryone).

26a         Church music assembled, including Biblical section (5)
MOTET – Place the OT – Old Testament/Biblical section – inside MET or assembled.

27a         Became green, supposedly, holding fuel back as foreseen (9)
ENVISAGED –  ENVIED (mecame green supposedly) outside a reversal/back of GAS for fuel.

28a         Learned line to repeat (8)
LITERATE – Nice and simple – L for Line and ITERATE for repeat.

29a         Person working on text partly changed it, originally (6)
EDITOR – The answer is hidden in (partly) changED IT Originally.


1d           Raised a lot of money with hotel worker for strike (8)
Reverse (raised in a down clue) POTS of money and then ad a PAGE or hotel worker.

2d           Reduce consumption in vain (7)
USELESS – Vain is the definition and the cryptic def is an exhortation to USE LESS or reduce consumption.

3d           Mediterranean island crop one delivered in early January (9)
CAPRICORN – The star sign is the definition this time. Take CAPRI (an island in the Med) and add CORN for crop. Delivered her meaning a birth delivery.

5d           Employee expecting to get this for labour? (9,5)
MATERNITY LEAVE – Speaking of which, this is a cryptic definition of a female worker expecting a baby and the time that she gets off work for labour.

6d           Create stink over article prone to being erroneous (5)
HUMAN – Remember that ‘To err is human…’. Place a HUM/stink over AN, an article in English.

7d           Pungent wit and anger making one cross, sort of (7)
SALTIRE – SALT for ‘pungent wit’ and IRE for anger.

8d           Ramshackle dwelling for number of crewmen (6)
SHANTY – The number here is a song for sailors/crewmen i.e. a Sea SHANTY.

9d           Part of US law — revised its draft with people twice intervening (5,9)
FIRST AMENDMENT – Place MEN (people) twice into an anagram (revised) of ITS DRAFT. Great surface reading.

16d         Visibly embarrassed about English journalists being put down (9)
REPRESSED – Place RED (visibly embarrassed) around or about E for English and the PRESS for journalists.

17d         Revolutionary can read about left in annual publication (8)
CALENDAR – A revolutionary anagram of CAN READ around/about L for Left.

19d         Natural surroundings, some with a bit attached (7)
HABITAT – A hidden word in SOME of witH A BIT Attached.

21d         Drawing of man that might become king (7)
DRAUGHT – The first is the straight definition, the second is the game piece that becomes a king when it reaches the opponent’s end of the board.

22d         China protecting border, first of all (6)
PRIMAL – A ‘China plate’ is a mate or PAL in cockney rhyming slang. Place this around (protecting) a RIM or border.

24d         Without any qualifications, say (5)
UTTER – Two straightforward definitions to end with.

Thanks to the setter, I’ll see you all next week.


1 comment on “ST 2847

  1. I remember being particularly amused by Capricorn. However, as usual on Sunday, it is impossible to single out a genuine favourite. Thanks Gnomey hope things sorting themselves for you.

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