Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28116
Hints and tips by ShropshireLad
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty */** – Enjoyment **/***
Good Morning everyone from a dry and sunny Shropshire. I don’t think many of you will find today’s puzzle too demanding. There are quite a few different clue constructions for you to get your teeth into and a couple of ‘smile’ moments.
I hope that my hints are useful to those that require them but, as usual, you can always click on the grey ‘Click here!’ button to reveal the answer in all its glory. The definitions are underlined as an added bonus.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
1a Changed temperature and managed to get abused (10)
TRANSLATED: Start with the abbreviation for ‘temperature’ then add a 3 letter word for ‘managed’ and finally tag on a word for ‘to get abused’ – especially by a critic reviewing a poor performance.
6a First signs of spelling problems and editor’s whipped (4)
SPED: Here we the take the leading letters (first signs of) of ‘spelling’ and ‘problems’ followed by the usual abbreviation for ‘editor’. I can see where the setter is coming from but I do think it’s stretching it a bit.
9a Put a seal on tight (5)
CLOSE: Double definition that doesn’t really need an explanation.
10a People from a certain place exchange rupees on touring area (9)
EUROPEANS: An anagram (exchange) of RUPEES ON which contains (touring) the abbreviation for ‘area’. Very topical I thought.
12a Waste of time with outfit at the front (7)
GARBAGE: A charade using a 3 letter synonym of ‘time’ that follows a term for outfit / clothes (at the front).
13a Hostility from scallywag growing (5)
AGGRO: Our one and only ‘lurker’ of the day.
15a Copy from Italy… China imports it (7)
IMITATE: Start off with the IVR code for ‘Italy’ and add a 4 letter word for ‘china’ (not the country or the porcelain) and put it round (imports) ‘it’.
17a Distress? Time to get foreign currency (7)
TROUBLE: Usual abbreviation for ‘time’ followed by some Russian money (foreign currency).
19a There, a tragedy initially is held (7)
THEATRE: I get confused with this type of clue so I asked my ‘China’ (no I wasn’t reading tea leaves) Gazza. We are going for an ‘all in one’ clue where the wordplay is – Take the ‘there’ from the clue and insert in it the ‘a’ and the initial letter from ‘tragedy’.
21a Fancy model after drink (7)
SUPPOSE: The ‘model’ here is a verb that follows (after) another verb for ‘drink’.
22a Sounds like Greek island ways (5)
ROADS: Homophone time (sounds like) of a Greek Island. For those of you old enough to remember, the same play on words was used for a young chef with spikey hair’s TV show.
24a Curved nude dancing with pole outside (7)
ROUNDED: An anagram (dancing) of NUDE with a 3 letter word for ‘pole’ around it (outside).
27a Last bit of music Callas is performing could be this (9)
CLASSICAL: Another one of those clues where we believe it to be a ‘semi all in one’. Take the last letter of ‘music’ (last bit of music) followed by an anagram (performing) of CALLAS IS.
28a A labyrinth’s floor (5)
AMAZE: Take the ‘A’ from the clue and follow it with another term for a ‘labyrinth’.
29a Batter used with British meat (4)
LAMB: The ‘batter’ here is not something used to coat a fish before deep frying – it’s ‘hit’ followed by the abbreviation for ‘British’. The picture comes from the dear old days of children’s TV with shows like – Muffin the Mule – however did they get away with it?
30a Principal shared meat out (10)
HEADMASTER: An anagram (out) of SHARED MEAT.
1d Criticism requires removal of head bloodsucker (4)
TICK: Think of a 5 letter word for ‘criticism’ and remove the first (head) letter. I resisted temptation here.
2d Next to Neil’s a dog, barking (9)
ALONGSIDE: An anagram (barking) of NEILS A DOG.
3d Bluff from fortune-teller taking in husband (5)
SHEER: Take a term used for people who can allegedly view the future and contain (taking in) the abbreviation for ‘husband’.
4d State how old one is? That’s mean (7)
AVERAGE: The ‘state’ hear is to ‘affirm’ followed a 3 letter word for your years on the planet.
5d Take home earth and stone for grave (7)
EARNEST: The ‘take home’ here relates to ‘pay gained’ followed by the abbreviations for ‘earth’ & ‘stone’.
7d Crash softly echoed (5)
PRANG: The usual instruction abbreviation to play ‘softly’ and a 4 letter synonym for ‘echo’.
8d Unearthed record of French uprising guards ended (10)
DISCOVERED: The ‘record’ is what DJ’s used to play with the French ‘of’ reversed (uprising) containing (guards) a 4 letter synonym for ‘ended’.
11d Adult, following exercises, well up for food (3,4)
PEA SOUP: The abbreviation for ‘adult’ follows one of the 2 letter abbreviations for ‘exercises’ and a synonym for ‘well’ and the ‘up’ from the clue.
14d Ancient chariot is destroyed by learner driver (10)
HISTORICAL: An anagram (destroyed) of CHARIOT IS followed by the letter seen on car driving tutor’s cars.
16d Starts renovating, involving island’s painters (7)
ARTISTS: An anagram (renovating) of STARTS, containing (involving) the abbreviation for ‘island’.
18d TV programme‘s large group of actors (9)
BROADCAST: A charade of a synonym for ‘large’ followed by the term used for a ‘group of actors’.
20d Finally strike a vehicle, reversing — he gets a painful condition (7)
EARACHE: Take the last letter (finally) of ‘strike’ followed by the ‘a’ from the clue and a type of ‘vehicle’ ‘reversed’ and end with the ‘he’ from the clue.
21d Foul left one surrounded by team (7)
SQUALID: Abbreviate ‘left’ followed by the Roman numeral indicating ‘one’ and contain them (surrounded) in a synonym for ‘team.
23d A large weapon creates terror (5′.
ALARM: ‘A’ from the clue followed by the abbreviation for ‘large’ and a very stretched synonym for ‘weapon’. I never like seeing this term used for ‘weapon’.
25d Small drink of whisky precedes a crisis (5)
DRAMA: The small drink here is a term used in Scotland and my household before (precedes) adding the ‘a’ from the clue.
26d Hoofed animal‘s grass pulled up (4)
DEER: Straightforward reversal (pulled up) of a type of grass.
Well there you are, another one in the bag – I do wish I could type as quick as doing the crossword. I hope you have fun solving the puzzle. I will go for 7d as my favourite of the day. Which one(s) warmed the cockles of your heart.
The Quick Crossword pun: sundae+telly+graph=Sunday Telegraph
Thanks to Mr Ron and to Shropshire Lad for the review and hints. A read and write, with some nice clues. Favourite was 15a, last in was 5d. Was 1*/3* for me.
Very mild but quite enjoyable. 1.5*/2.5*
What’s going on? That’s three on the trot for me (Sat, Mon & today). Either they’re getting easier or I’m getting better – hopefully the latter! **/****
I’m sure you’re getting better
Short and comparatively sweet but IMHO nothing outstanding. Not too keen on 11d. Fav for its compactness was 12a. **/***. Thanks Mysteron and SL. Imagine 2d hint will appeal particularly to Kitty!
Agree with Shropshire Lads Ratings, and appreciated the ‘pics;-where did 24a come from !
Some strange clues.11d was somewhat convoluted and 8d took a while to parse and I thought the abbreviations in 5d a bit ‘iffy’-e for earth ? seemed to be a plethora of reversed charades.
E is in brb and collins but without describing when it is used – I am guessing it is for electrical connections, but i could be wrong
I think you’re right.
strangely, P for positive is in brb but not N for negative. Maybe that’s an AC thing – hey, everything’s positive!
Yep – that was my understanding of the ‘earth’ meaning.
As an aside – I’ve never come across anyone who fills in a crossword with anything other than capital letters. Yet some crossword editors always ‘tut’ when a single / double letter abbreviation that is ‘upper case’ in the dictionary appears as ‘lower case’ in the answer, but others don’t seem to mind at all. Countries, IVR codes, elements ‘et al’ are a few examples.
SL. You only need to look inside a 3-pin plug to see the abbreviations E, N and L (not P for positive). Not sure if they’re all listed as such in the dictionaries.
This didn’t trouble me for long, (though with hindsight I should have made better use of the pre-elephant time because now I’m hopelessly distracted) but I found it very pleasant with some great surface reads.
Thanks to the setter and to ShropshireLad – especially for the 2d pic. Good work by both. :good:
Anyone who, like me, is too cruciverbally challenged to attempt the Toughies and subscribes to the DT online website; this week’s prize puzzle is a joy.
thanks, I’ll do that next (I like doing those but haven’t got around to it this week)
I hope you don’t find it too easy as it was just right for me.
Done, and it wasn’t too easy!
This was certainly on the easier side today, although I did stick on 1a and 1d for a few minutes. 2* for difficulty and enjoyment. Many thanks to the setter and to Shropshirelad for the hints.
Even though I found Rufus less tricky yesterday, with this offering, Tuesday is still the easiest day of the week and this was completed very comfortably before lights out last night. I agree with the general comments on clue construction and parsing already expressed by others.
*/** for me with no stand out favourite. Thanks to Mr Ron and SL (for unscrambling some of the parsing).
I had trouble with the NW corner, not helped by my anagramming China and it to get Chianti for 15a….what a bloomer!
Eventually got there, though, but did not find it as easy as most people seemed to.
But then, I am a relative novice.
Just to mess with ShropshireLad’s head…for 15a it kind of is the porcelain….
Thanks to the setter and to ShropshireLad.
Me old China plate = Mate in the Same way that Barnet = Hair
Barnet = hair, comes from ‘Barnet Fair’ which I think is still an annual event.
Favourite 19a, also liked 24a and 27a
I was going to say I didn’t think you needed the awkward “from a certain place” in 10a – but now SL says it’s topical, so maybe it adds to a surface that went over my head.
Many thanks SL for a brilliant review and thank you setter
(what’s the issue with arm for weapon? I always thought that was where ‘army’ came from. It’s a separate definition but I think similar Latin origin to the things hanging from my shoulders)
Hi Dutch – I’m sure you’re correct re ‘arm’. It just doesn’t look or sound right to me, never has and probably never will but hey – who am I to talk – my grammar’s crap – always has been and probably always will be :smile:
ok, was just curious about the arm thing. It’s leg that gets me.
A very straightforward one for me today as distinct from yesterday!
Sorry, I missed an ‘s’ from my email address on that comment. Rectified it now.
SL. 19a: I get confused identifying this type of clue, too – always have to refer to BD’s guide to check. It is an excellent clue. But initially, I thought it was a lurker (the first 7 letters of the clue) and negligently bunged in “Thereat”, which slowed me down for a few minutes.
Yes – so did I with 19a – there are times, as in usually, when I miss lurkers and then, just occasionally, I ‘see’ them when they aren’t – oh dear! It gets me into all kinds of trouble.
Hopefully we will get into and out of trouble together soon Kath when I take you to my next Football match
Bit off immediate topic but how do you know the name of the setter for The Telegraph ???
That’s a Frequently Asked Question so you’ll find the answer under the FAQ tab above
I agree with SL’s ratings although I have to confess to being stupidly slow to get started – don’t know why.
I thought there were quite a few anagrams – not complaining – just saying.
I always thought a 25d ‘small drink of whisky’ was a tot – maybe not – anyway, that didn’t seem to work.
I liked 6 and 21a and 2 and 7d.
With thanks to Mr Ron and to SL – really not sure at all about the pic for 24a – there’s ’rounded’ and then there’s ‘yuk’!
Those old enough to rembember Dr Finlay’s Casebook will recall they usually ended having a wee dram.
Usually dispensed by Janet!!
I did try to find a picture of the ‘pole dancing’ workman on the insurance comparison website and stumbled upon the picture shown. I could have put up lots of others – but I fought off the impulse. I have strong willpower (ish).
Hooray – got all but one clue – a first for me – so for us ‘beginners’ this is encouraging!
Well done, Sabrinastar! :good:
Nice one…
Well done from me as well.
A bit harder than read and write for me, but eminently solvable and enjoyable. I thought there was a good mix of clues, which always increases the enjoyment. The NW corner had four empties before the pennies crashed to the floor. Like SL, I didn’t like 6 across, but otherwise no complaints with 21 down probably my pick of several rewarding clues.
2*/3* with thanks to Mr Ron and my fellow Salopian.
I dunno, I found this a funny old puzzle. My first run through didn’t yield much, and then I started bunging in stuff, not having any idea why. I really needed SL’s help to know why 11d and 8d were correct, for instance, how convoluted were they.
Growing up, whisky was always a dram in our house, still so from time to time. I can never remember which “whisky” or “whiskey” is Scots or American!
All in all, I enjoyed it, fave was 2d, mainly for the pic.
Thanks to setter, and many thanks to Shropshirelad for unravelling my answers.
Hi Merusa – Whisky is always Scottish, Whiskey is normally Irish, ‘Whiskey’ in America is ‘Bourbon’ :cool:
Thanks, Shropshirelad, now to find a mnemonic to remember all that!
Not quite a mnemonic but you could always think that Scotland, Japan and Canada do not not have an ‘e’ in their spelling or their whisky. Ireland and the United States do!
Either way enjoy yours later :yes:
Thanks! Well done.
Oh I can’t claim credit for it. I just Googled whisk(e)y mnemonic!
Although I will always remember Kids Prefer Cheese Over Fried Green Spinach for the order of taxonomy…the Willie Willie harry Ste one for the monarchs and the Lovers Positions one for the bones of the wrist. Only one of them has come in handy. I think the planets one did once too.
Enjoyed this as much as yesterday’s puzzle.
I take it that’s code for a fabulous puzzle, thoroughly enjoyed!
As Dr M didn’t leave a comment on yesterdays blog – I have no idea whether that is a positive or negative view.
On the whole I enjoyed this, but with a few reservations. “Held” didn’t seem the right verb for 19a, can you hold a tragedy? “Curved” dancing in 24a sounded a little contrived as well (great pic by the way!). Like SL, I wasn’t totally convinced about 6a but I’ll give the setter the benefit of the doubt.
Favourite of the day was 21a.
Many thanks to today’s compiler and to SL.
DT Post Room error.
Should be for ‘Junior Telegraph, Beginners’
Still, revision not a bad thing.
Thanks Mr. Ron and ShropshireLad, lovely county.
Hi Hrothgar,
I wonder why you always find it necessary to be so disparaging about a puzzle just because you personally have found it very easy to solve. For one thing, such remarks are likely to prove discouraging to our newer solvers and, for another, a puzzle can be ‘easy’ but still enjoyable.
Odd criticism.
People invariably post on how difficult they find a puzzle.
Why should finding one easy be anymore ‘disparaging’ than finding one hard?
Does that mean we should only post **** for difficulty but not * for difficulty?
Are we supposed to be neutral?
Are we supposed to ‘enjoy’ every puzzle?
News to me.
Nonsense, read my previous posts.
If it’s any consolation Hrothgar, I’m a ‘newer solver’ and I found your comments amusing and definitely not discouraging. Methinks Jane’s just got it in for you!
What I find disparaging is your quite regular reference to ‘Post Room’ error – should be for Junior Telegraph, Beginners’. Yes, that is pretty much what you ‘always’ say when you have found a puzzle easy.
No, I don’t object in the least to people posting that a puzzle was * for difficulty, R&W, one pint, short train journey and so forth – I’ve done it myself – but I do object to comments that I feel are impolite to the setter and potentially discouraging to newer solvers.
If I’m a lone voice here then I apologise but I remember only too well how it felt to be a ‘newbie’ on the BD site.
Nicely put Jane. I don’t think I’ve ever known you ‘have it in for someone’ either….even your favourite person ever in Yorkshire who may have found a ‘still’ for sale. :yes:
Spot on. I always cringe when I see the phrase “Junior Telegraph Beginners”, so condescending and patronizing. Keep it up Jane and Hanni.
Hrothgar says “Should be for ‘Junior Telegraph Beginners’ …
,,, others say “Read & Write” – what is the difference?
The latter says “I found it easy”.
The former says “Everybody should find it easy”
“Read & Write” is a statement of fact, “I read the clue and wrote in the answer”. “Junior Telegraph Beginners” is insulting to anyone who may have not found this easy.
Apart from that, this particular punchline has been used a number of times and it was not particularly funny the first time. Perhaps BD could set up a blog to provide suggestions for a new punchline??
That blog is an excellent suggestion. Although it really shouldn’t be necessary, because someone having a facility with language that renders back-pagers effortless should surely be able to do better than simply repeating “Junior Telegraph” over and over. Why aren’t they showing us beginners some of their wit and creativity?
We do try and inject a bit of humour in our reviews, especially for the ‘back pager’ side of the blog.
And much appreciated it is too :)
I’m a beginner, with less than a hundred completions under my belt, and before I read your post I was feeling good about getting this one with almost no assistance. Thanks for the dose of reality.
Well done on that!
The wrong envelope analogy is purposely not rude to the setter.
It blames the system.
Thanks for the discussion.
I shall, as and when I see fit, continue to use this analogy.
Incidentally, my solving skills are unaffected by posts to this Forum.
That would not appear to be the case for some.
…and thanks, Chris and Stan.
Hi Hrothgar
I believe that one of the great things about this blog is – we all have an opinion and that opinion, when posted, is rarely deleted or redacted (solving times excepted).
The fact is, it generates debate which is brilliant. I do hope it stays that way.
Hrothgar, last week I found a post calling Vancouverbc ‘vain’ very unnecessary. S/he commented that they found a puzzle straightforward. To my mind that was a simple statement of fact. Not meant to demean just on that day how they found a puzzle.
So I will go from my experience. Sometimes I come across a crossword where the answers go straight in with little thought..sometimes I sit and look and think. “What with a what now? What on earth am I supposed to do with this?” I occasionally think about cutting it out and seeing if I can make a cool paper aeroplane..or an origami swan. I don’t..
And I know there are solvers here and elsewhere that would not struggle with the above.
This blog is an inclusive place and given your subsequent comments I don’t think that you meant what you said to be in anyway disparaging to others but I can understand the reaction. Hence why I agreed with Jane etc.
I’m glad that your solving skills are not affected by posts on the on the blog. Mine have been improved by reading it.
And on a different note…if I fail to understand a clue etc, inevitably my fault, not the setters.
Re: what on earth etc……
That makes no sense – blog posts don’t affect anybody’s solving skills.
At issue is whether anyone should feel they accomplished something in solving this puzzle.
The objection is to a post expressing in a smug and patronizing way that they shouldn’t.
I am going to work on the assumption that Hrothgar’s post was not meant to be smug. But that is not how is might come across to some. Gosh the internet and opinions is such a precarious place.
I can only speak about to my experience. If someone else finds a puzzle easy and I don’t..water off a ducks back. I just need to learn more.
Perhaps the strong reaction is that for some newer solvers it can be so disheartening to read that others found it a walk in the park. And that makes perfect sense to me.
This blog is such a great place with just so many wonderful contributors…and a warm and welcoming place. I hope it stays that way. :yes:
The problem isn’t that some people find some puzzles to be a walk in the park. That’s something to aspire to.
The problem is being told that it’s a junior puzzle suitable only for beginners. Which means that if you didn’t find it a walk in the park, you haven’t even reached the level of beginner.
And I agree completely with your last paragraph.
And I agree..but for now I am going to sneeze myself off to sleep with some Night Nurse and worry about a trifle. Thankfully I trust Jane and her recipe.
You mean you’ve stolen a pudding recipe from Jane? Did she give you a step by step method – with pictures?
I asked ….”asked” for a recipe. She came up with two that beat my chocolate brandy mouse thing. I don’t ‘do’ puddings. But no. There was no step by step helpful guide with pics…from say a blogger that can make a good ragu!
I’m still nicking the recipe mind. :cool:
You first used this “Junior Telegraph” reference on 25th November 2014, and since then you have used it a further 12 times. It is boring and unhelpful, so please stop using it in future.
Big Dave’s voice of reason. Enough is enough. So Hrothgar please stop. I rarely comment on read and writes because it might deter newer solvers. It took me forty years to get here and my solving skills have advanced because of this site and I was pretty dammed good before I discovered it. I had to learn though. Please let others do so.
Let’s all gang up on Hrothgar. We’ve got nothing better to do so why not? Can’t believe that anyone allows a comment such as ‘Junior Telegraph, Beginners’ to upset them, however many times they say it. Talk about mountain out of a molehill!
Thanks, Chris.
And many thanks BD for your research.
In commenting on, say, 500 crosswords, I used the rather silly, in retrospect, reference to ‘Junior Telegraph’ 12 times.
Just over 2%.
I do not call that ‘always’ or repetitive by any stretch.
I apologise for wasting peoples’ time with this discussion.
And I acknowledge BD’s request to me.
Thanks. Newer solvers are entitled to have an easier puzzle from time to time.
I didn’t get to where I am today without knowing how to solve a crossword.
That reminds me of someone.
Very enjoyable…
6a – Not sure I understood how ‘whipped’ = the answer??
12a – Makes another appearance
15a – Was convinced it was ‘Chianti’ being an anagram of ‘China it’!!
21a -Initially had ‘support’, until I could not see where ‘model’ was being used.
Lots of nice clues. 5d, 3d (new use of the word ‘bluff’ for me), 27a, but being a Millwall fan, my favourite was 13a!! LOL!!!
Thanks to SL for the hints, I enjoyed the picture of Jimmy Edwards. Thanks also to the setter.
“Whipped” as in whipped along (at a fast pace). As SL says, it’s a bit of a stretch but just about ok.
Enjoyed this and managed without any hints although did seek synonym help with 5d and 21d. I was interested to read the explanation for one or two clues such as 15a and 19a where the answer was obvious but I didn’t know entirely why.
Liked 4d and 28a.
Thanks to SL for those explanations and to the setter.
I enjoyed this as I sneezed my way through it.
I enjoyed the anagrams, I enjoyed 19a, I enjoyed the music that Callas sang, I really enjoyed 7d and the pic (great clue), I enjoyed the drink before the drama, I enjoyed SL’s review…the only minor criticism…and it is minor is the pic for 24a. Just no.
Also enjoyed riding out his morning.
Many thanks to the setter and to SL for a top blog.
Bless You!
A Tissue?
…….A tissue – we all fall down.
Thank you. Gosh I like cold capsules.
Very gentle, but some nice smile-inducing clues: 1*/3*. Having spent some time this morning dislodging a 1d from No2 springer’s eyelid, I had no difficulty with that clue and it certainly isn’t my favourite. Horrible little things! I have no real favourite clue, but I too enjoyed the pictorial reminder of Jimmy Edwards DFC (who grew his huge moustache to disguise the scars of his injuries after being shot down over Arnhem). Thanks to Mr Ron and ShropshireLad.
I never knew that re the moustache SD – thanks.
Yes indeed he worthily earned his DFC for generously and typically deciding to crash land his burning Dakota rather than baling out in an attempt to save the lives of several wounded dispatchers.
Should have said “Whacko” Flt. Lt. Jimmy Edwards DFC.
This was so different from yesterday’s puzzle. Really good logical clues which were right up my street. This made the solve over too quickly but very enjoyable while it lasted. Many thanks to the setter and SL for the review.
Most enjoyable start to a Tuesday. Slow on the uptake with 1a which meant 1d remained empty for quite a while and did check the definition of 3d in the BRB. I’m only really familiar with the noun as in a ‘high, steep bank’.
Hard to pick a favourite, but 19&27a are definitely up there with the best of them.
Thanks to Mr. Ron and also to our whisky drinking lad from Shropshire. I reckon that Kitty will be your very best friend at the Derby bash following your choice of pic. for 2d!
A new PB for me but an enjoyable solve even so.
Thanks to SL and setter */***
Never did manage get 1d or 9a, although blindingly obvious with hindsight. Otherwise, I thought it was fairly straightforward.
Thanks to setter and SL.
Quite a fun one today and nice and gentle.
Quite liked 15a as haven’t heard my old China for a while!
Where’s Rabbit Dave? Has he gone off on holiday again? If he has, has he submitted the correct paperwork to Kath? Come to think of it – where have that pair ‘Paso Doble’ gone? So many questions and not enough answers….
I know RD did. Not sure about Pasodoble.
Nothing to upset the neighbours with today’s offering. 1a took a few moments as I approached it from the wrong direction to start with. Ho-hum. Therefore it iis my favourite. 2/2* overall.
Thanks to the setter and SL for his review.
Definitely a * for difficulty, but thoroughly enjoyed, a nice breezy solve.
Really enjoyed this as the solve was very smooth with a few laughs along the way.
Loved the clue and it’s review in 24a (curved nude)
Thought 27a (last bit of music) was lovely.
Thanks to the setter and to SL for the review.
Very sorry about your cat. Didn’t get a chance to comment on the day.
No problem JL – she had a good life :smile:
Was a bit worried when I got to 19a before I woke up, but then everything fell into place after that. 15a was definitely my favorite today, with a thumbs down to 6a as whipped and sped just didn’t gel for me. Very enjoyable, particularly as I have actually finished each with little or no help the last few days. It’s only taken me 40 plus years to get the hang of this, with kudos to this blog. Best I could do years ago was look at the solution in the next morning’s DT and try to figure the missing answers backwards.
Well done BL – you’ll be blogging Toughies in no time at all. :good:
Yes well don’t hold your breath on that ☺️
I’m well known for holding my brea……………………………
…….th for a long time :smile:
Easier than yesterday – I managed to finish this one…. Had to get some help for 1a, just couldn’t sieve the definition out of the wordplay.
Hi RichardW – yes, ‘changed’ didn’t leap out at me either as the definition on the first read through.
Relatively straightforward **/*** Liked 24a & 14d 😊 Thanks to SL and setter 👍
A swift solve and very enjoyable, if late in the day to get round to it.
*/3* for us so we agree with SL’s ratings. We also agree with Jane et al’s comments on Hrothgar’s style.
Not getting involved.
Isn’t Tuesday crib night? Did you win?
Now, you know he doesn’t want to get involved – so why ask an interrogative question?
I lernt that word on ‘The Chase’ today ;cool:
I’ve never ‘lernt’ a word in my life.
I’ll pay for that won’t I? :grin:
Losing semi finalist in the pairs last week. Lost out to the winners. Losing semi finalist in the singles this week. Lost out to the winner. Bugger. I lernt nothing.
I did lernt something. Runs are B******s
3d – can someone tell me how ?Bluff” =”Sheer”
Hi almo. In the BRB (the Big Red Book that is Chambers Dictionary) ‘bluff’ is defined as
n – a high steep bank, especially of a river.
Hope that helps.
… The BRB also gives bluff as an adjective meaning steep and sheer, as an adjective, means very steep.
many thanks, Gazza – knew it as a noun but not as an adjective,until now !
many thanks, Shropshire Lad, from another Shropshire Lad (Market Drayton) for extending my vocabulary – I’ve got to three score years and fifteen without ever knowing that synonym. Molto grazie
Started this late last night. Really couldn’t get 1a. Had the last word as the definition, and tried to ‘change’…lots of stuff !! I don’t give up easily but needed the review for the last one in. Thank you SL and setter. A Stirling effort all round.