Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28024 (Hints)
Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club
Hosted by Tilsit
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Greetings from the 07:19 from Warrington. The Saturday Club is having a day out en route to London for a special day out. Big Dave was leaving me to babysit things and I decided if you can’t beat them, join them! At this moment I am hurtling through Crewe and after some negotiation managed to get the wifi to start the blog.
I found today’s cryptic a bit of a curate’s egg. Managed to sail reasonably comfortably through three quarters and then I got an attack of SECorneritis, that nasty affliction that seems to affect many puzzles and that bit probably took longer than the rest. Some nice clues and I suspect this is the work of our Mysteron chum, although I’ll no doubt be corrected at the pub.
Do come and join us if you can. I’m going for a piece of a certain lady’s cake!
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them. As an extra hint, many of the ones I’ve omitted are the anagrams!
Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE – do not post solutions to clues, it is a prize puzzle and we should respect that. It’s not fair for people to enter and win by just filling the grid with answers. You’ll be sent to the naughty step if you do post solutions and you won’t get any cake.
1a Father on edge taken aback to be hugged by authentic flapper (3,7)
We start with the name of something with wings that isn’t a bird. Inside a word meaning authentic goes a short name for father, and one meaning the edge of something, but this one is reversed.
9a Long leases to get rent in American city (3,7)
An anagram of a US city, known as The City of Angels.
13a Did bear run right off by river? (9)
A word meaning did bear, in the sense of happened or carried. Start with Run and remove R for right and then add the name of a river associated with Derbyshire.
16a Nasty smell in London area — get cleaner (6)
Inside the location of London, or how it’s described on the weather and other TV programmes goes a word for a foul smell. This will give you the name of something to clean with.
18a Firm bankrupt after men backsliding (6)
A word meaning bankrupt goes after a reverse of one of the cast-iron cryptic devices to give something that means strong. In crosswords, ‘men’ has lots of meanings, but one of them is the basic troops in an army, as opposed to the officers. These are known as the ordinary ranks, abbreviated to OR. If you are one of the newer solvers, I recommend buying one of those A5 Index books and under each letter, listing these abbreviations. They come in handy.
20a Boss, active type, acquiring colliery (8)
A word meaning to boss (around). Someone who is active meay be described as this and inside this word goes the name for a colliery. I spent quite some time trying to get PIT inside unsuccessfully, so you know it’s not that one.
23a Mover in high circles runs into cool chap, rich and powerful type (9)
This is quote tricky, I think. The ‘mover in high circles’ is something that goes round in an orbit a very long way away. A clue: Sometimes it is a planet, at the moment it isn’t! Add to this the name for someone who is cool [Squeeze fans may get this one!] with R (runs) inside. Taken together this describes someone like Rupert Murdoch. No, not complete and utter @*%!. That won’t fit.
27a Consider being put back into captivity, apparently (10)
This is tricky, too. A word meaning to consider. If you deprive someone of their freedom, you would do this, but because apparently is there, it’s not actually a proper phrase, it’s a cryptic description.
29a Sanction admitting terrible mess in amount of tax due (10)
If you sanction something, you give this. Inside this goes an anagram (terrible) of mess. This gives a word meaning what the taxman says you owe him. And this weekend you need to get your tax return in. All part of the service. My pleasure, for reminding you.
1d See following river bank (4)
Here’s another word for that A5 book. ‘See’ in cryptic crosswordland usually has nothing to do with vision. It’s the name for an area covered by a cathedral. And it usually refers to a city in East Anglia. After R for river goes the name of this place to give a word meaning to depend or bank on something.
3d Russian team perform way of working boat in which lots must capsize (6,6)
This is the name of a Russian soccer team. And it’s quite complex. Listen very carefully I’ll put this only once, as it took me ages to work it out, although I had the answer almost immediately. Take a word meaning to perform (2 letters long) and add an abbreviation for a Latin phrase that means a way of doing something and insert a word for a lot of something and reverse it. Add to this the name for a flat-bottomed boat and there you have it. Now just don’t ask me to explain that again.
4d It’s not fair what you have to be to act professionally (8)
If you are an actor, in order to tread the boards for a living you have to be a member of the acting trade union. If this were the case, it would also be a word meaning unfairness.
14d Big city transport system from somewhere in East Europe not complete (10)
The name for a transport system (think Manchester trams and French underground) and add to it a word that describes someone from Warsaw, minus the last letter. This gives the name for a big city and for one of my favourite films of all time!
17d Prisoner worn out feeling sorry for offence (8)
The slang word for a prisoner goes before one meaning worn out or hackneyed to give something that means regret.
21d Eat out, artistically, being intermittently sober (7)
A way of doing art onto metal is what our setter is saying is found by taking the alternate letters of being (two rather than three) and adding a word meaning sober or serious.
22d Lawyers showing underwear (6)
Another word for barristers is the same as a slang word for underwear.
25d Criminal tendency (4)
A slang word for criminal is also a word meaning a tendency or penchant.
Right. My train is just hurtling past Milton Keynes, so I’ll pop in later when I land at a suitable wifi. Now play nicely!
The Crossword Club is now open.
Could new readers please read the Welcome post and the FAQ before posting comments or asking questions about the site.
As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put any ANSWERS, whether WHOLE, PARTIAL or INCORRECT, or any ALTERNATIVE CLUES in your comment. If in doubt, leave it out!
Please read these instructions carefully. Offending comments may be redacted or, in extreme cases, deleted.
The Quick Crossword pun: Barbour+queue=barbecue
Sitting on a barge in Little Venice having breakfast.
I’ve amended 3 down after thinking about it.
3*/3*. I enjoyed this puzzle which proved to be a good challenge. Like Tilsit,I also suffered SECorneritis. I struggled with 3d not only because of the complex charade but I was also hampered by my out-of-date knowledge of the Russian Team, who at some stage in their history appear to have switched round the two words which comprise their team name – a bit like Team England.
11d gets my vote as favourite due to its very nicely disguised definition.
Many thanks to Mr Ron and to Tilsit – nice picture for 22d!
3d didn’t spring immediately to my mind for same reason as you RD – surely the team are referred to in reverse order in the plural. :wacko:
I totally agree!
3d – The Футбольный клуб looks the right way round to me!
I remember seeing them play the Wolves in 1955.
Show off!
Sorry, I should have said ‘thank you’ for the fun Mr. Ron and also to mein host for the day for the odd bit of parsing after the event.
A. Both the soccer and ice-hockey teams have the same name, with the city coming second and no plural.
Thank you for enlightening me about 3d. The solution was not too much of a problem, it’s explanation was beyond me!
I too thought 11d was very clever. My thoughts were confused for too long by visions of young athletic things – it’s probably my age?
Have a great day in the Big Smoke.
21 d beat me last night -“eat out”? Must get a BRB one day.
Also spent to long trying to complicate 13a trying to get a chalk stream in Hampshire in the answer.
And whilst 3d had to be what it is, I think I’ll have to put a cold towel on my head later today and work out your parsing Tilsit. Thanks very much and to the setter. Overall ***/***
Hope its not too wet in London for the birthday bash.
I got stuck embarrassingly early on. Your tips were a life saver. 11d gave me a much needed smile though.
Welcome Richard!
I don’t mind admitting I needed a couple of hints this morning… oh all right then … lots of hints. I found this a real challenge for a Saturday but I did like the surfaces and the forensic way some of the clues have been put together – not an easy combination to achieve. An excellent puzzle which found me wanting today. Still not sure I understand 3d, but hey, it’s right so I’ll have another look at it later… maybe. 23a was my favourite. Thanks to Mr Ron, to Tilsit and of course to BD for the blog – have a great birthday bash. Cheers
Happy New Year, Tilsit! I was late starting this puzzle but I’ve found it to be really enjoyable and I’ve particularly liked 13a because I thought that it was an anagram initially and then the penny dropped! Dave will be pleased to know that Tottenham are 1-0 up against Colchester, who’ve lost both centre halves after a clash of heads in the second minute.
Thanks to Messers Tilsit and Mysteron. Great ructions with Mrs T over 6a and then 8d but made up over toast.
Happy birthday from the Colony.
I thought that this was quite difficult for a Saturday morning puzzle but that increases the satisfaction when the last answer fits! (in my case 20a) . As a female non-lover of the game I found 3d tricky but made an intelligent (?) guess as to the second word and good old Google helped me to complete the clue. Definitely a ***/***.
Definitely more challenging today, but I got there without hints. 3D was solved from the checkers. Even though I have never heard of the team, it sounded good to me. My last ones in were 20A, and 27A, in that order, so SE-itis struck here too. I really liked 4D and 17D, but my favorite has to be that pesky 27A. Thanks to the setter and to Tilsit. I hope you have a lovely day at the Birthday Bash. I so wish I could get to one of the get-togethers.
Very enjoyable. I seem to be exactly on the compilers wavelength, so no need for any hints to day. Thanks to the usual and I hope you all enjoy the London trip
More good fun today but sadly over all too soon. Lots of nice clues, viz 27a, 1d, 4d, 7d, 11d and 21d (once I realised it had nothing to do with al fresco!). Hope you’re all having a ball celebrating another BD milestone – congratulations to him and chin chin (I’m not Japanese!) to everyone. :bye:
Very enjoyable and no outside assistance required – not even my Wordsearch crutch, makes a nice change!
I didn’t fully understand the wordplay for 3d but the Russian team was obvious from the checkers – as I said very enjoyable but over too quickly!
I’ve already done Colchester v Tottenham in the Cup and have now settled down for Saracens v Bath and am looking forward to Liverpool v West Ham later – incidentally I’ve just noticed that Betfair are offering 4/1 on West Ham scoring at anytime, seems generous to me!
What do I know? Not much it seems, terrible game and £20 down the drain – don’t tell my Missus!!
An enjoyable time spent pencil-chewing today.
7D had me reminiscing about Steptoe & Son for a while!
Thanks for the help, and enjoy your get-together.
I’ve no idea why my last post has come up as ‘underfined’ – it’s a mystery to me, I suspect it’s all linked with my userid and email constantly disappearing!
A really nice workout. 1d is for me a perfect clue and 4d very clever. Took a while so I give it ***/**** . Hope the party is good and thanks to all the setters and hinters and for a truly great blog.
A really fun puzzle, much enjoyed.
Last one in was 3D, never heard of them, but a quick google solved that. As for Tilsit’s parsing, you must be some brain to figure that out.
Fave was 11d, followed by 23a.
Thanks to the setter and to Tilsit for the hints.
I hope the revellers are having a super time in London and enjoying C’Sue’s cake!
Crypticsue says there’s a little bit left if you can get here!
It’d have to be a bit of witchery to get there from here before the end of your revels! I do wish I could be there and meet everyone.
She will email you a piece and I’ll throw in some of the amazing macarons that are here.
I’m not one of those clever people who can add photos to comments so once the ancient computer has managed to upload them you will have mail.
***/****. Very enjoyable if a little tricky in parts. Thought 1&23a and 3&11d were clever. Happy birthday Blog! Thanks to the setter and Tilsit for the review although unneeded today.
liked 19D & 22D amongst many several others
Certainly a cutates egg. 3d and 21 d were certainly very tricky. I would never have twigged 3d without the hint, so thanks Tilsit.
I am feeling very sorry for myself as I was unable to join the celebrants/ revellers/cruciverbalists.I guess it is something I can look forward to, in the future.
I hope they are all enjoying themselves.
Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
Haven’t managed to do this one yet as we have had a thoroughly enjoyable day at the Birthday Bash. It was great to see everybody. Thanks to BD for organising the get-together and to Tilsit for the blog on such a busy day – we will get down to the puzzle tomorrow, before Virgillius.
I have managed four clues in the car on the way home from London, but it is too dark to struggle on. Hopefully will finish over a much needed cup of tea when I get back. Thank you to the setter and to Tilsit for the review. A massive thank you also to BD for organising the birthday reunion bash. It was great to put faces to names. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and safe trips home everyone.
A worthwhile puzzle, which I score at 2*/3*. I enjoyed 3d, so will nominate that as my favourite clue. Thanks to the setter, and to Tilsit.
Gave it a good go, but was ultimately defeated by the 11d anagram, 27a and 21d.
Thanks for the hints Tilset and the setter.
Getting to where most of you are is going to be a long, but enjoyable journey.
Sorted out 21d, but would appreciate a hint for 11d as everyone says what a good clue it is, certainly beyond me!!
11d is a tricky one as the definition is very well disguised. It’s a miss who is running something. She’s an anagram (at work) of SPORTIER REPS.
Many thanks pommers, very clever clue…
A belated very happy 7th Birthday Bash to all my friends who by now will be suitably merryfied :yahoo:
Congratulations Dave … this has to be oe of the best sites on the web :good:
I would never have got as far with cryptic if it hadn’t been for you and though I am a very remiss member these days my heart is with you :heart: all
I have just seen the cake on Facebook … I could almost taste it, enjoy yourselves …Daves merry band and have a few for me :bye:
My husband assures me that ****** ****** is an ice-hockey team, ****** **** is the soccer team – ?
tsk-tsk – you’re going to get put on the naughty step!
I remember donkeys years ago them playing Wolves in one of the early European Competitions – late ’50’s I think – Billy Wright, Ron Flowers etc
They’re both called ******/****** with the city coming second.
Thanks to Mr Ron and to Tilsit for the hints. Nice to meet everyone yesterday, shame I had to stay sober and leave early to referee the Squash Finals. I enjoyed this puzzle, but like Tilsit I got an attack of SE Corneritis, needed an anagram solver for 11d, needed the hints for 17,21d&20,27a. Also needed a crossword solver for 27a. Favourite was 13a. Was 4*/3* for me.
It was splendid yesterday to meet and greet so many online chums at the birthday bash. We should have had a toast to absent friends. Why didn’t I think of that at the time? Next year.
As for this mystery Saturday challenge, which I did after a kebab tonight, 4* for enjoyment, if only because of my three top clues: 4d wins the cup and 11d & 27a will have to suffer the ignominy of the losers’ play-off for second and third places. 2* for effort required.
Thanks to Tilsit and the setter
Enjoyed the clever anagram definitions. Thanks for opportunity at Birthday bash to put faces to so many familiar names on the blog. Unfortunately had to leave early (before the cake!). Have finally discovered my blog name – Alex not Ian.
Thanks to Tilsit and setter.
As often for a Saturday, I found this by far the least challenging of the week. I don’t really care for the expression R+W (it always sounds a tad disrespectful somehow) but for me this was literally R+W (sorry) for every single clue and that’s very rare for a decidedly average solver like me. But it was pleasantly enjoyable nevertheless. I like my back-page crosswords to be as tough as possible and would prefer to be rating them all at 4* or 5* for difficulty. For me, this one was 1.5*/3*. Thanks to the setter.
Welcome to the blog Tony