Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28021
Hints and tips by 2Kiwis
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty **** – Enjoyment ****
As we are writing this, our guests to whom we said farewell a few hours ago, will be on the ferry crossing Cook Strait and threading their way through the labyrinthine passages of the Marlborough Sounds to the South Island. It has been wonderful having them with us and we are missing them already. But back to the matter in hand and today’s Jay puzzle. We thought it was quite tricky with the NE corner the last to yield and, as we found it harder than average, have given it four stars for difficulty to match the enjoyment rating.
Please leave a comment telling us your thoughts.
1a Put money aside to cover student work (5)
SLAVE : The abbreviation for student or learner is included in a word meaning to put money aside.
4a Church in US state full of hatred in ruins (9)
CATHEDRAL : The abbreviation for the largest West Coast US state surrounds an anagram (in ruins) of HATRED.
9a Campaign for increased responsibility at work (9)
PROMOTION : A double definition. The first could be a programme of enhanced advertising.
10a Creature that is closer losing height (5)
TIGER : A word meaning closer or more parsimonious has the two letter abbreviation for height removed from it. Not the one letter abbreviation that we spent time looking at.
11a Pragmatic type offering a table to engineers (7)
REALIST : Army engineers, then A from the clue and a word for a table or roster.
12a How one hears of gold recovery? (7)
AURALLY : The chemical symbol for gold and a word meaning recovery.
13a Sent off to collect acceptable symbols (6)
TOKENS : A two letter way of saying acceptable or hunky-dory is inside an anagram (off) of SENT.
15a Period in America that follows end of sentence? (4,4)
FULL STOP : The punctuation mark that is called a period in the US.
18a Conservationists after some years showing moral turpitude (8)
DECADENT : A period of ten years and then the organisation that looks after historical buildings.
20a Run through section, overcoming resistance (6)
PIERCE : The symbol for electrical resistance is inside a word for a section or part.
23a Bureau chief must be PC (7)
DESKTOP : A bureau or writing table, then a word for chief or uppermost. We looked at policemen and political correctness before finding the right PC.
24a Part of an Indian degree student’s first degree, note (7)
BASMATI : This Indian is an informal word for something you might eat. A bachelor’s degree, then the first letter of student, a master’s degree and a note from the sol-fa scale.
26a Bare one’s teeth, swallowing a bit of corn (5)
GRAIN : A word meaning to bare ones teeth in a happy sort of way contains A from the clue.
27a Call to Newcastle area for memorial (9)
HEADSTONE : The call you could make when the other alternative would be ‘tails’, then TO from the clue and the area of England where Newcastle is found.
28a Clearly accepting independence with stoicism (9)
PATIENTLY : The one letter abbreviation for independence is inside a word meaning clearly or obviously.
29a Quietly illuminated following end of religious schism (5)
SPLIT : The last letter of religious, then the musical symbol for quietly and a word meaning illuminated.
1d Adepts are to be moved and kept apart (9)
SEPARATED : An anagram (to be moved) of ADEPTS ARE.
2d Subtle quality of Amsterdam or Antwerp on the rise (5)
AROMA : Our first and only lurker of the day to be found hiding in the clue, and it’s a reversed one.
3d Feeling Germany should avoid relegation (7)
EMOTION : Find a word that means relegation and remove the IVR code for Germany from the beginning of it.
4d Material for feature on origins of time zones (6)
CHINTZ : The feature is a part of your face, and is followed by the first letters of time and zones.
5d Metal worker in short story discovered pump (8)
TANTALUM : The worker is a small insect and is inside a word for a story with its last letter removed, then we have ‘pump’ with its first and last letters chopped off (its covers removed).
6d Transport hotel involved in fixed rental (7)
ENTHRAL : The abbreviation for hotel is included in an anagram (fixed) of RENTAL.
7d Governor‘s time over, wearing uniform (9)
REGULATOR : The abbreviations for time and over are both included inside a word meaning uniform or standard.
8d Bug that science associates with metal? (5)
LURGY : Put ‘metal’ from the clue in front of the answer to find a science.
14d Gives up pastry to provide initial impetus (4-5)
KICK-START : Gives up as you would a habit or addiction, then a pastry or open-topped pie.
16d Leader‘s turbulent priest found outside study (9)
PRESIDENT : An anagram (turbulent) of PRIEST surrounds a word for a study.
17d Speak sharply and go for exposure (8)
SNAPSHOT : A four letter word meaning to speak sharply and a ‘go’ or a ‘turn’.
19d Bivouac, protected by river, offers an easing of tension (7)
DETENTE : A bivouac made of fabric is inside a river in the UK, you can take your pick from several with this name.
21d Takes a firm stand with first son found supporting short measures (7)
INSISTS : These short measures are about 25 mm, then ‘first’ written as three letters, finally the abbreviation for son.
22d Religious office of band completely disheartened (6)
ABBACY : A famous Swedish band of the seventies is followed by the first and last letter of completely.
23d Find grub, oddly in sink (3,2)
DIG UP : A word for a sink or depression surrounds the first and third letters of grub.
25d A charge for crossing island (5)
ATOLL : A from the clue and a payment you might make for using a road or bridge.
Our favourite today is 5d where we initially wasted time trying to put a tinsmith there.
Quickie pun cores + ticks + odour = caustic soda
3*/4*. A nicely challenging and very enjoyable puzzle, as we have come to expect on a Wednesday. The SW corner took most time. Too many good clues to try to select a single favourite.
Many thanks to Jay and the 2Ks.
Looking forward to the weekend. I get to London around 6pm Friday, is anyone else around Friday night?
Lots to enjoy today. I liked the conservationists with moral turpitude (18a), “wearing uniform” (7d) the science associated with metal (8d), the end of religious schism (29a) and more. I did think “subtle” spoilt the surface a little in 2d. I liked 24a for the definition, that was my last one in.
Many thanks 2Kiwis and Jay
We’re around on Friday night. Where are you staying? We live in Camden Town.
paddington novotel
you can text me on 07739 073951
Wow, I agree with the 2 Ks. This was certainly **** for difficulty but also **** for enjoyment. I looked at a blank puzzle for sometime but after a while did manage a couple of bung-ins and then gradually things did began to dawn so that I just beat the 2Ks hints to it. Top half presented fewer problems than the South. 5d is new to me. Joint Favs (while the cat’s away!) were 8d and 14d. Liked illustration to 4d hint – a fabric from which I made curtains for a weekend cottage decades ago and visited there recently to see same curtains still there! Thanks Mysteron and the 2 Ks. :good:
You put 2 x’s in the email address!
Silly me – sorry CS – will try to do better! :oops:
I found this one quite a hard slog this morning. Despite that I enjoyed the tussle. Fav 5d, took some working out. ***/**** . Thanks to Jay and to 2Kiwis for the Hints
What a stinker settled down, put it down took dogs out got soaked and windblown.
Picked it up again last one in 22d. Much struggling and scratching of head.
Still after all that satisfaction in completion. Many thanks to 2 Kiwis and Jay. Going for a lie down in darkened room.
I’d agree with the trickier than usual for a Jay rating – thank you to him
Thanks to the 2Ks for the review – I could be slightly biased when I say what a fine choice for the picture for 4a
Peta might like to have a quick peep at the Toughie once she and mum have done the backpager. ;)
Oh dear I have been moderated out – probably something to do with name/email address which I am still having to fill in most times. Might try again later. :???:
I rescued you – you’d got a bit carried away with Xs in your email address.
Fab site thank you
Ken :mail:
Welcome to the blog Ken
Glad you like it.
Welcome from us too Ken.
Keep on coming back, Ken. Let us all know how you get on, and don’t be embarrassed – we’ve all been there!
I agree with 2Ks that this was on the stiff side for a midweek Jay, but my watch says it is (just) 2* for difficulty. 4* for enjoyment, though, and I particularly enjoyed 24a and 14d.
Thanks to Jay, and to the antipodean twosome.
Out of kilter with the rest of you again.
I found it OK, except for that dreaded thing at 8d and also 10a. I needed the hints for those two, so many thanks to the 2kiwis!
It’s very windy here so I’m staying in, worrying about my allotment shed (again).
We really enjoyed today’s puzzle from Jay particularly because we had to get our thinking caps on.
Thanks to the 2 K’s for the review…***/****
I started off at a brisk pace and thought it was all going to be R and W. But the NE corner held me up for a time. Favourite was 8d – my LOI.
Thanks to setter and 2Ks. Is Brian still hiding behind the sofa?
Is lurgY in the BRB?
I’ve always thought of it as lurgi
A lot of bung ins for me today. Really needed the hints for the unravelling.
Thanks to the Two Kiwis and to the setter.
Chambers 12th Edition:
lurgy or lurgi n a non-specific disease. [Popularised by BBC Radio’s The Goon Show (1949-1960)]
I agree not difficult 8 down had to be lurgy but with hint understood why
Welcome to the blog Geoff
If you wish to update your dictionary, or purchase a BRB – get the 12th Edition as the 13th Edition has so many faults.
Thanks for that, SL – my sparkling new edition 13 just arrived today!
You couldn’t make it up Jane. :wink:
As far as I’m aware the only “fault” with the 13th edition is the omission of the mostly obscure words that were highlighted in the previous edition. These words can be downloaded as a pdf:
Click to access Chambers%20Missing%20Words.pdf
Thanks, BD – I shall print that out forthwith. I wouldn’t mind betting that’s the list that some of our setters (mentioning no names) will be using on a regular basis!
This took longer than normal but that was because Saint Sharon decided that she didn’t like the tea I had made for her so I made her a different tea. An act of true love, devotion and surrender so early in the morning and in the middle of solving the crossword. Perhaps it is I who should have been canonised Thanks to the 2ks for looking after dear little Kath for us and for explaining 5d and 10ac, my last two which were bunged in according to my if it fits bung it in rule. Neither answer made sense until I read your blog. I have been shopping ready for Saturdays bash. You have been warned!
i agree that this was more challenging than is usual for a Wednesday. For me, the SW corner was the last to fall. I enjoyed it vry much and checked off 23A, 14D and 17D as my top of the picks. Thanks to Jay and K2.
i agree that this was more challenging than is usual for a Wednesday. For me, the SW corner was the last to fall. I enjoyed it vry much and checked off 23A, 14D and 17D as my top of the picks. Thanks to Jay and K2.
That should be SE, not SW!
Jay is definitely vying for pole position with Virgilius as my favourite DT setter.
A lovely crossword!
Thanks to the 2Ks for explaining 10a
(I thought there were going to be 3Ks blogging today – but she’s gone)
Found this tricker than normal for Wednesday but the usual fun from Jay. Top half caused more problem than the bottom. Last in was 5d…took some figuring out as the only word I could see that fit was tantalus?
Many thanks to Jay and to the 2Kiwis for a great blog.
Haven’t we had a tantalus discussion on this page before Hanni?
Mp – Anything to do with alcohol, I need say no more. I hope you haven’t bought us anything too expensive :smile:
Are you around tomorrow if help is required?
This one perchance?
That’s the one! It’s still a lovely looking thing. I so wanted the answer today to be tantalus when I had all the checkers in.
Totally defeated me today, I managed just 3 answers! Way way above my pay grade, at least a ***** for difficulty and on the principle that it is difficult to enjoy what you don’t understand only a * for enjoyment.
Should have been today Toughie rather than a back pager
Hm its a funny old world in crosswordland. Found this on the easier side today and managed to get the obscurities without help. The answers being in the clue, as they say. **/*** for me. Thanks to all.
Yes, agree with you – about the same difficulty as yesterday, quite enjoyable so 2.5*/3*
Very enjoyable and actually found it easier than a lot of 3* difficulty puzzles in the past. I still don’t understand 8 down, even though from checking letters I did get the ‘bug’.
Welcome to the blog Pazza
Thank you for the explanation. Not a word I’ve ever come across!
Welcome from us too Pazza.
Thank you very much :good: I’ve used the blog for years and have commented here a long time ago but only when I really can’t see the working out
Great (tricky) puzzle! 23a and 24a were the last in….***/**** for me….
Very enjoyable puzzle that stretched my metallurgy and engineering knowledge. Tried so hard to make the spirit thief deterrent fit in 5d, must be because it’s booze related :yes: . Lots of good clues but I think 24a was a bit convoluted – it also didn’t help seeing ‘conservatives’ in the clue for 18a (note to self, must get new glasses). My favourite of the day is 27a.
Thanks to Jay for the puzzle and the 2K’s for their review.
Good afternoon everybody.
Startted well enough with twelve in on pass one therafter much harder work. Left three unsolved 5,7d and 12a. Think I’d have happened upon 12a eventuallly and possibly also 7d but 5d no chance.
For some odd reason, I found this easier then monday or tuesday’s puzzles. Needed the Kiwi’s guidance to explain a couple I’d worked out from the check letters. 14d and 24a eluded me for some time. Chemistry at uni helped make 5d easy for me. Favorite 27a. 2*/4* rating. Thanks to Jay and the 2 Kiwis.
The left half was relatively straightforward but the right hand bottom corner held me to ransom .Only by looking at the hint for22d did it all come together. I couldn’t shake Papacy from my head grrrrr . Last in 24a . Nevertheless a very enjoyable crossword ****/**** Thanks to the 2Kiwis and the setter.
An extremely enjoyable puzzle containing some excellent wordplay.
I found the top half easier than the bottom, but only marginally. Joint favourite clues were 3d and 8d.
Many thanks to Jay and the 2Kiwis (I hadn’t realised until today’s introductory comments that “farewell” is used as a verb in your part of the world!)
It appears that the Dad’s Army film is quite good (according to today’s paper) but with a few black marks against it in some parts.
Mind you, I watched the interview with CZJ on the news last night – what a stunner AND so polite to the interviewer on the red carpet (I think it was a Channel 5 reporter). I think she’s just biding her time to come back home after Mr D pops off. Although, looking at the Douglas clan’s longevity, that may be some time.
Thanks SL, I gained the same impression.
Yes, Kirk was 99 in December I think, very few left from the golden age of Hollywood now – Olivia de Havilland is a few months older and she’s still with us.
Thanks for pointing out our misuse of farewelled in our intro. You are right that it is often used as a verb in this part of the world but is not supported by BRB so we have now changed it. Coincidentally, one of the many topics of conversation we had with Kath and Chris was about the dreadful habit of corrupting English by making verbs out of nouns at the drop of a hat. And the next day we do exactly that! Cheers. :good:
Hi, what a coincidence indeed!
I wouldn’t call it misuse as such, since although it’s not in the BRB as a verb, it is so listed by Collins, with Australia/New Zealand usage in brackets.
Shouldn’t it be “to whom” rather than “who….to”
OK you are of course right JL. That is also now corrected.
You can’t get away with much on this blog. :wacko:
Sorry. I didn’t mean to show off.
I quite liked it, which is more than I can say for “medalled” meaning “won a medal”.
What about podiumed?
Our English teacher, many, many moons ago, was horrified at the use of “..ized” added to a noun to make a verb, e.g., “hospitalized”. She would shudder and say “Americanisms”, but how things have changed.
Oh dear – sorry Merusa but it still makes me shudder a bit, although I do try to disguise it with an indulgent smile. Actually, that’s probably worse! :scratch:
The one which always makes me cringe when I hear it in US crime dramas is “burglarized”. I’m hopeful that’s one at least which won’t cross the Atlantic!
I’ve lived here long enough that I no longer cringe, but I still find it rather jarring. I only hope that I haven’t adopted any of the jargon
Before you know it we will have burglarizers going around burglarizerizationing. Where will it end?
Difficulty of ** for the left hand side, **** for the right , so a*** overall with , I ‘m pleased to say a **** for enjoyment .A few tenuous ‘chemistry’ clues today ie 8d, must say it helped being one for my sins .Thanks to the 2k’s for the explanation for 10a, was trying to fit just an H in somewhere .Had trouble locating the site today and had to put 28,021 directly into Google, as it wasn’t on the blog page.
****/***. This was a bit of a tester and the SE corner was a real problem for me. Thanks to the 2ks for the blog and a couple of hints to get me started on said quadrant. To the setter, I doff my cap. Excellent puzzle with lots of good clues.
Thanks to Jay and to the 2 Kiwis for the review and hints. I enjoyed this one a lot. Started in the NW corner, which went in quickly. However, the rest of it took forever. Last two in were, 20a&21d. Favourite was 24a. Was 3*/4* for me.
Not too bad, actually, three * for difficulty for me.
Thought 8d a brilliant clue, held me up for some time.
And got 5d when the penny for the last bit of the clue eventually dropped.
Many thanks to Jay and the travelling 2Kiwis for the pleasantly illustrated review.
Spent a bit more time on this one than on the toughie.
Obviously we do need a kick start when we come to a full stop.
Very enjoyable challenge.
Thanks to Jay and to 2kiwis for the review.
Downright tricky but rewarding.Lots of misleading clues, I had gnash at 26a for quite a while, holding up the bottom left corner.
I still haven’t worked out why 21 is what it is.
Familiar as I am with elements , I had to resort to the textbooks for 5d.
4a wasn’t a read and write either.
8d is my favourite.
Thanks to Jay and the Kiwis.It must have been a delightful few days.
I find myself filling in the name and e-mail each time, although I haven’t cleared my cookies in 24 hours. Puzzling.
INS for inches, IST for first, then S(on) :smile:
Quite tricky but got there in the end despite being convinced it was a pangram after finding the ‘z’ in 4d and the ‘v’ in 1a, and then trying to fit a ‘q’ and ‘j’ in somewhere. Liked 14d being a motorcyclist.
Thanks to the 2 Ks and Jay.
Quite tricky :wacko: I was with the 2xKs and was held up in the NW whereas yesterday it was NE ***/**** favourites 14d & 4a :good: TVM to the 2x Ks and Jay although I eventually arrived at the answer to 5d (a new word for me) it wasn’t until I read the blog explanation where I discovered how the last two letters were obtained, very clever :mail:
Good morning all. We seem to have got most of it right again. By now our erstwhile guests are in Picton on their way to Christchurch from where they will fly to Oz in a couple of days. It was really great to spend those few days with them. We wonder who will be the next friends from the site to come and pay us a visit.
What a hugely enjoyable back-pager this was. Good clueing, lovely surfaces and humour all the way. We got through this fairly quickly without any kind of electronic help and were surprised to see some of the difficulty ratings on offer.
Many enjoyable clues, of which we pick out 4d, 10a, 12a, 13a, 8d, 18a, 19d, 24a, 22d, 23d and 27a.
2*/4.5* from us. Many thanks to the 2Ks for the write-up and Jay for the massive enjoyment factor.
What a lovely crossword – wouldn’t go quite as far as 4* difficulty but nearly and at least 4* for enjoyment.
It feels very odd to be writing this in the morning – well, morning for us anyway.
As always with a Jay crossword it all went wrong with the last few answers which took as long as the whole of the rest of the crossword.
It took for ever to see why the last two letters of 5d were what they had to be although that kind of clue is one that’s caught me out before.
I spent too long trying to take out just a ‘H’ in 10a – why – I’m sure we all know that ‘Ht’ is the abbreviation for ‘height’.
I ended up needing the hint for 27a – just couldn’t see the ‘call’ bit – dim – oh dear!
I liked 24a and 14 and 17d.
With thanks to Jay and thanks and more :rose: to the 2K’s for the hints and the lovely stay.
I hardly dare to mention this on a Kiwi blogging day but for any of you gardeners who might be interested Agapanthus (not even going to attempt the plural for fear of being wrong) grow absolutely everywhere, are about three times the size that they ever achieve in England and are regarded as weeks over here.
Late in today and had to smile when I read 2Ks review detailing their initial ‘blips’ with 10&23a – me too! I also spent a while looking for the wrong Indian in 24a and had to check on both the metal and the religious office, although both were doable from the wordplay.
Favourite has to be 14d because it made me laugh – not an easy thing to do today. Nothing to worry about, just been one of those days.
Thanks to Jay and also to our 2Ks – so pleased to hear that you had such a good time with Kath and Chris.
:rose: not much just something that might make you smile a little. I’m so sorry you’ve had a bad day.
Must be a wavelength thing but I loved this, not R and W but very little electronic help needed. 5d familiar from recent GK crossword, loved 8d even though I have to thank 2ks for telling me why, far too many goodies to risk choice. Thanks to Jay for stimulating little grey cells. Bet you’re all beginning to get excited about Saturday, green with envy wish I could be there. :bye:
Good for you, Hilary – Al will be lonely tonight and you won’t run out of tissues for a while.
As for Saturday, I was hoping you might be there – what with the new glasses and all. Believe me, not all of the attendees are going to be young, fit and able (speaking of only myself of course!) but it’s hard to resist the opportunity to finally meet the folk we chat to on an almost daily basis. I, for one, would love to meet you. :yes:
That will be attendERS (see rants passim and earlier discussion on Americanisms).
Oops – caught me out again, TS!
The top quarter of the puzzle fairly sped by. When the rest went in at a snail’s pace, I thought I must be having an off day, or succumbing to the 8d which is doing the rounds. Relieved then to notice the **** for difficulty on the blog. **** also for enjoyment.
My ‘name’ and ’email address’ have started disappearing and I have to re-enter them each time I use this site – it’s only started happening in the last two days – is it some new ‘feature’ or am I doing something wrong?
As far as todays puzzle was concerned no real problems – 5d was new to me but I found it using my Wordsearch program.
Good, enjoysble puzzle!
And mine. Aha, just noticed when I tap on the blank name space it popped up similarly the email
The answers started to fill my grid with considerably more pace than is usual for a Wednesday … then things slowed right down for the last few.
I enjoyed it all, but have no big outstanding favourites. If pushed I would go for 10a – though it would probably go for me first. Grr!
Thanks to the 2Ks for another excellent review of another excellent puzzle, for which I thank Jay.
P.S. I have something of a fondness for the verbing of nouns but share BD’s lack of love for “medalling.” As for “burglarize” …
Hmmm. It just shows how different we all are. I thought this was the easiest puzzle for ages and would have finished it on the train home, but needed to check that 5d and 22d were real words. They are. Which means I have no puzzle to accompany my pint of 7Hop Ale from M&S, so I guess I’ll just have to do some homework for the Australians in the morning. Cheers aplenty for 8d and 24a, but the Clapometer shows 27a is the clear winner. Cheers, too, to the Ks and a big grin of appreciation to Jay, who I may have mentioned before, is my favourite setter. 1*/4*
Had to have several cracks at this beast. Liked it though… Some clever clues. Got there in the end and needed the blog after being tantalised by 5d (to point out the M on the end in the stead of my S). Thanks to the setter Nd to The Kiwis. ***/*** for me and I was not expecting that on a Wed. G’night all.
Oops! Better late than never. I completed this quite happily yesterday and then completely forgot to comment cos friends turned up unexpectantly.
27a was favourite and overall 3/3*.
Thanks to Jay for an excellent challenge and the 2K’s for their review.
Took me two days to get the last three, 20a, 24a and 22d, loi. Not heard of 22d (nor 5d) which didn’t help, though, as usual with a Jay puzzle, the parsing led me there eventually.
Always fun when you finally crack the puzzle though so 4*/4* for me.
Loved this one with quite a bit of head-scratching. Can’t decide between 27A (HEADSTONE), 5D (TANTALUM), 8D(LURGY) or 17D (Snapshot) but think it will be 5D since I had to look up the metal!