DT 27935 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 27935

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27935

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment **

This puzzle was published on Saturday, 17th October 2015

A slightly longer solving time for me this week, probably because I was on a train where a small boy whose mum was reading the Three Pigs to him, insisted on doing loud ‘wolf’ impressions throughout the tale. As Kitty and I agreed on Saturday afternoon in the pub, all we needed was a ball of string and we could have had a lovely game of conkers with all the chestnuts in this Mysteron offering.

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.  You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!


3a           Number touring notice pub, shabby in appearance (10)
THREADBARE –   AD (notice) and BAR (pub) inserted into the number THREE.

8a           Nurse, not hot in shady garden alcove (6)
ARBOUR –   Remove the H for Hot from HARBOUR (nurse).

9a           Before end of truce, tries again to go over (8)
REHEARSE –   RE HEARS (tries again) goes before the ‘end’ of trucE.

10a         Charm  one’s way in (8)
ENTRANCE –   Double definition.

11a         Football League initially probing Premier League club complaint? (3,3)
MAN FLU –   My favourite clue.   FL (Football League ‘initially’) inserted into MAN U (Premier League club).

12a         Exactly what’s required, fair article by commission (4,3,3)
JUST THE JOB –   JUST (fair) THE (definite article) JOB (commission).

14a         South American, extremely sensitive, explains barking dog (6,7)
SUSSEX SPANIEL – S (South) US (American) the ‘extreme’ letters of SensitivE, and an anagram (barking) of EXPLAINS.

20a         Awful baloney about one beheaded knight and queen (4,6)
ANNE BOLEYN –   An anagram (awful) of BALONEY goes about [o]NE (one ‘beheaded’ or with its first letter removed) and N (knight in chess notation).

22a         Expert came across, over for the time being (3,3)
PRO TEM –   PRO (expert) followed by a reversal (over) of MET (came across).

23a         Face endless people giving a torrent of abuse (8)
DIATRIBE –   Endless tells you to remove the last letters of DIAL (face) and then add TRIBE (people).

24a         Prepared drainage for shrub (8)
GARDENIA –   An anagram (prepared) of DRAINAGE.

25a         Prelude to show at university (4-2)
LEAD UP –   LEAD (to show) UP (at university).

26a         Poor speed by back (6-4)
SECOND-RATE –   I suppose the clue is telling you that RATE (speed) goes at the side of SECOND (back), but I remain unconvinced as to how I am supposed to know that the ‘back’ goes before the ‘speed’.


1d           He and I, for example, in favour of sisters keeping nothing (8)
PRONOUNS –   PRO (in favour of) and NUNS (sisters) ‘keeping’ O (nothing).

2d           Likewise, Conservative admires Greek philosopher (8)
SOCRATES –   SO (likewise) C (Conservative) RATES (admires).

3d           Freshwater fish crossing river channel (6)
TRENCH –   The TENCH (freshwater fish) crosses or goes over R (river).

4d           King with deformed ear, seldom seen (4)
RARE –   R (Rex, King) and an anagram (deformed) of EAR.

5d           Husband brought in a meek person to meet artist in palace (8)
ALHAMBRA –   H (husband) brought in or inserted into A LAMB (meek person), the result then ‘meeting’ RA (artist).

6d           Smart, supporter at home — and away, ultimately (6)
BRAINY –   BRA (supporter) IN (at home) and the ‘ultimate’ letter of awaY.

7d           Outcome in Ypres, ultimately (6)
RESULT –   Hidden in YpRES ULTimately

13d         Boy appearing after James (5)
JASON –   JAS (abbreviation for the Letter of James in the Bible) ON (appearing).

15d         Inspected fabric cut up (8)
EXAMINED –   An reversal (up in a down clue) of AXE (cut) and DENIM (fabric).

16d         I will remedy abuse (3-5)
ILL-TREAT – ILL (I’ll, I will) TREAT (remedy).

17d         Idler having answer in amateur contest (8)
LAYABOUT –   A (answer) inserted in between LAY (amateur) and BOUT (contest).

18d         Sophisticated former pope, last to pontificate (6)
URBANE –   URBAN (one of several former popes with this name) and the last letter of pontificatE

19d         Diligent American leaving for workshop (6)
STUDIO –   US (American) leaves STUDIOUS (diligent).

21d         Bird of prey following black dog (6)
BEAGLE – B (black) followed by EAGLE (bird of prey).

23d         Information — a little sent over (4)
DATA –   A reversal (sent over) of A TAD (a little).

