Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27571
Hints and tips by Miffypops
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
Note to Bloggers. A Sunday lunchtime session followed by a very pleasant Presidents day at the local cricket club necking an abundance of fine wine (Coronation Chicken sandwiches. Mmmm.) and a further session into the early hours may seem like a good idea at the time. However it is not likely to produce a review published by 11.00 am. For those who might be interested, the kitchen is fully functional and finished but for minor adjustments and the fitting of the kicker boards all of which may be done ……… tomorrow. Today’s crossword didn’t do a lot for me which probably has a fair bit to do with the shenanigans of yesterday. I should know better but I am pleased that I don’t.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Disturb canary perhaps, in its nest here? (4,9)
BIRD SANCTUARY: Here we go two three four. Van Morrison is singing Domino to me. The horn section is rocking and rolling the sun is out, life is good and we have an amusing all-in-one clue which is also an amusing anagram (perhaps) of DISTURB CANARY
10a Available to customers, or about to arrive (2,5)
IN STORE: Our master delight us yet again with a superb double definition. The second of which describes what lies ahead for us
11a Some players will take a long time dressing (7)
BANDAGE: These players play music. The long time is not an era. The dressing will not dress with your food but might be put on by a nurse
12a Might it turn the tide for the overweight? (4)
DIET: Another all in one clue with an anagram. There are only two four letter words in the clue and one of those does not form an anagram any way up. Therefore it must be the other four letter word which when anagramaticised might benefit the overweight
13a Form of fungus (5)
MOULD: I have seen this one before but it was the last but one in for me. A form or pattern for a casting is also a type of fungus which favour damp conditions.
14a Heavy piece of wood, though it could be light (4)
BEAM: A double definition here which is also Ray T’s toughie alias.
17a Regret about arranging it en suite (7)
RETINUE: Anagram (arranging) of IT EN placed inside (about) a verb meaning to regret. I had no idea which part of this clue to underline as a definition until Big Dave pointed out the BRBs definition
18a Top gear from St Neots (7)
STETSON: Gear is clothing. Top is your head. There is an anagram (from) ST NEOTS and the result is a hat.
19a Bill, an aristocrat we hear (7)
ACCOUNT: A homophone (we hear) Dracula was one of these aristocrats
22a About to cut a prison stretch (7)
ACREAGE: Stretch is an unusual term for an amount of land. Take A form the clue and a four letter slang term for prison and place our usual suspect for about into this. My last one in and thanks to Big Dave for the solution
24a Right-minded man takes his from history (4)
TORY: Hardly the most cryptic of clues and although not directly a hidden word the answer is lurking away in the clue. Take away HIS from history to find a member of a political party which leans to the right.
25a Reason for which some people fight (5)
CAUSE: I like this clue. The answer is a noun. A principle aim or movement to which one is committed and which one is prepared to defend or advocate.
26a Prokofiev has no proof it’s a Ukrainian city (4)
KIEV: Take the letters of the word PROOF away from the word PROKOFIEV to reveal the only Ukranian city I have ever heard of.
29a Offensive rumour about retired doctor (7)
NOISOME: Place an unusual word meaning rumour around the reversal (retired) of one of our usual suspects for a doctor (medical orderly) to find an adjective meaning very unpleasant or objectionable
30a Having favourites, relatively speaking (7)
NEPOTIC: This word refers to favouritism in the issue of jobs, titles or political rank based on family relationship
31a The state of the fraternity — rows among monks (13)
BROTHERLINESS: Place another word for rows inside a word used to describe monks to find this word meaning fraternity
2d Study in group including party leader (7)
INSPECT: Take IN from the clue and a word for a group of like minded people, particularly used when referring to minor religious groups. Place the Party leader inside to get a word meaning to study
3d Terrible fate makes temper rise (4)
DOOM: Reverse a word meaning temper to find another word meaning terrible fate.
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
4d Shocking in respect to certain individuals (7)
AWESOME: Split 3,4 The definitions of respect and certain individuals put together make an adjective meaning extremely impressive or daunting.
5d Repairs at last (7)
COBBLES: This last is a shoemakers model used for shaping or repairing shoes. This word describes what a shoe repairer does.
6d Runs out, but they may retain the Ashes (4)
URNS: Anagram (out) of RUNS
7d A newspaper’s success depends more on these than its writers (7)
READERS: Those who purchase newspapers and a description of what they do
8d Danger! Tinkers all over the place in these schools! (13)
KINDERGARTENS: Another long anagram (all over the place) of DANGER TINKERS
9d What the Beefeater renders? (6,7)
YEOMAN SERVICE: Take another word for Beefeater and add a verb meaning to provide or give a service
15d Putin ordered data (5)
INPUT: Anagram (Ordered) of PUTIN
16d Card showing where one’s home is? (5)
HEART: One of the four suits of cards
20d Naval ship that requires quarantine (7)
CARRIER: This ship is also one to transmits diseases such as Mary of typhoid fame.
21d Circus hanger-on? (7)
TRAPEZE: The swing in a cicus
22d Magazine for footballers (7)
ARSENAL: A collection of weapons is also one of London’s football clubs.
23d Flies east via resorts (7)
AVIATES: Our last anagram of the day. Resorts is the indicator. EAST VIA is the fodder and the definition is flies.
27d Left harbour (4)
PORT: A double definition. At our Rugby club dinners this is what is left after we have eaten and it foes nicely with the brandy that comes with it
28d Start work in French — at this university? (4)
OPEN: Our usual suspect for a musical work followed by the French for in will give the name of the university that Tilsit and I study at. There’s another definition in there as well!
Jeeps. That was a slog to review. Sorry it’s late.
The Quick Crossword pun: totally+clips=total eclipse
Straightforward but fun, thanks to the setter and MP. 1*/3*
Clever clogs
Not bad for Monday although I waited for the blog to appear as I was complete except for 22A. I would rate this 2.5/3 Thanks to Miffypops for his review. Remember the adage|: Never again till the next time! A surfeit of Coronation Chicken Sandwiches always leaves me with a hangover too! Get well soon.
lets start with a **/****,found this very enjoyable. A mix of excellent clues-1a was an exceptional, anagram working on ‘two levels’ exactly where one would find a canary ,and 16d brought a d’oh moment, also liked 9d and 30a, all in all a bright start to the week, thanks setter and Miffypops for the dads army pic for 3a-very apt. Thanks also to our cricketers giving me hope for the next ashes !
I bow to your greater knowledge here Big Boab ! I found it one of the harder Monday puzzles and without the usual “fun” element of a Rufus puzzle. Shows how much I know – as I am sure you are right. Thank you Rufus anyway for the stern test. My last one was 22a as well MP. If your review hadn’t been delayed due to you being possibly “tired and emotional” yesterday, I would have given up and gone for the hint. Having forced myself to focus on the wordplay I finally got it. Many thanks MP for your review and hints, which I am surprised that I didn’t need !
Not sure why but I found this neither straightforward nor fun. I think i’m having a bad day but 4D actually annoyed me.
I’m going 3*/1*
I agree
3*/4*. It’s impossible not to like Mondays when there is a Rufus puzzle to enjoy, and today’s was no exception even though I found it slightly tougher than usual in parts.
I wasn’t familiar with the use of “noise” to mean “rumour” in 29a, but the BRB confirmed it.
It’s hard to pick a favourite from so many good clues, and I am going to risk the wrath of Kath by having 1a & 9d as joint favourites with the joyously devious 22a running them close.
Many thanks to Rufus and to MP.
P.S. The Quickie pun is not hidden.
It is now – thanks.
Don’t think that I haven’t noticed!
30a – Rufus also seems to have more than one favourite!
Most of this puzzle was fairly straightforward with a couple of clues needing a bit of extra coffee. No real stand-out clues today I’m afraid.
Incidentally Miffypops – you have used the Answer to 9D in the hint to 9D !!! Poor form that man – I blame the chicken sandwiches myself
It is a good job I am not trying to make a living out of reviewing crossword puzzles. I would be sacked on a weekly basis.
Take it you decided not to review your clue for 9D then. :)
Incidentally, I see that Brian has decided that 22A was a dreadful clue, I am therefore upgrading it to today’s favourite – very clever and witty in my opinion
I don’t have a valid password that allows me in. I email the review to BD. He can alter it if he so wishes. I was late waking up this morning nd I hadn’t even started the puzzle. It is usually done in the early hours and I am usually an early riser so I have plenty of time to write and revise the blog before I ping it to BD. No time for that today
One positive from your ‘shenanigans’ yesterday and your ability to blog today is that your liver must be fully functional.
Found todays crossword fairly straightforward with 5d being the best clue for me.
**/****. Thanx to Compiler and to Miffypops and his hangover.
Hi MP, you may want to change the wording of the hint for 9d.
Thanks for the review as always, and thanks too to Rufus. **/*** from me.
Even with a Rufus, I used a little electronic help to get unstuck in the SE corner (couldn’t get a foot hold in 16d/22a/23d). Sigh. And I needed the hint to understand 5d (new meaning of “last” for me). Still, thanks for another lovely puzzle from the master, who makes it look effortless. Too many good clues to pick a favourite. And thanks Miffypops, for a sterling review as usual – I wouldn’t have guessed you were impaired if you hadn’t told us. Feel better soon :).
This dim-witty Kitty,
Who once had a sound brain,
Alas! What a pity –
Seems it’s gone down the drain…
The usual interesting but not too hard Monday puzzle, except for 22d which bothered me not a little! You get an idea in your head, know it isn’t right, but cannot see past it. Only thing to do is go and wash the lunch dishes in the hope that it will clear the brain – worked for me this time, thank goodness. **/*** for this puzzle and thanks to all.
We stared at this for ages before beginning to put one or two in, but once we got started we finished, except for 22 across and we had to wait for the hints to finish. Nearly always enjoy Monday crosswords, so thank you setter and thank you Miffypopps. **/*** stars today.
Hard but fair APART from 22a which was just awful!
Don’t mind obscure words or meanings in a clue but the wordplay needs to allow for it. The wordplay here was dreadful.
Somewhat marred what was otherwise a good puzzle.
Thx to Miffypops for the hints.
Somehow this didn’t seem like a Rufus to me. First read through came up with answers to several rather banal clues but then things improved and it became a bit more engaging. 30a was appropriately my fav. Thanks Rufus and MP. How about kill or cure for your problem with a shot of Fernet Branca or Underberg – on second thoughts perhaps a hair-of-the-dog?!
Like others I couldn’t solve 22A but unlike MP can’t blame the excesses of good living, that apart it was fairly plain sailing.
At long last me & the handbrake have moved into my late mothers gingerbread cottage the last few days have been hectic as I didn’t receive the contract on my house until last Wednesday lunch time, then exchange late thursday & complete on friday.
I must admit that I didn’t even have time to buy the paper & started to suffer withdrawal symptoms I need my daily crossword fix.Many thanks to MP & hope you feel a bit chipper tomorrow.
3*/3*. Thanks to the setter and MP for the review. 22a was never going to happen even with the checking letters. Thought 5d was the most amusing. Very nice start to the week apart from Everton managing to throw away the 2 of the 3 points in the last few minutes.
Thanks to Rufus and to Miffypops for the review and hints. A very good puzzle, but quite tricky. Needed the hints for 22&25a. Favourite was 6d. Was 3*/3* for me. Feels quite Autumnal in Central London.
I think I’d say 2* difficulty, or perhaps a bit more as my last few answers took ages, and 3* for enjoyment.
I wasn’t sure to begin with whether the anagram indicator in 1a was disturb or perhaps so had to wait until I had a few letters in.
19 and 22a and 16d were my last ones and I was a bit slow with 9d too.
I liked 1 and 26a and 5 and 23d. My one favourite was 8d.
With thanks to Rufus and Miffypops. Congratulations on the kitchen and commiserations on the hangover – hope you feel better by now.
I don’t want to nit pick but I think MO is the abbreviation for Medical Officer (a doctor as in 29a) rather than Medical Orderly (definitely not a doctor).
Nitpick away to your hearts content Kath. I am here to be educated.
Ha Ha Ha
22a got me going until the penny dropped, brilliant clue.
Similarly, 9d.
Lovely struggle.
Many thanks Rufus, great Monday fare.
Also thanks Miffypops for the review.
I found this fairly straightforward until I got stuck on the SE corner and needed the hints to finish 22a and 23d. Favourites are 5d and 23a. Thanks to setter and Miffypops.
I was flying through it until I hit the SE corner. I think my mind was disturbed by 22d which I could barely bring myself to type (you can take a boy out of North London but you can’t take North London out of the boy…) Like most I struggled with 22a; the definition is a bit arcane, although the wordplay in retrospect seems perfectly fair. I can’t ever recall seeing the adjectival form of 30a before, so the crossers were needed for that one.
On a positive note I overcame my recent four-letter problems as all eight of them here were very gentle.
Not my favourite Rufus by a long way but pleasant enough. 1.5/3*
I enjoyed this very much, especially the long solutions framing the grid. 1a was brilliant, I agree. I had no great difficulty except for 30a which held me up for a bit, and 22a which I loathed.
Many thanks to Rufus and Miffypops, and greetings to Mary if she’s lurking.
With the weather so wet here this morning I had the time to sit and enjoy today’s puzzle without feeling guilty that I ought to be doing something else. A very entertaining and straightforward Monday puzzle once I had a foothold, although 16d and 22a kept me thinking for longer than they should have. Thank you to the setter – nice one.
I really didn’t have any problems except for 22a and 22d. A lot of googling gave me 22d and some electronic help solved 22a, I just loved it. The anagrams at 1a and 8d set me up with a lot of letters to help solving. I should look this up, but I thought that mold=a form or a shape and mould=fungus?
I always enjoy Rufus puzzles, thank you Rufus, and today’s was no exception. Many good clues, hard to choose a fave, but I think 22a is it.
Glad you had so much fun yesterday, M’pops, try hair of the dog!
Like so many, 22a defeated me. What would we do without Big Dave!
Well! This was not the usual Monday fare I have become used to! The bulk of it was straight forward but there were a few awkward customers… namely 22a as has been mentioned several times already and for me, 30a and to an extent 29a also. Not words that feature that frequently in my vocabulary! However a good tussle and 20d was my fave as it took me a while to stop trying to get ‘corsair’ and ‘corvair’ in…
Oh well.
Thanks to Rufus and MP.
Just to buck the trend 22ac was fine for me – came to the blog for 9dn. Thanks!
Haven’t done crossword for ages so a bit rusty. Wouldn’t have been able to finish without help so thanks Miffypops.
Welcome to the blog Agnes
Hello from me too Agnes
Thanks Miffypops for sorting out the last two for me today, 16d and the notorious 22a. Great start to the week and greetings to you all from Suffolk by the Sea.
We had a lot of fun with 9d. We had the checking letters for the first word when one of our team (honest, it was not me) offered the suggestion GERMAN SAUSAGE. This must almost qualify as the WURST stab in the dark ever. We weren’t tempted to write it in though, even lightly. This gave us an extra laugh so deserves to be our favourite. Fun puzzle.
Thanks Rufus and Miffypops.
I had a good laugh at that one, and I think you deserve extra points for originality!
2*/3* or thereabouts. My favourite – for no good reason at all – is 29d. But that’s only because it reminds me of an appalling joke current in the Royal Navy back in the 80s: “Doctor, l think I’ve got hermes”. ” l think you mean herpes”. “No, l’m a carrier”. Well, l did say it was appalling! Thanks to Rufus for reminding me of it, and to Miffypops for an entertaining review.
If I only do one a week it will be Monday. I love the way I sort of know what the answers should be (9d) but have a start 1a and 8d. 22a was last to do. I managed to finish before the clues were posted. Thank you.
Well done Ally.
I found this pretty straight forward. I did struggle with 22a and the first word in 9d had be stumped.. I’d rate as **/**
‘re: 23d I put Avistas having ‘googled’ it. Avistas resorts is a registered company. Come on! 16a and 8d were easily the best clues.