Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27496
Hints and tips by Big Dave
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment **
For me this was not too difficult and not particularly enjoyable.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Share the cost of a trip to Amsterdam? (2,5)
{GO DUTCH} – this could indicate a trip to Amsterdam
5a Friendly or dreadfully cold air (7)
{CORDIAL} – an anagram (dreadfully) of COLD AIR
9a Deadly game as routine result is brought about (7,8)
{RUSSIAN ROULETTE} – an anagram (brought about) of AS ROUTINE RESULT
10a Return of jackal/fox hybrid prompts criticism (4)
{FLAK} – hidden (of) and reversed (return) inside the clue
11a Decrepit old car found in packing-case (5)
{CRATE} – double definition
12a Dissident with a saint’s heart providing accommodation for conservationists (4)
{ANTI} – the A from the clue and the middle letter (heart) of [sa]I[nt] around (providing accommodation for) the usual conservationists
15a Turned out detective’s all over the place, wasting time and energy (7)
{EVICTED} – an anagram (all over the place) of DE[TE]CTIVE after dropping (wasting) T(ime) and E(nergy)
16a Camera movement hurt sense of style (7)
{PANACHE} – a camera movement about an axis while taking a picture followed by a hurt or pain
17a Fan loves Northern comic (7)
{BUFFOON} – a fan or enthusiast followed by two of the zero tennis scores and N(orthern)
19a Rude about bishop getting ordained finally? It’s far from clear (7)
{BLURRED} – an adjective meaning rude, particularly when related to movies, around the usual abbreviated form of address for a bishop and followed by the final letter of [ordaine]D
21a Roguish and dry but not quiet (4)
{ARCH} – drop the musical notation for quiet from a verb meaning to dry
22a Issue makes one meditate moodily (5)
{BROOD} – two definitions – issue or offspring and a verb meaning to meditate moodily
23a Pole lacking in energy to make side (4)
{TEAM} – drop the S (South pole) from some energy
26a Mate or sailor welcoming kinky goings-on with physical presence (6-3-6)
{BRICKS-AND-MORTAR} – a mate or pal, OR and a three-letter word for a sailor around the abbreviated form of some kinky goings-on (1,3,1)
27a He sang jazzily — a god (7)
{GANESHA} – an anagram (jazzily) of HE SANG followed by the A from the clue gives an alternate spelling of the elephant-headed Hindu god of wisdom and success
28a Spooner’s cherished vessel said to be square one (4,3)
{YEAR DOT} – start with an adjective meaning cherished and what sounds like a sailing vessel then exchange (Spooner style) the initial letters of each word – yet another so-called Spoonerism that fails to change my opinion of their use in crosswords
1d One with a lot of neck in blunder involving taxman (7)
{GIRAFFE} – this creature with a long neck is derived by putting a blunder around (involving) the former taxman – when will setters realise that HMRC took over the role of the taxman in April 2005
2d Regret James turning up second at one’s party (15)
{DISSATISFACTION} – the first name of the much-loved Mr James of Carry On fame is reversed (turning up in a down clue) and followed by S(econd), AT, I (one), the S from ‘S and a party or group
3d Get stick (4)
{TWIG} – two definitions – to get or catch on and a small stick
4d German dog, setter perhaps, found in local district (7)
{HUNDRED} – the German for dog followed by a breed of (perhaps) setter
5d Yield to pressure to show revealing garment (4,3)
{CROP TOP} – a yield or harvest followed by TO and P(ressure)
6d Anger about embracing the Italian (4)
{RILE} – the two-letter word for about around (embracing) the Italian definite article
7d Acknowledgement of mistake given doctrines traced incorrectly (1,5,9)
{I STAND CORRECTED} – an anagram (incorrectly) of DOCTRINES TRACED
8d Dregs I would start to empty in sheltered spot (3,4)
{LEE SIDE} – some dregs followed by the abbreviated form of I would and the initial letter (start) to E[mpty]
13d Fit of temper that provides an edge? (5)
{STROP} – two definitions – the second being a piece of leather used for sharpening, or putting an edge on, razors
14d Finish pointless parody (3,2)
{END UP} – drop a compass point from a parody (4,2)
17d Go on and on about cover of bulky cushion for lounging on (4,3)
{BEAN BAG} – a phrase that means to go on and on (2,1,3) around the initial letter (cover) of B[ulky] – I thought this was a bit contrived
18d New rule stopping terrible fellow attaining a blissful state (7)
{NIRVANA} – N(ew) followed by the terrible Russian tsar around R(ule) and finally the A from the clue
19d Punch cutting? Cut probably occurred before this (4-3)
{BLOW-DRY} – a punch followed by an adjective meaning cutting or ironic
20d Weary about accepting the writer may be failing (7)
{DEMERIT} – an adjective meaning weary reversed (about) around (accepting) the first person singular objective pronoun (the writer)
24d Downhill runners? (4)
{SKIS} – a not-very-cryptic definition of long narrow runners fastened to the foot to enable the wearer to slide downhill on snow
25d Articulate IT worker forming conclusion (4)
{CODA} – sounds like (articulate) an IT worker
Well, what did you think?
The Quick crossword pun: (bay} + {con} + {czar} + {knees} = {bacon sarnies}
Fairly average crossword – the top half wrote itself in as I went along and the bottom half took a bit longer to fill in. Thanks to the Mysteron and BD.
Just to make Kath jealous (again) – off to Canterbury shortly for early lunch followed by a matinee performance of Vincent and Flavia’s new dance show.
Lucky old you – have fun and let me know what it was like.
I’ll email you when I have more time but would sum it up as ‘superb’ ‘brilliant’ ‘stunning’ and so on. Well worth going to see.
I look forward to hearing about it in detail whenever you have the time.
I think I spent longer trying to work out the wordplay for some of these clues, than I did in actually coming up with the answers. I couldn’t wait to see BD’s explanation for 17D – as I was at a complete loss to justify this one. The Spoonerism in 28A threw me for a while, as I took the vessel to be a pot. Good fun though and thanks to setter and BD for the review.
28a – Me too for a while! However PEAR DOT didn’t make any sense :)
It didn’t to me either and it was only when I solved 19D, that I twigged about Rev. Spooner’s yacht!
Not at all challenging. 20d the last one in due to my missing the reverse indicator (about). Lunch at The Quarterdeck Restaurant at The Nare Head Hotel today. Seafood here I come.
2.5*/3* for me today. I found this an interesting mixture of different types of clue of very different difficulty. On my first pass I had completed half the puzzle on course for 1* time, but the remainder took me much longer.
12a was my last one in because it took me a while to twig that we were looking for a two letter heart from a saint and not the middle letter of saint.
As a lover of Spoonerisms, 28a was my favourite.
Is the setter a time traveller? It must be about ten years since the UK taxman was referred to by the two letters needed to solve 1d!
Many thanks to Mr Ron (or was it Dr Who?) and to BD.
P.S. I see BD has confirmed it was in 2005 when the Inland Revenue ceased to exist
I just see 12a as A from the clue plus saint’s heart around the usual conservationists, same difference I guess. Thanks to the setter and BD for the write up. Last one in 25D. Favourite clue 2D as anything that reminds me of Sid James brings a wide smile to my face .
I like your parsing of 12a better than mine and have changed the hint.
12a – I agree with Werm … sa(i)nt’s heart …
Agree with Crypticsue and Mike T, top half *,bottom half ***,and the same wordplay problems with 17d-thanks BD – and for 25d explanation, which clue was a bit like a Christmas cracker joke ,quite liked the spoonerism for a change. .So ended up with a **/*** .Raining in Cheshire!.
Steady solve, but agree it was a bit flat. For once, the spoonerism made me chuckle. thanks to the setter and to BD for the review.
Funnily enough I’m finding parts of this puzzle entertaining and parts infuriating and difficult so I’m grateful for BDs’ hints. It’s raining in the Languedoc, we might as well be in Blighty
Hold the page – Il fait du soleil
Alors, il pleut ici aussi!
What a shocking sentence to pronounce…… Can it be correct?
Try il pleut buckets ici aussi – I get the feeling that all us gardeners are a bit cooped up today!
I can’t say it in French, but please send rain here, we are so dry. It doesn’t matter how often I water my garden, it’s not the same as good old rain.
If only I had that magic wand to send you most of our rain !
Je pense qu’il est
Temps gris ici aussi à Hyères…
Needed the hint to explain the answer to 26a. ‘S and M’ is new to me hence I couldn’t parse my answer. Didn’t enjoy this offering very much, but that’s just my opinion. However, thought the Quickie pun was excellent .
Thanx to the Compiler and BD for the review/hints. ***/*
I don’t want to be difficult here but I disagree with all of you. I found this very tricky (4*) and very enjoyable (also 4*).
It’s taken me about twice as long as usual and I almost gave up with my last few – 28a and 19 and 25d – but “perservated” and finished eventually.
I also needed the hint to explain 17d.
I normally like Spoonerisms but didn’t care much for this one as it only works when written rather than spoken – I thought the sounds were meant to be the same.
I got into a muddle with 4d – I saw the “hun” as the German which left me with a spare D in the middle. Oh dear!
I liked 17 and 22a and 3 and 13d. My favourite was 5d.
With thanks to the setter and BD.
Absolutely pouring in Oxford – off to play in the greenhouse.
I’m in agreement with you, Kath. We found the bottom half very tricky, and even now with the hints, I’m not quite sure that we have the correct answers for one or two. I usually like answers with two or more words, but even these were a bit difficult today. Never mind, roll on tomorrow.
Depends how you pronounce yot :-)
As opposed to gardening under cover, I have decided to go and get some chicken**** and seaweed.
And drive it all the way back in the car…….ahem!
Still, the ground which has been a bit hard and dry, should benefit from that and the weather. Hurrah!
I found this very tricky too and I would give it a 4*/3*! Went along the same way as you did for 4d… Needed quite a few hints (merci to BD) and am still stuck on 26a. Bricks and mortar fits but I am finding it difficult to parse. Still working on this one. Many thanks to the setter. Eyes fine…
Think I have got it brick or tar but what is s and m? what has it got to do with physical presence. Help?
The answer is the modern phrase for a real store as opposed to an on-line one. I’m not going to explain S&M on a family blog!
Thanks! Did not the expression, neither did my English husband!
S&M is sado-masochism (kinky goings on) not to be confused with M&S (which is knickers and underpants).
That’s just complicating things!
Thanks! My English husband has just told me that he knew what s and m meant… Did not think of asking him – he is normally my cricket specialist!
Glad eyes are fine.
26a A brick is a friend or mate – the middle bit is S and M (sadomasochism=kinky goings on) – then the “or” from the clue followed by one of the usual words for a sailor.
Thanks Kath! Still can’t believe I can bin all my old glasses and contact lenses paraphernalia.
I had cataract surgery on both my eyes four years ago. Amazing, isn’t it? My distance vision is terrific, but I do wear specs for computer work (just a mild prescription) since I have slight astigmatism. I can live with that!
I also had cataract surgery. I opted for middle-distance vision, so computer, TV, etc., are fine, and I just need glasses for fine print and to tweak distance when driving. Isn’t it wonderful.
Fairly easy puzzle today.
1a was first in for me as.I shall be in that city on Saturday at the Ciel Bleu restaurant atop the Japanese building to celebrate my daughter’s birthday anniversary. One gets a magnificent view of the city up there! (French restaurant!).
Weather here in NL is still magnificent after the violent thunderstorm two nights ago. It was much worse in Belgium where a lot of damage resulted.
Very gentle indeed but unlike most I did enjoy this offering, thanks to the setter and BD.
I agree with Kath,s **** for difficulty , but did,nt get much enjoyment out of it hopefully tomorrow is another day
Totally agree, very difficult and very little fun.
Not having contributed for a while, I thought it about time I put in my pennyworth. Found this difficult in parts. 3* and needed clues for most of SE corner. Still not happy with 28. Could not think of a suitable synonym for “rude” Would never have thought of “dry” for “cutting” (19d) . Etc. Anyway thanks to BD.
Don’t think I’ve seen a 17d that huge BD!
I enjoyed 19d and 28a.
26a was great wasn’t it? Especially the mid section. How many of us wondered about kinky as an anagram indicator before getting into it?
I’d give it a 3 for enjoyment.
I assume that’s why he’s called Big Dave!
Probably my poorest effort in a very long time. Thx to Bd for the ‘hints’ although I still couldn’t get at least 7 clues even from the hints. Could I make a plea to the ‘hinters’, we know they are double definitions but a bit of a hint would be most appreciated.
Thx to all.
Thank you setter. Like others I found the top half quite friendly, but it took me ages to do the bottom half. I managed to finish it with 26a, 28a, and 23a all needing a BD explanation. I found 23a particularly infuriating spending hours trying to find a word for a pole and taking “e” out ! I had the answer, and when I read the explanation I was even more annoyed ! I suppose it is a clever clue ? I am afraid that as the hours went by the enjoyment level fell away proportionately. A sad reflection on my ability ! Thanks BD for the review and hints which I needed to explain my own answers.
Thanks to Mr Ron and to Big Dave for the review and hints. I agree with Kath, I found this very difficult, but enjoyable. Was 3*/4* for me. I didn’t twig 3d :-) Also beaten by 19d. Had never heard of 5d, but got it from the wordplay. Had never heard of 4d in that context. Needed Big Dave’s explanations to parse 26a,17,18&20d. Favourites were 26 & 28a & 13d. Very entertaining. Dismal weather in Central London. Looking forward to our Squash Finals in Finchley on Saturday.
Not my cup of tea. 3*/2*.
Still chucking it down in Oxford – given up doing anything outside.
What a good excuse for having a go at yesterday’s Toughie or/and today’s.
Try today’s first!
OK – thanks, but why?
Today’s Dada will give you a boost before you tackle yesterday’s Elkamere! Other’s found it OK but I gave up!!
I also found this to be in two halves, the top half writing itself in and nothing below. I take issue with 2d being a synonym for regret … I know, I know, I know, before I get yelled at, I did look it up and it’s in the thesaurus as a synonym, nevertheless, I still don’t like it. Thanks to setter, I did finish eventually, and much thanks to BD for the explanation of why my answers were correct!
Well I finished it but very slowly and needed BD explanation for 26a but I have no idea why “hundred ” is a local district. Can anyone explain please?
A hundred was a division of a county, originally supposed to contain 100 families, according to the BRB. The name survives in one of the ancient “offices of profit under the Crown”, the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds, for which an MP who wishes to resign his seat can apply, thereby disqualifying him or herself from Parliament.
Thanks Physicist.
Today’s Toughie was a bit easier and a lot more fun. Like Big Dave I HATE spoonerisms!
Easy start – ran into trouble – bit of electronic help (which is roughly normal for me) and then completed it so would have to be ***/**. Thanks to setter and BD.
I found this, and am finding it, incredibly hard in parts.
Still two to go, I never, ever seek help!
Am starting to get irritable.
Thanks to the setter and BD
Hrothgar, I actually got very cross !
I’m swearing now with one to go!
What is so bad about seeking a little help when you need it? No shame in admitting that the setter has beaten you. Happens to us all one time or another.
I never do.
It’s my Rule.
I have a single figure backlog going back years still to complete with one clue.
Nuts, I know.
A mixture of enjoyment and brain ache not helped by my tendency to jump to conclusions and end up with the wrong letters.
The most difficult corner was SE.
One day I’ll be independent and not have to rely so much on hints and tips although I like looking at them because they can make me chuckle
Thank you setter and BD
I agree with the 3-4* difficulty people and only moderately enjoyable; thanks setter and BD although hints not needed today.
At least the rain is helping the veg garden!
I was having difficulty working the kinky goings-on but the comments above cleared that up. Initially, I thought it was going to be a write -in , (lovely) but as progressed down the puzzle , things got harder. The spoonerism escaped me (they usually do),and a few other clues required hints, thanks BD.I liked 16a,17a, and 19a amoung others.Thanks to the setter. Nobody seems to be guessing who !
A coupe of the pesky little four letter words were all that held us up, 12a and 25d. The rest all went in smoothly and we did enjoy the Spoonerism.
Thanks Mr Ron (no idea who it might be) and BD.
Like others, l found this rather a mixture. To generalise: the top half had me preparing to award a difficulty rating of less than 1*; the bottom half was well into 3* territory. 19a was my pick of the clues. Ta to Mr Ron, and to Big Dave for review and hints.
Like others, for me the top half was a breeze, but the bottom was a really trying howling gale. Struggled over the line eventually, but had no idea why some of my answers were correct, so thanks BD for the explanations. I hate Spoonerisms, but liked this one when I finally twigged after solving 19d, which was my favourite clue, unlike 25d, which was poor. 3*/3*
Glad I wasn’t the only one to find this testing, to say the least, and not a lot of fun either. ****/**. Needed more hints than usual – thanks BD for those and a reserved appreciation for the setter! Making 11a a crock didn’t help matters and IMHO – 5d, 28a, and 20d are all rather dodgy clues. 13d reminded me nostalgically of my father’s razor blade sharpening ritual. Here’s to happier challenges ahead.
I’m only starting out but I think the setter’s got a sense of humour
Didn’t like this one top half too easy bottom almost impossible.Really stuck on 25d and that whole SE corner dubious I though. Raining here too comme un vache qui pis en francais!
Welcome to the blog reggie.
I quite enjoyed this crossword. Some clues were much easier than others. I completed everything but needed the explanation for the wordplay of 26a. For once, I identified all the definitions correctly!
Fave was 16a. Also enjoyed 28a — which took me ages to work out — and 25d.
Thank you very much, setter, for the enjoyable puzzle. And thank you very much, too, Big Dave for the clarification.