Toughie No 701 by Warbler
Hints and tips by Bufo (in case anybody needs them)
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty * – Enjoyment ***
This was possibly the easiest Toughie I have ever solved. It was pleasant enough to do but is far below Toughie standard. It seems like yet another day where the back-page puzzle is the tougher of the two puzzles.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Dismiss British officer over stampede (5,3)
{BRUSH OFF} ‘To dismiss’ = B (British) + OFF (officer) round a stampede
5a Provide support for youngster (4,2)
{PROP UP} ‘To provide support’ = ‘for’ + a youngster
9a Fools, say, returned in anxious state (8)
{STRESSED} Reverse of what fools (e.g. gooseberry fools) are an example of to get ‘in anxious state’
10a University price row causes outcry (6)
{UPROAR} U (University) + PR (price) + ‘to row (a boat)’ = outcry
11a Exalted example of 16 if one’s written into document (7)
{DEIFIED} A 16 across meaning ‘exalted’ is mad up of IF I (one) inside a document
12a After Brit in Perth’s return he starts to adopt decidedly messy hairstyle (7)
{MOPHEAD} Reverse an Australian word for a British person. Add HE + A D (first letters of adopt decidedly) to get a messy hairstyle
13a Unusually my Dr chose to include separately a touch of potassium and iodine in injections (11)
{HYPODERMICS} An anagram (unusually) of MY DR CHOSE contains P (first letter of potassium) and I (iodine) to give injections
16a And 26 could make two-way communications (11)
{PALINDROMES} An anagram (could make) of AND with the answer to 26 across gives something that can be read both ways
21a American paints slithering snakes (7)
{TAIPANS} An anagram (slithering) of A (American) PAINTS gives large venomous Australian snakes
22a Reversing order Perth is changed to county town (7)
{MORPETH} A reversal of the abbreviation for the Order of Merit + an anagram (is changed) of PERTH gives the county town of Northumberland
23a Catch only some of incoherent rapping (6)
{ENTRAP} ‘To catch’ is hidden in incoherENT RAPping
24a Supplementary material’s total close to acceptable mark (8)
{ADDENDUM} Supplementary material = ‘to sum’ + close + U (acceptable) + M (mark)
25a Spoil run in the morning with grassy example of 16 (6)
{MARRAM} ‘To spoil’ + R (run) + AM (in the morning) gives a type of grass that is a 16 across
26a Begs for end of quarrel midst broken promise (8)
{IMPLORES} ‘Begs’ = L (last letter of quarrel) inside an anagram (broken) of PROMISE
1d Nearby is capital of Burundi’s eastern district (6)
{BESIDE} ‘Nearby’ = B (first letter of Burundi) + E (eastern) + district
2d Peacekeepers’ dominance is said to relax constraints (6)
{UNREIN} This is the only one that I had to think about. UN (United Nations = peacekeepers) + a homophone of a word meaning dominance (of a monarch) = ‘to relax constraints’
3d Intoxicant gets him almost sent initially to hospital (7)
{HASHISH} An intoxicant (cannabis resin) = ‘gets’ + the first letters of Him Almost Sent + H (hospital)
4d Unfortunately Dutch profit less in racing and hunting for instance (5,6)
{FIELD SPORTS} An anagram (unfortunately) of D (Dutch) PROFIT LESS gives ‘racing and hunting for instance’
6d Prepare eccentric cover again for example of 16 (7)
{REPAPER} An anagram (eccentric) of PREPARE gives a word meaning ‘to cover again’ which is a 16 across
7d Quietly sharpen habitual response of spoken words (8)
{PHONETIC} P (quietly) + ‘to sharpen’ + a habitual response = ‘of spoken words’
8d Eden ordered wavering side to support soldier (8)
{PARADISE} ‘Eden’ is an anagram (wavering) of SIDE coming after a soldier arriving from the air
12d I should interrupt quartet of mothers, giving the first example of 16? (5,2,4)
{MADAM I’M ADAM} I goes between 2 words meaning mother and the same 2 words meaning mother to give what is said to be the first ever example of a 16 across (spoken by Adam in the Garden of Eden)
14d Emu traps floated about against the current (8)
{UPSTREAM} An anagram (floated about) of EMU TRAPS gives ‘against the current’
15d Confine 150 oiks (not a thousand) on terrace (8)
{CLOISTER} ‘To confine’ = CL (150) + OI(K)S (K = a thousand) + TER (terrace)
17d When climbing a second time artist falls (7)
{NIAGARA} A reversal of ‘a second time’ + RA (artist) gives some well-known waterfalls
18d It’s bizarre! Most of county has a hilly middle (7)
{SURREAL} ‘Bizarre’ = a county in southern England with the last letter missing + A L (middle letter of hilly)
19d Lecturer with degree for a more colourful example of 16 (6)
{REDDER} Take a word for a lecturer and replace A by D (degree) to give a word meaning ‘more colourful’ which is a 16 across
20d Irish chap has difficult problem getting up (6)
{SHAMUS} An Irish boy’s name = an anagram (difficult) of HAS + a reversal of a problem
Has anyone needed the blog today?
Very pleasant solving and certainly a relief after the brain-battering back page but I agree with Bufo that this is hardly a Toughie – possibly my quickest ever Toughie solving time too. Thanks to Warbler and Bufo.
Presumably we are in for tough Toughie tomorrow as the level of difficulty seems to be running on alternate days this week, rather than progressing from easier to extremely tough as the week progresses.
Enjoyable enough. Thanks Warbler and Bufo.
Regarding the Toughie I am guessing Myops for tomorrow….
Knickers!. We haven’t had a head scratching Myops since early November.
Knickers from me too! He is my fave setter….
I thought this was quite cleverly put together, and I enjoyed it.
Thanks to Warbler, and to Bufo.
9a typo; answer needs reversing.
Bufo you need to reverse what you’ve put the answer to 9a
Now fixed.
Pleasant solve not up to Toughie standard but still enjoyable, thanks to Warbler and Bufo.
Agree with everyone else but still enjoyed it, thanks to Warbler and to Bufo ( By the way the answer in the bracket for 9a is an anagram of the correct answer and is part of the clue )
Dear Wrabler – why did you choose Potassium (chem symbol K) for your clue and not Phosphorus?
Yours etc
William Geddes
Well spotted – I wrote the anagram down with a K then realised the problem but forgot to mention it!
I take it all back! Warbler only mentioned “a touch of Potassium” which indicates the first letter P not the chemical symbol K. Apologies to Warbler!
Warbler doesn’t normally comment but I agree that ‘a touch of phosphorus’ would have made a lot more sense.
Not a Toughie but still good fun. Able was I ere I saw 16a. We could put 2 letters in on several clues which made it very easy. Loved 18d though as it was last in and it gave me a real doh moment as I had been trying to fit ‘tor’ in.
A man a plan a canal 16A
I think you have omitted Panama from the end!
A man a plan a canal – Panama.
I have indeed. But in fairness I was continuing a theme onwards and in reply to Upthecreek’s “Able was I ere saw 16A”
I missed that one!
I tend to work off an RSS feed of the comments.
I really wasn’t trying to demonstrate 1D back page O 1A of this site
Did that in 90% of my time for the back pager, so not really a toughie, but enjoyable.
Bufo – your explanation of 3d has too many A’s in it. I think you need most of HIM, and the first of SENT.
Thanks to Warbler for the puzzle & Bufo for the review & hints. Nice puzzle, I do like 16a’s. Hooray my second ever unassisted Toughie, even if it was a one star!! Favourites 7 & 12 downs.
An enjoyable puzzle as you’ve all said. I enjoy the range of difficulty in the Toughies.
Well – have had a go and, as a complete novice at toughies, I thought it was tough enough – all to do with mind set (plus time of day and a couple of glasses of wine with supper which doesn’t help!) Have now filled in my gaps in the acrosses and will have another try with the downs tomorrow.
So often in the toughies there is a clue that has to be solved before the rest of it makes sense. Today it was 16 and 26. All fine if you can spot what is going on but, if you can’t (and I couldn’t) you’re a bit stuffed (and I was!)
I WILL learn to do these. With thanks to Warbler and to Bufo – you may have thought that no-one would need the hints today but here’s one who needed LOTS so :smile: to you.
You’re not the only one Kath, I got nowhere with it and it is now in the bin!!