ST 2530 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 2530

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2530

A full analysis by Peter Biddlecombe

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ***** Enjoyment ****

Four-letter words scuppered me in this one – at 1D I wrongly had SHED when the large number is “shed load”, and at 23D I missed LEFT as one of the possibilities for ?E?T, and gave up with WENT, BELT and RENT all fitting only half of the clue. Both my fault, though helped by a fear/loathing of 4-letter words with common checking letters. Also helped by not realising that one apparent double definition was actually triple.

1 Cons with PR? Do it deviously as this (4,6)
SPIN DOCTOR – anagram of “Cons, PR do it” – an all-in-one clue as long as we allow “this” to describe a person
6 Man briefly named to occupy position announced (4)
PHIL = “fill” = occupy position
9 Within bars modern composer put in final part (7)
ENCAGED – (John) CAGE, avant garde compser, in END = final part
10 Minor role in two sections (3,4)
BIT, PART = “two sections”
12 Topic of discussion, one that’s ruled to be important (7,6)
SUBJECT = one that’s ruled, MATTER = to be important
14 Infuriate workers going without increase (6)
MADDEN – ADD = increase, inside MEN = workers. “without” has an archaic meaning of “outside”. Some fussier solvers wonder whether this meaning of outside actually included “on either side of” or “surrounding”
15 Detain alien in modern communications facility (8 )
INTERNET – INTERN = detain, E.T. = alien
17 With nothing visible in dark, possibly, I will produce this? (4,4)
ROAD KILL – O=nothing in anagram of DARK, I, ‘LL = will – another all-in-one
19 Constant failure as person could make you more careful (6)
CLOSER – C = a mathematical constant, LOSER = “failure as person”. And ‘careful’ is one of several meanings of ‘close’
22 Many travail, so may be converted to religious group (9,4)
SALVATION ARMY – anag. of ‘many travail, so’
24 Events at sea get a tar excited (7)
REGATTA – anag. of ‘get a tar’
25 Be pleased about Irish writer’s pronouncement (7)
REJOICE – RE = about, JOICE = (James) “Joyce”
26 Source of notes on back of envelope, initially (4)
OBOE – first letters of “on back of envelope”
27 Left seat by taking this off? (6,4)
SAFETY BELT – anag. of ‘left seat by’ – the third all-in-one among the acrosses
1 Eliminated a large number (4)
SLEW – 2 definitions, one ‘N Amer inf’
2 Made cuts in theatre I’d since edited (7)
INCISED – anagram of ‘I’d since’
3 Messy situation boxers, say, bring under control quickly (4,9)
DOGS BREAKFAST – DOGS = ‘boxers, say’, BREAK = ‘bring under control’ (as of horses), FAST = quickly
4 Bloke such as Morse, good at heart (6)
CODGER – G = good, in CODER = “such as Morse”. Arguably, “at heart” should indicate insertion into the exact centre, but that’s impossible in a 5-letter word and this as close as you can get
5 Going round and round in circles, carrying little information (8 )
ORBITING – BIT = little information (computing), in (O,RING) = circles
7 Cheer try added to score? Not half! (7)
HEARTEN – HEAR = try, TEN = half of score=20
8 Writing American volume with a true change of heart therein (10)
LITERATURE – LITER = ‘American volume’, A, TURE = true with a ‘change of heart’
11 Flower representative of happiness? Just the opposite (10,3)
TRAVELLERS JOY = wild clematis, a.k.a. “old man’s beard”. A traveller is a representative and joy is happiness, so ‘representative of happiness’ would be JOY’S TRAVELLER
13 Mostly have big effect on a carnival site as stage manager (10)
IMPRESARIO = stage (i.e. theatrical) manager. IMPRES(s) = ‘have a big effect on’, A, RIO = ‘carnival site’
16 Not altogether adult, I’m at academy for final terms (8 )
ULTIMATA = ‘final terms’ – hidden word
18 Briskly scored a half-century with cricket side, then run out (7)
ALLEGRO – A,L = 50 = ‘half-century’,LEG = ‘cricket side’,RO = run out
20 Person living highly ascetic life — it’s in fashion (7)
STYLITE – an ascetic dwelling on top of a pillar. IT in STYLE
21 In prison, perhaps, subject to charge? (6)
UNFREE – 2 def’s, one whimsical
23 Split in political group can be a blow (4)
LEFT – three definitions – split=departed, political group, and a punch in boxing