Toughie No 319 by Cephas
Saturday’s Prize Puzzle?
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BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
A very pleasant puzzle which shows us what Cephas, our regular Saturday setter, can do. At the lower end of difficulty for a Toughie, a puzzle like this would make a lot of sense as a Prize Puzzle.
Cephas has made pangrammatic puzzles a bit of a trademark in recent months, so you won’t be surprised to see all 26 letters of the alphabet in this one.
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Continue reading “Toughie 319”
Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26189
Hints and tips by Gazza
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ****
Ray T’s puzzles normally have one or two hidden answers but there are none at all in this one. Is this a new policy, or did he just forget? I thought that there were some cracking clues today and I really enjoyed the challenge.
We’d love to get your views of the puzzle, the review or the site generally. You can do this very easily by using the comment facility at the bottom.
If you’re new to the blog you may not realise that the answers are present in the review but hidden between the curly brackets under the relevant clue (so that you can’t see them accidentally). Drag your cursor across from the left to the right bracket if you want to reveal one.
Continue reading “DT 26189”