December 16, 2009 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie 269

Toughie No 269 by Warbler

.. and Montmorency came too

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BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment **

Warbler, probably more than any other Toughie setter, produces puzzles which can range from rather tough to relatively gentle. This is one of the latter and I can’t say that I enjoyed it all that much. I’m not over fond of anagrams at the best of times, and to have eleven in one puzzle seems excessive. Also, some of the surface readings seem forced (especially 8d) and at 25a we have one of those clues where you can’t tell which part is the definition and which the wordplay until you have a checking letter.

Do you agree or do you think it’s great? In either case let us know with a comment!

Continue reading “Toughie 269”

DT 26113

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26113

How do you like your curate’s eggs in a morning?

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment **

Greetings from the Calder Valley. A curate’s egg of a puzzle today, nice in parts but in others… One or two clever clues, but a couple of the definitions were of the “hits the target but not the bullseye” sort; 17 down. for example. My other grumble is the use of almost similar words in 2d and 9 across. This is just laziness by the setter and could fairly easily have been altered.

Feel free to have your say after the blog, and mark the puzzle using the star system. New posters are always welcomed, but you may have to wait a little for your first post to appear as it has to be moderated, to ensure no silly spammers get through peddling their rubbish.

Continue reading “DT 26113”