DT 26092 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 26092

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26092

A full analysis by Big Dave

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment *

Only the Telegraph, among quality dailies, would have a prize puzzle that is this easy.


1a Can’t be seen from the mountains (3,2,5)
OUT OF RANGE – This is a double definition –first: can’t be seen because it is too far away, second: from the mountains could, at a stretch, be said to be out of range

6a Separate item on dining-table (4)
FORK – a double definition

8a Twice as much as a cheap opera? (8)
SIXPENNY – double the amount of the Threepenny Opera by German dramatist Bertolt Brecht and composer Kurt Weill

9a Verify said form of payment (6)
CHEQUE – sounds like check (verify)

10a How actual bell might sound genuine? (4,4)
RING TRUE – a part-cryptic double definition, the main definition being “sound genuine”

11a Being less active, one working with glass did not start (6)

12a Play group (4)
CAST – a group of people in a play

14a Slander notice appears during suspension of hostilities (7)
TRADUCE – a word meaning to slander comes from AD (advertisement / notice) inside TRUCE (suspension of hostilities)

18a Tried short-time worker, youth in 1950s (7)
TEMPTED – a synonym for tried is a charade of TEMP (short-time worker) and TED (Teddy boy / youth in 1950s)

20a Whale damaging no end of coral (4)
ORCA – this whale is an anagram of CORA(L)

23a Environmentalist with European author (6)
GREENE – GREEN + E(uropean) gives Graham GREENE

24a Lied about drink I included producing wild excitement (8)
DELIRIUM – an anagram (about) of LIED is followed by RUM (drink) with I included to give a word meaning wild excitement

25a Payment of part of current allowance (6)
RENTAL – a payment is hidden inside (part of) current allowance

26a Stirrup twelve inches and more (8)
FOOTREST – a charade of FOOT (twelve inches) and REST (more)

27a Metal guide (4)
LEAD – a double definition

28a Where to find church militant in Wiltshire? (10)
WARMINSTER – WAR + MINSTER gives this town in Wiltshire – ouch


1d Block former pupil over the way with curt disposition (8)
OBSTRUCT – a word meaning to block is built up from OB (Old Boy / former pupil) with ST (street / way) and an anagram (disposition) of CURT

2d Demanding levy in force (6)
TAXING – TAX (levy) with IN and G (force of gravity)

3d Fast that is replaced by festival (6)
FIESTA – this is a borderline indirect anagram –an anagram (replaced by) of FAST and IE (id est / that is) gives a type of festival

4d Proclaimer only seen or heard at intervals (9)
ANNOUNCER – this proclaimer is semi-cryptically defined

5d Increase rapidly or go down the tube? (8)
ESCALATE – a word meaning to increase rapidly could also , at a stretch, mean going down a moving staircase to the Underground Railway

6d Reportedly makes a release at university during icy spell (6-2)
FREEZE-UP – sounds like (reportedly) FREES (makes a release) together with UP (at university) gives what happens during an icy spell

7d Game permitted in passage (8)
ROULETTE – this gambling game is created by inserting LET (permitted) inside ROUTE (passage)

13d Say there’s space for private cabin (9)
STATEROOM – combine STATE (say) and ROOM (space) to get a private cabin on board a ship

15d Get back from River Tees shortly (8)
RETRIEVE – a word meaning to get back is an anagram (from, one of the loosest of anagram indicators) of RIVER TEE(S)

16d Very many expelled were downcast (8)
DEJECTED – start with D (Roman numeral for 500 / very many) and add EJECTED (expelled) gives a word meaning were downcast

17d Locals we served salad (8)
COLESLAW – an anagram (served) of LOCALS WE gives this salad consisting mainly of shredded cabbage with a dressing

19d Line taken by director touring emirate (8)
DIAMETER – a straight line passing through the centre of a circle terminated at both ends by the circumference is constructed from D(irector) and an anagram (touring) of EMIRATE

21d Part of engine to spin round (6)
PISTON – this part of an engine is an anagram (round) of TO SPIN

22d Periodical taunt is in French (6)
DIGEST – a periodical, for example Reader’s Digest, is created by combining DIG ( a taunt) and EST (the French for “is”)

4 comments on “DT 26092

      1. Ah – many thanks. i was unaware of the protocol, just thought all the old ones were still up for guesswork for tardies like me who put them on the “must find time for that later” pile!

        1. I know the feeling! Another Saturday puzzle will be out in only a few hours from now.

          If you only need a few hints, just look at the ” – Hints” posts for the weekend prize puzzles.

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