Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26087
Hints and tips by Rishi
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
Today Rishi joins us as a guest blogger and he hopes to be with us most Mondays. He will be familiar to followers of Derek Harrison’s Crossword Centre Forum (see the link in the sidebar) and he has also contributed to Fifteensquared. I’m sure you will all welcome him and appreciate looking at today’s puzzle from a different perspective. BD
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I have pleasure in blogging (from Madras that is Chennai, India) on our Monday Maestro’s crossword.
I am familiar with Rufus’s clueing technique from regularly solving his syndicated puzzle that appears in a local paper. I have solved DT crosswords in paperback collections but without knowing the authorship of the puzzles.
I have seen the DT crossword reproduced in a lesser-known upcountry paper but I don’t know if it still appears in it.
The answers below are hidden so that you don’t see them until you want to. Select the white space inside the curly brackets beneath the clue and the answer will unfold itself.
If you disagree with any interpretation of mine, there is the Comments section where you can have your say.