Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26081
Hints and tips by Big Dave
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ****
I struggled a bit with the North West corner – mainly because it was a while before I realised that (6-4) for 1 across was really (5’1-4). It seems strange that hyphens are shown in the enumeration, but not apostrophes; perhaps that would give too much away. Many thanks to our Monday Maestro for a good, solid puzzle (once I had overcome the aforementioned hang-up!).
This weekend, being the coldest for some time, was when our central heating decided to stop working. The lateness of this post is due, in part, to the presence of the engineer. His prognosis was that the controller was faulty, which he demonstrated by switching it on, off and back on again. Sometimes it worked, and others it didn’t! A trip to the plumbing supply shop has been added to today’s itinerary.
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