DT 26062 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 26062

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26062

A full analysis by Big Dave

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment ***

I thought this was quite an easy puzzle, but there were a few clues that generated queries last weekend. My only real complaints were the use of “from” to indicate an anagram and the American term for a water pistol, which is rarely used in the UK, although I would be interested to read your opinion on these.

Tilsit hopes to be back in this slot next week.

Leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.


1a Carbon copy for head (4)
CAPE – C (chemical symbol for carbon) and APE (copy) give a head(land)

3a Tom is on hand to turn the pages (5)
THUMB – a double definition – Tom Thumb and to thumb the pages

6a Writer’s cut (4)
HACK – another double definition – a derogatory term for a writer or journalist and to cut roughly

8a Stop at the end of the sentence perhaps (11,4)
PUNCTUATION MARK – a full stop is an example of this (hence the “perhaps”)

9a Some more hashish to use again (6)
REHASH – hidden inside (some) more hashish is a word meaning to use again

10a I speak ill of Cuban perhaps (8)
ISLANDER – this seems to have fooled a lot of people, but it’s just a charade of I and SLANDER (speak ill of) – once again Cuban is merely an example, so it’s well worth watching out for “perhaps” in the future

11a Gareth, go inside with the continental grotesque figure (8)
GARGOYLE – GARY (Gareth) with GO inside and followed by LE (the continental / French) – it is usually courteous to indicate a shorted form of a proper name by putting something along the lines of “Little Gareth”

13a Remained sober, say (6)
STAYED – one half of this double definition is a homophone – STAID (sober) sounds like (say) the answer

15a The right quartet inside prosper (6)
THRIVE – THE with R(ight) and IV (Roman numeral for four / quartet) inside gives a word meaning to prosper

17a Reported poet, one working in hospital (8)
HOUSEMAN – this junior doctor sounds like (reported) AE HOUSMAN

19a Person ignoring nation’s customs (8)
SMUGGLER – a cryptic definition

21a Remove cattle from Ulster (6)
RUSTLE – a word meaning to illegally remove cattle is an anagram of ULSTER – in my opinion “from” is an unfair indication of an anagram and should not have been allowed

22a Blows generally expected (10,5)
PREVAILING WINDS – a cryptic definition

23a Bit of spice readily used by one making cake topping (4)
ICER – hidden (bit of) inside spice readily is an item used by one making cake topping

24a Idiot going round square made progress (3,2)
GOT ON – put GOON (idiot) around a T-square to get a phrasal verb meaning made progress

25a Let rip (4)
RENT – a double definition – to let or rent a property and a rip or rent in some material


1d Protection of original work, imitation being correct (9)
COPYRIGHT – a word meaning the protection of original work is a charade of COPY (imitation) and RIGHT (being correct)

2d Wild animal from Penarth (7)
PANTHER – once again “from” is being used to indicate an anagram

3d Use printing machine with feeling? (5-4)
TOUCH-TYPE – a cryptic definition

4d You, we hear, went in in a roundabout way to straighten out (7)
UNTWINE – combine U (you, we hear) and an anagram (in a roundabout way) of WENT IN to get a word meaning to straighten out

5d Cook right inside grill (5)
BROIL –put R(ight) inside BOIL (cook) to get a word meaning to grill

6d All of us in a hurry? (5,4)
HUMAN RACE – a sort of all-in-one  – not quite a double definition and not just a cryptic definition, but quite a good clue

7d Get up in the middle during procession (7)
CORTEGE – put GET reversed (up) inside CORE (middle) to get a procession

12d Recalling thorough check (5,4)
GOING OVER – a double definition – recalling and a thorough check

13d Jet-propelled weapon? (6,3)
SQUIRT GUN – a barely cryptic definition of this American name for a water pistol

14d Evening service (6,3)
DINNER SET – yet another cryptic definition

16d Epic chore I’m fumbling (7)
HOMERIC – a word meaning epic, as an adjective, is an anagram (fumbling) of CHORE IM

17d His part had been arranged for plucky player (7)
HARPIST – an anagram (had been arranged) of HIS PART gives someone who plucks a musical instument

18d Meantime not starting arranging performance (7)
MATINEE – an anagram (arranging) of (M)EANTIME without the first letter (not starting) gives this afternoon performance

20d Not standing falsehoods (5)
LYING – a double definition – falsehoods in the sense of the act of telling lies