September 16, 2009 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie 217

Toughie No 217 by MynoT
O-Level Examination

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty **** Enjoyment ****

Having completely failed to notice (until it was pointed out) that only one vowel was used in all the answers in each of MynoT’s last three Toughies, I was on the lookout for this one! However, even when you’ve grasped what’s going on, it’s far from easy, with some pretty obscure words. You get a real sense of satisfaction from finishing a puzzle like this, and I really enjoyed it.

As usual we’d love to get your views via a comment.

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DT 26035

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26035

A Grumpy Old Man writes……

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment **

Greetings from the Calder Valley  where I have been largely incarcerated in my flat , as the old illness has been playing up.  One of the joys of my imprisonment, apart from the chance to get my blood nice and angry watching the Jeremy Kyle Show and other daytime delights, has been that I have been solving (and compiling) quite a few crosswords from all of the national newspapers.

This has left me in a bit of a dilemma about today’s cryptic.  While I am sure that a few of you will feel happy about it because you have been able to solve it, I actually feel cheated of a challenge with it. I just felt it was not worthy of its place in a national newspaper. Some of the clues were utterly dreadful and downright unfair.    If you are asked to name a little boy, would you think of the answer NAT?  An answer worthy of the new BBC2 daytime quiz show Pointless, where the object is to get answers no-one thinks of.

I am not sure who the setter was today but it was almost my fastest Telegraph solve of all time.

Time for you to feel the love.

Continue reading “DT 26035”