August 24, 2009 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

DT 26015

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26015

Hints and Tips by Tilsit

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *** Enjoyment ***

Time for another battle with the Monday Maestro.  I have a feeling that those who find him to be extremely easy might have had a surprise today.  There were one or two clues that caused me to scratch the old noggin and raise a few sparks.  Overall quite a nice balance of clues, where some weeks we seem to have a preponderance of one type or another.

As usual, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts and welcome your contributions.  A couple of things to remember, first time posters take a little longer to appear purely as they are vetted just to make sure they are not spammers being a pain in the rectum.  There’s also a star rating facilitiy at the end of the blog and you can click on that to show your rating the puzzle.  It’s purely for fun.

Oh,  and for those who haven’t seen this in today’s papers!

Ashes Obit

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